I try to give an insight in my own life and dealings with rosacea. I also try to gather information that might be useful for everyone with rosacea, especially subtype 1 with burning, flushing and skin redness. I happen to be a bit unfortunate in that I have this condition for a long time already, and unlike many others, I haven't been able to get it into remission. I know it is more uplifting to read about someone who has beaten rosacea, but I like to write about the struggles that come for those who haven't achieved this. I also blabber here about everyday life topics.
September 29th 2018
I still had a draft post lingering about the trip to New York from 2006, which my sister, mother, her new husband (at the time new) and his kids took back then. I already had the rosacea trouble for a good 7 years by then, but that trip went fairly well and was a real highlight of the year. I published the post after all, it is stored all the way at the beginning of this blog, but you can read that blog post here if you are interested. My skin is normalizing a lot by now, the pityriasis rosea is almost gone. The areas first started to become flakey, then dried up it seemed, turned into a sort of brown skin colour, then the top layer shed and pinkish new skin became visible underneath. Then the new skin became wrinkly, like foil paper, and very delicate. And by now the skin seems to become more firm again. I have what looks like hyperpigmentation all over my body now but I am certain that is temporary until the skin recovers entirely. Unfortunately a few spots came back on my upper legs but I blame that on some high stress the past week. (They are already starting to fade in the centers again as we speak). So, what stressful event triggered that mild recurrence? My beloved cats! Again. This time no untimely death (sniff), but all of them caught the calicivirus. One after another. These viruses can mutate like crazy, so old vaccinations is not protecting any of them, although the cat who did not get this vaccination (I'm almost too ashamed to type this, he got HIV and other major vaccinations but I shuddered reading in his little passport that calicivirus was not among the vaccines), well he got it by far the worst. Think of drooling of clear mucus from the mouth, smacking the lips and clicking the mouth constantly, sores on tongue and cheeks that prevent them from eating like normal and my dear bunny-tailed cat Piotr even has inflamed gums of the teeth. I have visited the vet numerous times and aside from anti-inflammatory medication , a stomach protecting drug and liquid power food that I can administer to them with a syringe, it is a virus that has to run its course, now that there are no secondary infections going on. I don't want to sound dramatic, but I have respect for mothers who handle several (ill or healthy) kids, as I have been caring for a couple of cats now and it has taken up half my days time and energy...
First one needed to be entirely isolated from the rest. Then a second too. Make that constant policing of doors and windows, constant washing and disinfecting of water and food bowls, cuddling, comforting, administering medication, forcing their poor little mouths open while whey whinge in pain. Then comforting them again. Then there is Piotr who wants cuddles and attention all the time, and Igor who howls and cries when he is left alone too much. Preparing tuna in warm water, mixing it so they might be able to swallow it (not..). Googling whether or not meloxicam is safe or not for cats (I read nothing but horror stories about it online.. I don't even trust a vet anymore these days... tragic... But I read there isn't that much out there for pain treatment for cats). Googling what else I can do against this calicivirus.. Worrying. Checking if it can be lethal for cats.. Here Koshka is mightily sad and pitiful. Koshka has an ulcer on his nose, a sore, it seems, as well as on his tongue and he is salivating a lot; mucus dripping from his mouth. (I use no make-up normally, so sorry for the shitty half gone eyebrows in the photos, that are unfashionably unretouched and the lack of eye lashes and the blotchy skin and watery eyes and little birds mouth).

Koshka was breaking the house down today as he wanted to go outside, raging like a lion. When he is like that and has the energy for it, he can actually attack the door. LOL; ram it like a rhino or scratch it. They know what buttons to press hehe. They never seem to actually injure themselves when throwing their bodies against the door, but when they want something, they want it NOW. So I let Igor in through the front door and Koshka leaped like a jaguar over him through the tiny door opening outside! Without his GPS tracker on as I took it off to make him more comfortable. I jumped after him right away, and luckily he started rolling on the ground in the sun in the garden, so I approached him very gentle and managed to pick him up again. Phew! I set up the large dog bench I still have and put him in there in the garden, so that he has some wind and sun and sight anyway, but of course he is trying to escape. I guess he has some energy again. My dear friend Emma also has rosacea and she has two Burmese cats, absolutely gorgeous creatures and with their own health issues, so she has been a huge emotional support for me, discussing this and that's and what if's, thus or so's. I do understand why cat ladies have the crazy label attached to them haha. But man.... what a load of work and worries. I was supposed to travel this week, but last minute decided to let it go (and a few hundred euro's worth of tickets, arghh), as I couldn't leave my dear cats alone under someone else's care. oh well... So from the stress, I assume, I have a few new pityriasis patches on my legs, but nothing too bad...
Song of the day (I think
this man is so hot):

