Unfortunately, this often isn't the case. Some people with rosacea can tolerate topical or systemic steroids, but others will find that their rosacea eventually worsens from it, especially once they stop with the steroids. Some people have very good results with antibiotic creams like metronidazole or rozex. For others, the creams are too harsh or make the redness and burning actually worse. It's trial and error. It probably has to do with the idea that rosacea is a manifestation in the skin that can be rooted in different underlying causes (and it also mimics quite a few other illnesses). Someone with a severe food allergy can have rosacea symptoms, when triggered. Someone with eczema can get a butterfly rash all over the face, which mimics rosacea as well but has a very different underlying cause. Some people have demodex mite infections, others have issues with the central nervous system and/or hyper reactive blood vessels that don't function like they should. There are many more possible causes, but for now, there is not enough research done to figure all of this out once and for all. For me personally, regular medication is helping me most with my rosacea symptoms. For others, it is IPL or laser treatment that keeps symptoms at bay. Red light therapy helps some people to suppress the skin inflammation. Diet is a factor in many people's rosacea, but not for everyone. Natural anti inflammatory supplements and herbs can also help with rosacea symptoms. They are part of the X-factor puzzle, and the same product might not work for everyone. They are considered 'natural' often, as they are extracted from natural sources, but don't be fooled; natural supplements can still cause side effects. An antidepressant herb like St. John's Worth for instance, can cause photosensitivity; irritation and skin flaring from sun exposure. Just like several tetracycline antibiotics can.
My medication (clonidine, propranolol, mirtazapine and xyzal) helps with my flushing, but none of them are strictly anti inflammatory medication. None of them are registered as official rosacea treatments either. They mainly help to keep the smaller blood vessels in my skin a bit more constricted, slightly limiting the flushing. Which in turn can also help to get inflammation of the facial skin down. But they are technically not anti inflammatory medication. As you could read, I have tried the anti inflammatory medications plaquenil and mepacrine recently (antimalarials), which are successfully used to limit inflammation in the skin of people with skin conditions like lupus. My dermatologist in London also has rosacea patients who benefit from this type of medication. I tried mepacrine twice and plaquenil three times over the years, but unfortunately I either flushed more from one of them (mepacrine), or developed an eye side-effect from the other (plaquenil). The plaquenil did seem promising and to reduce my redness a bit, but I kept getting extremely gritty, painful eyes from it unfortunately, every time I tried. But quite a few people with rosacea are using these antimalarials with success. So, I am still on the lookout for the right and perfect anti inflammatory supplements that can help me combat the rosacea redness and swelling. Some natural anti inflammatory herbs have a decent track record on helping to deal with the inflammation that comes with rosacea. I tried to do a little investigation.
BTW: I don't believe in combining bags full of different types of vitamins and supplements.. If you mix and match too many, you might end up with too high levels of vitamins, and you won't know anymore which of them might cause your skin to improve or deteriorate.. When you start taking more than one supplement or medication at the same time, if often becomes difficult to pinpoint later what is or isn't helping. It may be better to try one thing first. Ideally at a time when your rosacea is fairly calm. And to give it a good few weeks (unless it makes you flush like mad straight away of course). Try not to face too many other triggers during your trial time. And when you start adding more supplements, make sure you either do a proper google search on possible interactions, or ask your pharmacist or doctor about it. It is also useful to ask your doctor for a vitamin blood test at least once in your life. To see if you suffer from any vitamin deficiencies. Vitamin D is one vitamin for instance that is often too low in people with rosacea, especially if they avoid the sun. It is wise to try to keep your vitamin D levels in a healthy range, because it plays a role in the protection against all sorts of cancers and inflammation. Low vitamin D levels are also linked to autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes mellitus and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). And last but not least: 'natural' doesn't always equal 'safe'. Just think of arsenic, daffodil or Belladonna which are so poisonous that they can kill you. Herbs and plants can also interact with each other or with regular prescription medication. Here are two quotes from people with rosacea, who concluded that their skin actually improved once they cut down on their many supplements (although this should in no way dissuade people to avoid trying natural inflammatory herbs).