I also read The Bell Jar from Sylvia Plath last week. I like some of her poems, and I have been very intrigued by her life story, mostly because it is very tragic and also because I'm a big fan of her husbands poetry, Ted Hughes. This is her only novel and I have been pondering why I was not mightily enthusiastic about it. Sylvia Plath to me is a better poet than a writer. She writes well, but to me this book is not so much a classic novel with a captivating story arch, but more like a journal. It reads like a journal, and its first third was interesting enough, as she details the big city America of the 1950's by the sound of things, and that is a great era to be thrown back in. But soon after the book spirals into absolute navel staring, set in a One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest setting. I get it was new and refreshingly honest how she described a mental breakdown, and in light of her life it was interesting to peek into her mental state of mind, but I don't think it made for a classic novel necessarily... Just personal opinion of course :) I personally dislike books or movies dealing with mental health patients as it all becomes so clichéd quickly. And depressing. Which I don't mind, depressing topics, just not about mental health facilities and the odd characters being there. Maybe it is highly interesting for people who never dealt with any sort of depressions, despair and mental health problems, but I know them personally (not as severely experienced as Sylvia though, much more mildly and transiently) and as well as she describes her fall into the dark pit; for me it does not make a great story. More an enlightening but ultimately very depressing series of diary entries. I am biased as A. I don't like to read about depressing diaries and B. I love classical story telling, think of Tolstoi or Sandor Marai. All encompassing worlds with multiple layers and an actual story arch. So this book wasn't my cup of tea. I did love the little splatters of poetry she dropped in, for instance:
“When we came out of the sunnily lit interior of the Ladies' Day offices,
the streets were gray and fuming with rain. It wasn’t the nice kind of rain
that rinses. you clean, but the sort of rain I imagine they must have in
Brazil. It flew straight down from the sky in drops the size of coffee
saucers and hit the hot sidewalks with a hiss that sent clouds of steam
writhing up from the gleaming, dark concrete."

I saw something interesting by Jordan Peterson the other night. Normally he bickers with Sam Harris on morality and religion, or tries to resist the "Left Agenda" and new pronouns being decreed by law in Canada. But now he discussed his diet. Also the uploaded version of the video, in case the original is chucked off youtube again, perhaps, in the future:
So Jordan Peterson says that he has depression and that he had it since his teens. And his daughter has severe arthritis. They now follow a highly restrictive diet of only beef with salt and water. No veggies, no fruits, no grains, no dairy. Just the meat. And her arthritis cleared, his depression and many other ailments too (he describes them in the video). Or so he says for now. They are both convinced that diet seems to help them both. With these trial and error things you never know what is placebo and what is perception and what is real, but I do belief that cutting out sugars for instance can have a beneficial effect on all sorts of auto-immune diseases. Scientific research supports this actually; sugar is pro-inflammatory, and recently Belgian researchers even found and published about sugar firing cancer cells on. Then there are grains like wheat which are also said to be potentially inflammatory. For healthy people that inflammation is probably not going to cause any direct symptoms. But for people like myself and so many others, who deal with inflammation and heat and pain daily, sometimes (not the case for everybody, as forums prove day in and day out) foods can cool off or fire up inflammation. So JP cutting out grains, dairy, sugar, carbs, the whole lot of it.. it could be related to a lesser inflammation load that his and his daughters symptoms cleared. Science also linked depression to inflammation recently. But... eating only meat? Even our ancestors the cavemen varied at least with wild berries and such. Eating nothing but red meat might increase the risk of bowel cancer, it might cause a lack of anti oxidants and vitamins and fibers and stuff in the long run.. who knows. It sounds a bit extreme, but he clearly lost a good deal of weight and seems energetic in his online videos. He talked about how his daughter went from barely able to walk and feeling down and looking terrible, to being a new person. It was his daughter's story that got him to do it too. Whenever I hear about that type of diet though, I think of people thousands of years ago who used to die at such a young age. I do believe that this all meat diet is helping him, BUT..... apparently in the long run, only meat and water and salt is not enough for good health and you need at least vegetables to go with them. Also, most people going carb free feel actually tired and down, as the brain needs some sort of carbs they say. Doctors are all warning against such a one sided diet and for all we know, JP drops dead in 5 to 10 years from now. I find that cutting out wheat, dairy and sugar by itself already helps with inflammation however.
"Will we walk all night through solitary streets? The trees add shade to shade, lights out in the houses, we’ll both be lonely. Will we stroll dreaming of the lost America of love past blue automobiles in driveways, home to our silent cottage?"
Music clip of the day
Some photos of my skin this week (swollen face is the result of flushing for me...)
And some photos of my pityriasis now and before
September 14th 2018

Poor feet over the past days
In comparison, my left (better) foot
Even the cats find my feet shocking and laughable and shout at me that I look like the elephant (wo)man.

I do get more flushy in the evenings, but as soon as I lay in bed and make sure to have the clip on fans on and don't overheat my body with layers of night wear and blankets, then my skin is usually relatively pain free (I always ' feel' my skin however, it always feels a bit uncomfortable, tight, on the verge of a burn) and flush free. Our body temperature reaches its lowest point when we sleep, and that might help me to not be flushed usually. However, in the evening our body temperature is higher than normal, and the blood flow to our skin also increases in the evening, warming the skin and possibly triggering our blood vessels to dilate more, as rosacea skin tends to have weaker, more easily dilated blood vessels. In the evening our body also releases more cytokines, which increase inflammation. Meanwhile, production of corticosteroids — hormones that reduce inflammation — slows down in the evening. On top of these factors, your skin loses more water at night. All of this could make people with rosacea more easily flushed in the later afternoon and early evening. Add to that also that often we eat the largest meal of the day in the evening (not everyone and not in all countries/cultures though), and aside from possible food triggers, big meals set off heat in the body once the digestive system goes to work. And we also have been building up possible triggers all day, from traveling to public transport to work places that might not be favourable for rosacea to sun exposure etc

Of course, hearing Esther Perel make such a distinction between the proactive go getters and the melancholic reserved camp survivors, it also felt a bit short sighted to narrow it down to attitude. Some people have an extrovert personality type and get energy from being around others and going out, others are introverts who might have a lot more trouble overcoming such immense trauma. When our middle sister died in 2004, my youngest sister had a much more proactive approach too, forcing herself not to hang onto that trauma and going out a lot. I am the opposite of her and more of an introvert and I was sucked in deep by the sadness and loss. I don't think either of us made a conscious choice to do one of the other, but instead did what comes natural to us. Maybe the second group of camp survivors Perel described, had much worse PTSD. perhaps their unique experiences were different, or the contact of their outcome was worse. Perhaps their personality types didn't allow them to take a lot of people into confidence and they didn't talk much about what they went through, instead bottling it up (whereas talkers tend to work through trauma more by opening up and talking about it, especially when their trustees are sincerely interested and sympathetic). And thinking about the horrors these people went through, isn't it bound to haunt your mind until you die? And with regards to happiness being subjective; it also necessitates a certain measure of self-deception. If you are unable to suspend thoughts of events and consequences that are anything but desirable, then happiness is but a transient moment, if at all attainable.

Esther Perel said that humans erotic imagination can also be the source of personal problems for humans; most of us want to feel something, instead of just do something; perform. And so many people have interpersonal problems; with loved ones, with family members.. :( But relationships are a story, and every player in it has his or her own version of the story. In a good relationship, these versions of the story can overlap, or live together without clashing at the least. But when these versions are in complete conflict, and seem entirely different stories, there is trouble. Then people feel powerless, isolated and misunderstood, and this can do long term damage. A therapist can help deal with such obstructions of people get stuck in the past and cannot move forward (although for others, affecting vengeance upon would-be-oppressors-and-tyrants, including total disregard for norms of morality as well as law also seems to work wonders to avert despondency and depression. Jokes.. sort of). And therapy, like AAA-membership or rehab, can only work for those who want to change.. Those who actually have some remorse, or introspection hidden inside them already. I read that therapy rarely to never works for narcissist or psychopaths for instance (VERY different group!), because they can morph themselves into very compliant seeming patients, all the while observing the therapist and refining their manipulation techniques further. making them more dangerous. Esther says that it is not ideal to feel like a victim the rest of your life, and to let the past drag the now and the future down. Perel gave the example of the recent movie about ice skater Tonya Harding, where an ambitious mother gives very tough love to her daughter, in order to succeed. And in adult life, the daughter has a lot of problems with the past and her mothers upbringing. But both have a different version of the story and have their own arguments. The mother is played brilliantly by Allison Janney, and she really does have a story behind her choices; how her own mother never invested in her, and how she gave all her time, energy and money to her daughter in order to succeed. We'd call her a Tiger Mom these days probably.