Oldlady wrote on August 17, 2011: "Oddly enough, after having an increase in p&ps a few weeks ago I quit the zinc (after reading about it being a known testosterone booster) and then also quit everything else for a week to see what would happen. It's been 2 weeks now and my skin is better than ever, very few p&ps, virtually no dryness and except for the broken capillaries, I wouldn't know I had rosacea at all. Just my experience, but apparently for some (as myself) multiple supplements/vitamins are too much for the system to handle."
Spencer replied to her on August 17, 2011: "I stopped taking the majority of supplements I was on last year and, what do you know, my skin improved. My sleep improved, mood, etc. Taking a lot of supplements can be really taxing on the liver and this can affect the skin greatly. At the time I began cutting out supplements, including zinc, I started incorporating a castor oil pack for my liver. This was something recommended by my naturopath. This caused a few healing reactions, but ultimately helped clear up my skin as well. It also improved the texture of my skin. Keeping it simple is key, I find. I now only use 2 or 3 basic supplements a day. I would like to be taking a multivitamin, but I find it too stimulating. The B vitamins make me feel wired. That's interesting about the zinc boosting testosterone."
Not all doctors or dermatologists are interested in dietary changes or herbal supplements for rosacea, unfortunately. If your doctor is, fabulous. Discuss your trials with supplements. If not, then still tell your doctor and your pharmacist when you take supplements, because they need to know this in case you take prescription medication. When you notice that your rosacea worsens from a supplement and that this flare isn't temporary, then I would always advise to stop taking it. Wait for your skin to calm down again, and maybe try the supplement in question a second time. If it turns out that it really was the supplement that you were reacting to, then don't think that your skin always has to become worse before it gets better; this is not that often the case. Rosacea is a fickle beast, and not everything that's good on paper works out well for our rosacea faces. One example; zinc and magnesium are supposed to be really good for the skin but when I take them, they cause me to flush. The same happens with vitamin D supplements for me. Another example; fish oil is deemed healthy, but the high histamine levels of fish oil can simply cause you to flare. In that case, avoid it. Flaring you skin day in day out might just make matters worse in the long run. It might take some trial and error, but many people with rosacea found relief in the end from supplements and diet or one of the other rosacea treatment options.

said some years ago about supplements for rosacea:
1. Alpha Lipoic Acid
2. Boswellia (Serrata)
3. N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)
4. Milk Thistle (silymarin)
5. Flax Seed Oil
6. Fish Oil
7. Bromelain
8. Curcumin / Turmeric
9. Astaxanthin
10. Grape Seed extract/Pycnogenol
11. Aloe
12. Oregano Oil
13. Zinc
14. Evening Primrose Oil
15. L-Lysine
16. Vitamin C
17. GliSODin
18. White Willow Bark
19. Neem
20. Ginger
21. Licorice Root
22. Solgar MSM
23. Probiotics
24. Betaine HCl
25. Apple cider vinegar
1. Alpha Lipoic Acid
Possible effects: anti inflammatory, reduction in redness
Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is a fatty acid, found naturally in every cell in the body. It's needed to produce the energy for our body's normal functions. Alpha lipoic acid converts glucose (blood sugar) into energy. Other names for it are lipoic acid, thioctic acid, and ALA. Alpha Lipoic Acid is a coenzyme that also acts as an antioxidant (a substance that neutralizes potentially harmful chemicals called free radicals) and has anti-inflammatory properties, protecting blood vessels and the fatty tissues of the brain and nerves. Alpha Lipoic Acid is easily absorbed when you take it in pill form orally. It can regenerate other important antioxidants, like vitamins E, C and glutathione. Alpha lipoic acid is the only antioxidant that can boost cellular levels of glutathione, the body’s most important antioxidant to overall health and long life. It is also important for regulating aspects of the immune system, in particular T-lymphocytes. Not all types of rosacea are linked to autoimmune activity, but some cases certainly are. You can be tested by your doctor or internist for autoimmune activity through blood tests, but regardless, rosacea is an inflammatory disease of the skin and blood vessels. The inflammatory process in the body is complex. Sometimes the body produces its own inflammation (in case of autoimmunity), but there are also other ways in which your body endures inflammation. Free radicals for instance also promote inflammation.