And here are some more from Tinseltown: https://www.instyle.com/weddings/celebrity-couples-look-alike#1429722 I see it around me too. Science says we are attracted to people who look like ourselves, creepily enough. We think that similar looking people are more trustworthy for instance. And even if you don't look like him or her initially, then science also says that in a decade or two later, you will look like the other. And sometimes we fall in love with someone who is the opposite of us in terms of character. Looks wise science actually says that we tend to fall for partners looking a bit alike actually, but opposites in character do attract in some cases. An introvert person can really enjoy the extrovert qualities of a partner initially, for instance. One can sweep the other up and let them rise, and the other can offer calm and stability. But whatever once was attractive because it was different, can further down the line become the source of a lot of conflict. We also expect so much from modern relationships; a partner has to fulfill so many roles in today's secularized, individual commercial society: your best friend, the person who you can confide in with anything, the one to have spectacular sex with, the one to be the perfect parent further down the line. And on top a partner is expected to make you feel content, satisfied, adored, respected and challenged all the time too. It's too much. It's bound to cause disappointment, and then there are all these modern day apps and technologies waiting to draw you back in and look for someone different, better. (And that is also why escort services exist lol. Or why ill-advised alternatives are prevalent—multiple secret lovers, polyamory, aka ‘having your cake and eating it too’). Humans don't copulate after all simply to procreate, Esther taught us above.

"He accompanied her up the hill, explaining to her the details of his forthcoming tenure of the other farm. They spoke very little of their mutual feeling; pretty phrases and warm expressions being probably unnecessary between such tried friends. Theirs was that substantial affection which arises (if any arises at all) when the two who are thrown together begin first by knowing the rougher sides of each other's character, and not the best till further on, the romance growing up in the interstices of a mass of hard prosaic reality. This good-fellowship -- CAMARADERIE -- usually occurring through similarity of pursuits, is unfortunately seldom superadded to love between the sexes, because men and women associate, not in their labours, but in their pleasures merely. Where, however, happy circumstance permits its development, the compounded feeling proves itself to be the only love which is strong as death -- that love which many waters cannot quench, nor the floods drown, beside which the passion usually called by the name is evanescent as steam."
Thomas Hardy wrote well over a century ago, in 1874, and in an upper class style too, so it's indeed going to sound like Chinese for many people these days. I think he said: They were having feelings for each other, but because they were long standing friends already, there was no need for extra words to underline this with warm or flirty words. (The type of words you do use with someone you just met and feel an attraction to). When they first met in the past, they started off by getting to know the unpleasant sides of each others characters. They only later got to know the best sides of their characters and this allowed a fondness and affection to grow (in contrast to when you first meet someone and they only show you their most attractive sides, only to find out later on what unpleasant traits they were hiding from you). And based on this very realistic view of the other they build a rock solid friendship. He says that a comradely type of friendship usually is formed when people have the same habits or aims in life, but that it is very rare that this friendship is lifted up to love, because men and women don't connect romantically over their hard work, but over shared pleasures. BUT, Hardy says, if good circumstances allow for it, some people are lucky enough to get the real deal: a relationship built on such an increasing friendship and knowledge of first the others bad sides and then increasingly of their beautiful sides, because such a relationship is the strongest he says. Strong as death. Then he describes such a strong love; the type which inner fire cannot be extinguished by water, it cannot be drowned by floods. Compared to such a strong love, passion is like fleeting steam. We all know what good relationships should look like, but honestly; how many of our past relationships formed with someone we first saw just as a sort-of friend and who we first found unbearable, only to later fall in love with? That is not something that happens a lot and not what we all know to be what a strong relationship should be like. I only know of Elizabeth Bennett in Pride and Prejudice and other gothic heroines (Jayne Eyre too) to fall in love like that :) These days its all about first lusty impressions, think of that ghastly Tinder swipe app thingy and the speed dating. So many relationships, friendships, attractions are built superficially. I can’t remember who I was reading, maybe Adler, but that author was discussing how men become so enamored with women based on looks, and will fantasize way after seeing a women about being with her… filling in the gaps in the most favourable manner. But looks don’t determine what she will be like personally, or even in the bedroom. He asks.. how many men have been with a woman solely based on looks, yet the intimacy is bad. And to the inverse; how many men have brought home an “unattractive women” only for them to surprise them in those respects? But the superficial approach to finding a mate did work for a long time, that’s perhaps why men generally aren’t into really fat girls; that doesn’t match with someone to create healthy offspring with, or someone able to take care of that offspring.

Music clip of the day
September 11th 2018

Day 12
Day 14
Day 18
Day 20
Day 21
September 1st 2018
I've had a depressing horrible week. I look like a pink Dalmatian now and am miserable. The rashes have gotten much worse over the past days, basically spreading and spreading, and my belly area, chest and upper legs and arms are filling in with a vast ocean of smaller itchy inflamed skin lesions. It itches like crazy and it looks disgusting. I hate how it keeps spreading and how I am restless every morning to check if it hasn't gone to my face. It is already creeping up all on my neck. It's frightening to see how fast it spreads and fills in. I dread checking my skin each morning. Unfortunately the rashes have started to itch really badly after a week and I worry that all my scratching (I know, not good) is making matters worse. I now put cold packs on the itchy rashes to stop the itch. And to make matters even worse, I developed a red rash under my eye on my left cheek last week. Quite a big irritation red spot. I'm not sure my face rashes are the same as the body rashes; they could also just be regular rosacea flaring up, and thus inflamed skin patches, but I hate it because as you know I do everything possible in my life to keep my skin calm and not inflamed. And now I have a body covered in this inflamed stuff. I worry constantly that my rosacea is going to get worse long term from this. Anyway, I saw my dermatologist the other day. I didn't have an appointment and usually there is a 3 week waiting time, but I thought; if I go there and show his wife, and secretary, my rash then she might sort something out about him seeing me this week still. She saw the rash and said OUCH and discussed it with the doctor and said to come back later in the day; he would look at it. That was great, although I had to wait quite a few hours and it was very warm. But glad he could see me. He checked it and first mentioned psoriasis but then quickly mentioned pityriasis rosea. That it matches that exactly, including the herald patch I first saw. Only one of the 100 or so rashes that I have looked like psoriasis to him, and all the others looked like textbook pityriasis rosacea he said. He also said there is nothing I can do about it 😞 Every cream you put on it irritates the delicate skin, including steroid creams (which I won't use anyway), so it is best to leave it alone according to him and it should go away within a month or two. I got some extra antihistamines for the itch. The only thing he could recommend that might help speed the recovery up is sun exposure. I could use my UVB narrow band lamp for it, or just sit in the sun... I asked: how about the rash on my face? He said the pityriasis rash usually spares the hands, feet, legs and face. Then he added: "Any skin that is exposed to the sun is spared". I said uhmmm, my face is always covered from the sun....so I have a higher risk of it also going to my face? He still didn't think it was anything but a rosacea flare on my face. Which was a relief to hear. So your hands and feet are not supposed to get it either, but the upper part of my feet are COVERED in itchy rashes since yesterday... Not the soles of the feet though.