What are free radicals:
They are a byproduct from what scientists call 'oxidative stress'. Oxygen in the body splits into single atoms with unpaired electrons. Electrons like to be in pairs, so these free radicals atoms scavenge the body to seek out other electrons they can form a pair with. The danger of free radicals is that once free radicals are formed, a chain reaction can occur. The first free radical pulls an electron from a molecule, which destabilizes the molecule and turns it into a free radical. That molecule then takes an electron from another molecule, destabilizing it and tuning it into a free radical. This domino effect can eventually disrupt and damage the whole cell. Free radicals are associated with disease including cancer, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and many others. They also may have a link to ageing, which has been defined as a gradual accumulation of free-radical damage. Substances that generate free radicals can also be found in the food we eat, the medicines we take, the air we breathe and the water we drink. Think of consuming fried foods, alcohol, tobacco smoke, pesticides and breathing in air pollutants. Symptoms of oxidative stress may include fatigue, headaches, noise sensitivity, memory loss and brain fog, muscle and joint pain, wrinkles and gray hair, vision trouble and decreased immunity. Free radicals are a waste product from various chemical reactions in the cell that when built up, harm the cells of the body. But they aren't all bad: we also need free radicals to turn air and food into energy for our bodies, and to keep our immune system functioning (free radicals are floating through the veins and attacking foreign invaders).

Natural food sources of Alpha Lipoic Acid:
You can boost the production and benefits of alpha lipoic acid by consuming more of these foods:
Brussels sprout
Red meat
Rice bran
Side effects of Alpha Lipoic Acid:

Research done with Alpha Lipoic Acid:
In this research, the effects of the antioxidants alpha lipoic acid and vitamin C and E were tested on NF-kappaB activity, which regulates the production of many inflammatory cytokines and adhesion molecules that play a role in inflammation and oxidative stress. Certain cells were treated first to cause oxidative stress. Then alpha lipoic acid, Vitamin E and C were added, to see if there was an effect. Both vitamin E and vitamin C had no effect, but Alpha Lipoic Acid reduced the oxidative stress. It has also shown to reduce inflammation in this and this research.
Topical Alpha Lipoic Acid and rosacea:
In this research, rosacea patients were treated with topical Alpha Lipoic Acid. It was added in 5% strength to a cream with a lecithin base. In a blind study, eight patients between 20 to 51 years of age, diagnosed with rosacea and photographed. were given the 5% lipoic cream and an identical looking cream with no lipoic acid in it. The patients did not know which of the two creams they were given. They had to cleanse their faces and then apply one cream to one side of their faces twice daily for the duration of the study, and apply the other cream to the other side. Patients were evaluated every two weeks. In every patient, marked improvement and a decrease in skin redness was seen on the face side that was treated with lipoic acid after two weeks. After four weeks, skin redness was even more markedly reduced on the face side where lipoic had been applied in every patient.

Mistica wrote on May 2009: "I have taken Alpha Lipoic Acid for about four years. I was in remission at the time, but it didn't prevent me from developing horrendous rosacea. Nor has it helped reduce any symptoms during my battle to beat the beast this time round. I suppose it might be helping at some level, by perhaps reducing further tissue damage? It is a potent antioxidant. I have also tried topical ALA and it was very irritating."
But on June 2011 Mistica updated: "I have recently started taking R-Alpha Lipoic acid on the advice of my GP, mostly for other reasons. I feared it, thinking it would increase rosacea symptoms. So far I am pleased with effects on my rosacea, as they are a bit less."
KHM wrote on June 2005: "I started this when I was at my worst and the improvement was very noticeable - my naturopath immediately asked me what I had added to my regime."
Steve95301 wrote on September 2006: "I've recently upped my dosage of Alpha-Lipoic Acid from 100mg twice daily to 300mg twice daily. Preliminary results are excellent, I'm glad I upped my dose. Has anyone else had success with ALA? I noticed a reduction in redness the first day I took 300mg instead of my usual 100mg. I'm normally a little flushy mid-afternoon, and I noticed it knocked that down quite a bit. I've been very pleased with it. If anyone else has tried a large dose of ALA, I'd like to hear their results as well. As for myself, I would definitely recommend it."
And Steve95301 updated: "I just started the whole supplement thing, after I found that ibuprofen decreased background redness for me. Got me thinking that supplements might actually help. First, I started taking boswellia and fish oil. There was noticeable improvement, so I added some other stuff. I bought some Alpha Lipoic Acid and Zinc Gluconate. I think the ALA really did it for me, I've been almost pale lately. I'm going to start taking more, to try to find the optimal level."
Bethanne wrote on September 2006: "I've tried several trials of ALA (most recently Swanson Vitamins brand) and although it really knocks back the redness, it causes me to break out. I've tested this cause and effect a number of times now. It even happens at 100 mg twice daily. So sadly, I have to give up on ALA."
Milton wrote: "I had the same exact reaction. Made me break out."
Twickle Purple wrote on October 2006: "I take this every day as well. It doesn't do anything for the flushing, I take it for other reasons. I get it direct from my old MDs office where I lived before, he focuses strictly on nutrition. I wonder when I read about the breakouts if it could be a filler that's causing it? I get a reaction to some of the fillers and dyes used in vitamins and nutraceuticals. If you're seeing some good effects, it may be worth hunting about for a different brand, with different filler. Maybe inquire with the local pharmacist. [..] I use it for its antioxidant properties (R + Lipoic Acid), along with N-acetyl L-carnitine. I use l-carnitine eye drops too."
DukeCity wrote on October 2006: "I've been taking 600 mg. ALA w/ 30 mg. grape seed extract combined in one capsule. -- I take 2 capsules a day."
Andy wrote on August 2005: "I've also been having great success with supplements the past few months. What works really good for me also is Alpha Lipoic Acid. I'm really amazed how well supplements in combination with Clonidine works. [..] I take 250 mg twice a day, a brand called Now Foods."
And: "Speaking for myself, since starting these (Barleans Omega Twin, Grape Seed Extract, Pycnogenol, Ester-C and Alpha Lipoic Acid) my skin has really improved a great deal and I've been going out these past few days with nothing on my skin, no Citrix, no ZincO, and let me tell you it was a long time since I had the courage to do that! My skin seems to be less sensitive, less red and less prone to flush."
Lwemm wrote on October 2015: "I had type 2 and type 4 rosacea first with type 1 following. Diet did not become an issue for me until the type 1 arose, when it became obvious the flushing was linked to dietary triggers. Avoidance of triggers has been the only diet that I have followed. I've taken a lot of different supplements, but the ones that have clearly helped the most are evening primrose oil for the ocular symptoms, triphala for digestive problems and alpha lipoic acid for redness. That's not to say the other supplements I take like zinc and probiotics aren't helping. I think a lot of them are, but the change is too gradual to be very obvious."
IowaDacid wrote on November 2013: "You may experience flushing to ANY supplement you take, though it's rare. A quick list of what I take:
Grape Seed Extract
Fish Oil
Evening Primrose Oil
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Coenzyme Q 10
N-Acetyl Cysteine
The last 6 can be purchased in bulk powder and you can make your own capsules--way cheaper. They're extremely potent anti-inflammatories and mitochondrial boosters."