Music clip of the day

Here you can read a post from a healthy living blogger who thinks her diet changes made her pityriasis rosea go away. The photos she shared of her rashes look just like mine, she also added a nice looking photo of her bare back. But all medical info I could find says that this condition resolves all on its own, without the need of any creams or potions or pills. The body just cleans it up in time (as soon as 3 weeks up until 3 months) and your skin will restore itself too. So I am not really convinced that diet 'cured' her.. she might have seen the normal recovery from this innocent condition and because it coincided with her new diet, made a (mistaken) causal connection. Although for now I'm stuck with these rashes and I don't know if the theory also will apply to me in the time to come haha, I really hope so. I'm already eating the most healthy and boring diet on the planet, can't imagine having to tweak it even more. This is also a good scientific article on pityriasis rosea, and shows many photos of different atypical subtypes. I googled it and it looks just like what I have, including the greyish skin scaling around some patches.
My skin currently in all the left hand photos, compared to, on the
right, the official pityriasis rosea photos I took off the net:
The rashes also seem to get worse over the past days :( I've got twice as many on my belly and chest now as I had some days ago, and the remaining ones seem more red. My neck a few days ago and now:
Music clip of the day
August 20th 2018
Ugh I'm covered in red rashes, all over chest, belly and thighs. Not covered as in one non-intermittent sea of redness, but about 20 red round rashes on chest and about 10 on belly and behind. I don't know what they are, I noticed the first about 4 days ago on my chest and initially googled if it could resemble an inflammation-type of skin cancer or breast cancer (yeh, talking about being a hypochondriac), and when it looked nothing like that, I forgot about it. Until today when I could not miss the big red markings. They don't itch, they don't look like eczema or psoriasis to me (but what do I know...) and they are spreading it seems. I have some in my neck too now and on my arms. Legs so far are clean. I'll add some pictures, trying to not make them too gross. I wonder what causes it. I went swimming in the sea last week, and later read that it isn't too clean now with the months of heat and the large amount of humans who have already bathed in it. I always think of sea water as really clean (salt kills bacteria right?) and good for the skin and for skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis, but it probably isn't totally clean lol when you think about it (usually Id rather not think about it and just be satisfied that it is clean from the high salt content). Anyway, I don't remember seeing any of these patches when in bathing suit, so they must have erupted later. Maybe as a result of something in the water? Maybe the cats have fleas and somehow I am having an allergic reaction to a bite? (But don;t flea bites itch?). I'm giving them an anti flea substance in their neck every 2 months or so, and despite being careful not to touch it later on or rub their wet anti-flea gel necks to my own skin, who knows where they licked that stuff in the end. The idea of the neck spot is that cats cannot reach it with their tongues, but paws can still rub it over the rest of their fur. I did cuddle my cats a lot and picked them up, could my skin have caught somehow had some of the anti-flea gel? Or maybe it is something entirely different, I googled measles and it looks quite alike in the mild form. Then there are water pox, sea fleas, bed bugs (I religiously wash my bed linen very regularly and have hypoallergenic mattress covers and there are no cats allowed in the bedroom..), heat rash, regular allergies, eczema, folliculitis... I sent photos to my GP's email address, she often responds quickly over email but she won't be in until tomorrow. Alternating working days etc.

I have written before about how my skin doesn't seem to build up normally. My dermatologists think that the decade + of skin inflammation from the rosacea and flushing have disturbed normal skin barrier function. That my skin lacks a strong skin barrier therefore, making it very sensitive, easily disturbed (redness, burning, flushing) and it does not really handle many topicals, either moisturizers or make-up. So I put nothing on my skin normally, just wash it with bottled water and cotton pads, gently, every evening. No skin care, aside from some diluted jojoba oil around my mouth and eyes maybe once a week. I have worn make-up 4 times in the past decade. Part of this not normal skin barrier function seems to be that dead skin cells just build up and up, without naturally falling off. I also don't rub my face with a towel or scrubs like 'normal' people, but I do wash it and the old dead skin after a while becomes visible on my skin... But it is a delicate balance; after I scrub my skin and have red, flushed, fragile skin, it takes at least a month, maybe two actually, to be back at the stage where a layer of normal looking skin covers my face. Only when you look really carefully close by you can see the dead skin layer (it sounds more yucky than it really is or looks), but I love this stage as even when I feel a flush burning, it is only coming through, visibly, for 25% or so. The layer of dead skin also protects my face from a lot of stimuli it seems and I just flush a lot less. BUT... there comes a point where the layer gets too much and darkens a bit and then I need to start rubbing or plucking again. Once I'm busy with that, it is very tempting to go overboard and keep going on and on, only to find out soon after that my skin is looking way too raw and was scrubbed off its protective layer entirely :(
In photos:
The best stage of having some protective layer, but no dead skin cell build up being visible yet
Process of face scrub and the 7 days afterwards:
Those pictures are all taken with a cooled skin, no flushing. It really takes about a week or two, all in all, before my flushing is back to old low levels after scrubbing my face like that. I like to just pluck the odd old skin cells off with something (not too) sharp, instead of roughly scrubbing the whole face, but after a while it just has to happen :(
Music clip of the day