Banshee wrote on April 2010: "I rarely devote individual threads to singing the praises of something, but this had an effect I felt was worth mentioning. Few supplements make my face go noticeably cooler...one is Ester-C, but I would say R-Alpha Lipoic is even more marked. I believe R-Lipoic is more bioavailable. It's used by cells more effectively and thus works better as an antioxidant et al.Within about an hour, I can feel it working. I've taken plain Alpha Lipoic with not as good results. It's not a miracle, but especially in conjunction with Superoxide Dismutase my face has been acting calmer in situations it would typically flush (like a cold barn). Both are antioxidants. I get the NSI Brand which are sold on vitacost.com. Add the C and pycnogenol to the above, and I have a fairly effective anti-flushing cocktail. Hope this helps- Kristen"
Royguy wrote on May 2013: "I started developing rosacea in my early 20s, long before I knew it even existed. I tried some things like the oil cleansing method and other natural remedies. But since I'm really a health freak and I go to the gym too, I found a new antioxidant while browsing in the supplement section of the online store I usually buy protein etc. I researched and read that it helped with big pores. Honestly I've gotten used to the redness and gave up trying to fix it. My major concern were the big pores. I read that Alpha lipoic acid was water soluble an I usually do my own tonics with basically just water, since anything else harms my skin. In my search for a homemade pore minimizer I came across a recipe. skim milk mixed with brown sugar. What I do is first massage my skin with that mixture.leave it on for some minutes. Rinse and pat dry. And then I dissolve one capsule of ALA, alpha lipoic acid, in a small container with water. I gently massage it over and over again my face. I have to tell you it exceeded my expectations. In one day of use you will see a difference. But if you really stick to it and use it 2 or 3 times a day, you will get smooth skin back. I honestly never thought I could go back to have normal skin around my nose. It's scary, the change is dramatic. I do look many years younger. Now I can touch the skin around my eyes, slide my finger down an I don't notice any difference in texture. Truly amazing. If I don't use it for a day I see some dead cell flaky skin and pores, but if you are consistent this is amazing. I'm not taking it internally yet, just topically. Find the ingredient that works for you, try to find it isolated and create your own tonics with water, chamomile tea, or green tea.. Anything that work for you and doesn't irritate. The same for moisturizer. My advice is buy the supplement. Either oil capsules, aspirin and create your own recipes. Its not only safer but cheaper and fun! I've suffered form rosacea for years. Not an extreme case, but I work in modeling and it has hurt my self confidence, having to go to castings and all that. So I hope it helps you as much. If you don't get rid of redness, at least I guarantee that you will get skin texture improvement. No doubt about it. And trust me, I've tried everything."
2. Boswellia (Serrata)
Possible effects: anti inflammatory, reduction in redness, reduction in seb derm, p&p's and sebum.

Boswellia is said to be helpful for the following health conditions:

*conditions of the heart and arteries
*skin conditions
*bowel diseases
Types of Boswellia
While Boswellia serrata is the most popular type of boswellia used to treat various disorders and symptoms, it’s not the only type. There are at least three other popular forms of boswellia: boswellia carteri, boswellia frereana and boswellia sacra. Each comes from a different plant species, although all are closely related and medically used in similar ways. The four species of boswellia all produce frankincense resin or extract, which comes in varying concentrations or “grades”. Boswellia carteri for instance, is used sometimes for tumor prevention and has anticancer effects.
Dosage and side effects of boswellia:
Boswellia is generally taken as a capsule or tablet, but it can also be taken as a dried herb, a standardized extract or as a pain-relieving gel. It is not entirely clear what the optimal dose is to balance safety and efficacy. The manufacturing of Boswellia products varies from one produce to the other and this makes it even more difficult for standardization to happen. In general, when you buy a Boswellia supplement, it is good to look for a brand that clearly indicates on the bottle what levels of boswellic acids it contains. A typical dose of boswellia is 350 or 400 mg, three times a day with the extract standardized to contain 37.5% boswellic acids. You best take the Boswellia with some oil, because this improves its absorption. The dried herb can be put in smoothies or shakes and be used throughout the day. Research has shown a greater absorption rate when taken with other forms of food. Reports of boswellia side effects are relatively rare, but they do exist. In general, it seems to be well-tolerated - both when used topically and taken internally. The following side effects have been reported by people taking boswellia: diarrhea, skin rashes, nausea, abdominal pain, bloating, vomiting, burning sensation in stomach. In certain rare cases, allergies to boswellia are possible and could result in chest pain, wheezing, shortness of breath, anaphylaxis. You need to see a doctor right away then. An important possible side effect is that it makes the skin a bit more dry. This could be good for people with oily skin. Not so great for people with dry skin, like me.
In this PubMed research, the effect of Boswellia on Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is investigated. The aim was to evaluate the antioxidant and antiarthritic activity of Boswellia Serrata gum resin Extract in collagen induced arthritis. Boswellia was effective in bringing significant changes on all the parameters that were studied. When Boswellia was taken in pill form orally, it turned out to significantly reduce levels of inflammation. There was a decrease in arthritis, probably because Boswellia modulates the immune system. In vitro studies and animal models showed that boswellic acids were found to inhibit the synthesis of pro-inflammatory enzyme, 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) including 5-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (5-HETE) and leukotriene B4 (LTB-4). Other anti-inflammatory plant herbs, such as quercetin, also block this enzyme, "but they do so in a more general fashion, as an antioxidant, whereas boswellic acids seem to be specific inhibitor of 5-LO. 5-LO generates inflammatory leukotrienes, which cause inflammation by promoting free radical damage, calcium dislocation, cell-adhesion and migration of inflammation-producing cells to the inflamed body area". And they give less side effects than the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS).
This is an interesting medical paper, detailing the positive effect of Boswellia on subtype 2 rosacea:

"Case Report: a 65 year old man with acne rosacea - intermittent episodes of blotches and pustules on his forehead, cheeks and neck - for more than 15 years; after being diagnosed he was treated with topical metronidazole (Metrogel), initially with some degree of success, but after about 2 years of treatment Metrogel had become ineffective against rosacea. Treatment with a topical steroid cream didn't give lasting improvement either. This man also suffered from arthritis, gastro-esophageal reflux disease, gastritis, hypertension stage 2 and type 2 diabetes (treated with metformin). This man was given Boswellia serrate; 4 capsules a day of 500 mg dry extract of Boswellia serrata, taken for 2 months. Doctors decided to give Boswellia serrata a try, because regular anti-inflammatory medication would be too harsh on his stomach, since the man had gastric problems. Boswellia serrate doesn't have such side effects typically. It worked well for the man; not only did he have a reduction in his arthritis pain, but his rosacea was also effectively treated, according to this paper. When he stopped Boswellia serrate after 2 months, his rosacea symptoms didn't return. The author of the paper, Felician Stancioiu, M.D., wrote:

YankeeRTheBest wrote: "I've controlled my flushing over the past couple years, but continue to get broken blood vessels and telangiectasia. I've been looking for something oral that can at least prevent them from continuing to form. Ester C made me flush after a couple weeks, I had a weird burning sensation from it after a while, all over my skin and body. Grape Seed extract made my cystic acne break out. Boswellia controlled my flushing and redness, but made me breakout in red bumps on my hands and elbows."
SoSickOfThis wrote: "Hey I tried Boswellia for about a month once. It seemed to help a little, but not enough. Maybe it would have worked better if I gave it longer. You could try it and see if it works for you."
WinnieM wrote: ´I tried Boswellia before. It worked well for my seb derm but it caused some red bumps on my chin, probably it was an allergic reaction, then I had to stop it.´
KHM wrote: "Actually it has worked very well for me - is regular part of my regime now."