Quick update; the cat scratch under my eye seems mostly healed nowadays, I can see the faintest of colour difference now but I'd probably need to circle it to show you. Thanks to the excellent advise of my friend John probably, who urged me to not let a dry scab form once that scratch aged, and to keep it covered with a small layer of Vaseline all the time, after disinfecting it for a week with an antibiotic skin cream first. And my chin is not as red and easily flushed anymore as right after I tested ivermectin/ Soolantra all over my chin. But it still flushes more than before. Just not constantly anymore
Love this Danish blogger who is currently also suffering from the European heatwave :)
Taken from this youtube video of her. She always cracks me up with her quirky cynicism.
August 5th 2018
It is warm.. But as long as I can stay in the airco and cool of the house, my skin seems to behave just fine. In fact, much less red or flushed than I am in the cold of winter.. So strange. I like to share a wonderful toothpaste I use. I was tipped off by a rosacea forum member, antwantsclear, who wrote me a year and a half ago "I saw your problems with toothpaste on your blog. I thought you may be interested in the toothpaste I get from mouthulcers. I started buying it to stop mouth ulcers but then realized it helps with the rosacea as well. It's called Squiggle toothbuilder." Thanks again Ants, I love this product! So mild, and it has a ton of xylitol. I use the fluoride free green one during the day and the fluoride version before bedtime. No flushing or skin reactions from these toothpastes and I haven't had a cavity or tooth problem since using it (neither much before either I must add but my fluoride-free trials did result in some cavities with all the problems that posed for my rosacea, so I am definitely back to fluoride now!!).
August 1st 2018
I have asked my pharmacist if he can come up with an even more gentle formulation for topical ivermectin, bypassing the propylene glycol that is now used in all pastes and gels. Ideally, I wanted to know if I can use ivermectin pure powder, measured in the exact right dose and dissolved in water, and splash it on my face like that. My skin handles water well, but creams or gels not so well.. I did this with brimonidine when I trialed that some years ago. Unfortunately the pharmacist said this is absolutely impossible with ivermectin. It cannot dissolve in water, and needs another stringent type of agent to make it dissolve. They use ethanol (an alcohol that can be drying on the skin, but it still the most gentle alcohol out there for skin products he stated) and also propylene glycol for extra carrier power. So the mildest options are either Soolantra cream itself, or an ivermectin horse paste with as little ingredients as possible. For me the horse paste made my skin burn and so did Soolantra. I really like to try ivermectin though. Might see if I can get some oral ivermectin and see if that improves skin inflammation... That seems the best option left if your skin just cannot take topicals with alcohols or other stronger solvents.
Music clip of the day
July 29th 2018

My skin is still breaking out now and then, and has many little needle-prick like red 'dots' over the cheeks, that come and go. I also am getting strange red rashes, mainly around my mouth, which seem to be a heat rash (or heat related). They tend to stay just for a day and then disappear again. I will attach a photo below. I do go out the door for work related things and to meet up with friends and family, but only when my skin is having a calm period and when the weather allows for it. This week I cancelled afternoon drinks and for tomorrow a visit to the camping where friends of mine and their kids are staying. It's just too warm still and the camping is far away enough to not enable me to return home quickly if a flare breaks out. It's depressing if you think too long about it, but luckily I'm not alone and people close to me also visit me and understand my use of airco and fans. And I am not an extremely social or extrovert type either, and have plenty of things to do in my own world and bubble. But when I was in my early 20's it was very disheartening and utterly depressing to have these painful burning red flares with your face feeling on fire come up, and so many times a day, and feel this anxiety and desire to stay put and control my skin as much as possible. I still do this now, but have grown used to the waves and the motions of it all.

Music clip of the day
My summer skin outbreaks (I don't wear make-up on my skin and use a regular camera without filter options):
Skin during a flare (not even flushed, just base redness and inflammation, my face goes really puffy too from it!):
July 21st 2018

My summer skin outbreaks
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