And: "I use Natures Way standardized to 65% Boswellic Acids (right now anyway). Divided doses - 1 am, 1 pm. It has to be separated from calcium, so needs to be taken before my morning vitamines. It helps with the "dermatitis" rashy stuff. I don't see it helping with my flushing. BTW - I have the P&P form with dry skin, and Ivermectin is like a wonder drug for me. Other things I take that help are Protopic, Alpha Lipoic Acid (I think this does help with the flushing, which keeps the P&Ps down as well). I also use Singulair and it definitely helps as well. What gets me nervous is that almost everything that works for me (ALA and Ivermectin excepted) is an immune system modifier. A slightly "over busy" immune system does run in my family - we have Lupus, Addisons, and Fibromyalgia in the family. And my allergic reactions are through the roof (most allergic people have reactions in the 1-4 scale range. Many of mine are 10+). So that may be a hint as to the type of people/skin this will work for."
Indian-boy wrote: "I took it once a few years ago. It dramatically reduced my sebum production after a couple of days, and with it a lot of my facial redness. Unfortunately, I had to stop because it was making me dizzy and a bit spaced out."
Joan wrote: "I started using this a couple of weeks ago. It makes me slightly lightheaded about 15 mins after I take it, but my flushing doesn't last as long as it did and my permanent redness is about 10% less than it was, I will continue taking this, despite the lightheaded feeling!"
Max wrote: "I am saying this because I have been on Boswellia for 6 weeks, and it does not compare with accutane. What I've read is that both zileuton and boswellia (serrata) block the same enzyme. In contrast to zileuton, there are not many studies on boswellia (or I haven't been able to find them). Maybe it's a matter of the right dose? I've tried boswellia and it had showed light anti-inflammation effect for me. (similar to cox-2 inhibitors I've tried). I couldn't get any information on how much boswellia matches one zileuton pill - maybe I need to take more for it to show same actions?"
Steve95301 wrote: "I just started the whole supplement thing, after I found that ibuprofen decreased background redness for me. Got me thinking that supplements might actually help. First, I started taking boswellia and fish oil. There was noticeable improvement, so I added some other stuff. I bought some Alpha Lipoic Acid and Zinc Gluconate. I think the ALA really did it for me, I've been almost pale lately. I'm going to start taking more, to try to find the optimal level."

Andy wrote: "When it comes to Boswellia, some members of a seb derm discussion group I'm in have had good results with it. Almost like a natural Accutane, without the side effects and maybe not so powerful, but still effective.."
And: "I've been using regular Skin Eternal, Pycnogenol and boswellia (all from Source Naturals) for little more than a week now and it could all be in my head but I think I do see a slight improvement, especially when it comes to my usual after work/evening-flush. It doesn't seem to last as long as it used to, and not so "intense"."
Fut wrote: "I have been trying a natural way to stop sebum production - zinc gluconate and boswellia for a couple of weeks now. It doesn't seem to stop the oil forming. My face gets so oily. Is accutane the only approach left? This is tough for me as I am in the middle of IPL treatments."
Clsykes00 wrote however: "I have been taking boswellia for about 2 months now with good results. That is; my sebum production has been cut by maybe 25%, which is better than nothing. I take four 300mg pills a day, and drink a cup of water with it. I do not eat or drink things high in calcium. I'm using nature's way."
Faust405245 wrote: "So is the weakening of the immune system the only negative impact of too much anti-inflammatories? I've been taking a lot of anti-inflammatories the past few days and I've seen some improvement in my skin already. I don't want any long term side effects, of course I don't, but I am willing to carry on doing this if the only side effect is a crappy, ineffective immune system."
Dfries2003 wrote: "I'm still seeing the following while taking Boswellic Acids:
1. A decrease in the number of Rosacea flares and almost complete reduction of redness and what was near constant burning on my face.
2. A very large reduction in sebum and P&P's - I'd agree with the findings of reduced sebum by 65% and reduced papules, pustules and acne by around 75%. I may be seeing even a better than 75% reduction in P&Ps - I'm almost completely clear.
3. A reduction or elimination of of some of my triggers - heat and hot showers are no longer seem to be a trigger - nor are hot liquids
4. Almost complete elimination of the Seb Derm on my scalp
5. Almost complete elimination of the odd KP like rash I had on my stomach, arms and legs
6. Reduction in the number of headaches I usually get - I still have not had one while taking Boswellia alone.
7. Clearing of allergy symptoms - almost complete clearing of sinuses and itchy/wather eyes, etc.
8. Greatly increased hydration of my normally oily, yet very dry skin.
The other group member reported positive results also. One of the possible side-effects with Boswellia (and Zileuton) is dyspepsia and other gastric upset. As I posted earlier, I started experiencing these side-effects after 10 days or so of use. The other group member noticed them almost immediately. Have currently been using calcium successfully as an antacid. Amino Acid Chelated form of Calcium Carbonate seems to work the best. Nature's Herbs Boswellia in the form of Boswellin, trademarked by the Sabinsa Corporation. Nature's Herbs is a division of TwinLabs. The supplements contain 250mg of Boswellia serrata Gum Extract standardized for 60% boswellic acids (or 150mg of Boswellic Acids). I take it 3x per day along with 1/2 of a 250mg cheap store brand Amino Acid Chelated Calcium Carbonate supplement. I take both with meals. The other group member is currently taking a whole 250mg Amino Acid Chelated Calcium Carbonate supplement along with the Boswellia, 3x per day."
Dan later updated: "Hi All, I thought I'd post an update. It's been 10 days, and I'm still seeing remarkable and continually improving results with the Boswellia with still no negative side-effects. I should tell you that I'm lucky enough to be struggling with trying to roll back the last vestiges of rosacea. As my dermatologist put it recently, most people wouldn't realize I even have it anymore. I just refuse to put up with the continued - although greatly decreased - burning sensations, the occasional flare, and the resulting P&P's that I had been experiencing after successful treatment with Accutane, IPL and Noritate over the last 2 years, even though my Dermatologist suggested there was nothing further that could be done for this. Also, I refuse to avoid the few Rosacea triggers that remain for me for the rest of my life, again as my doctor suggests I will have to do. The Boswellia seems to have taken me another big step towards disease regression (for a lack of a better term). In the last week, I've discovered a hot (still not too hot) shower seems to no longer a be trigger for me, and I cannot tell you, after taking cold showers for the last 10 years, how nice this is. I'm sure some of you completely understand what I mean by this. The benefits I'm seeing from the Boswellia may still reverse in the future, but I am hopeful. And again, some of the results I'm seeing may be due to where I was at in disease regression before starting the Boswellia. Also, I'm still very nervous about taking the supplements. Finally, I may soon start taking a baby Aspirin per day along with the Boswellia since the long-term effects of inhibiting 5-LOX with out inhibiting COX production worries me. I'll monitor my progress and stop taking the Aspirin if I see any decrease in benefits with dual inhibition. Dan"
Earlier, on January 12th 2005, Dan Fries (dfries2003) had written: "Hi all, I don't have a science post on Zileuton, I was interested in learning more about 5-lipo-oxygenase, what it does, what might block its effects, etc and I came across an article, along with many others on the subject. All of the research on Boswellia (Boswellic Acids) as a natural background. There seems to be plenty of other research on Boswellia, but not being a scientist, I'm not sure of its basis. Most of the research seems to be in the area of inhibiting 5-lipo-oxygenase for asthma or arthritis, but it appears that Boswellia helps with these two disorders and might be potentially useful for 5-lipo-oxygenase inhibition for Acne and - it appears to me - Rosacea too. According to a couple of the articles I read on Asthma, you should take at a minimum 150mg of Boswellic Acids 3 times per day to see results. The Gum Extract I purchased was 250mg standardized at 60% boswellic acids or 150mg of Boswellic Acids. I am having remarkable results with the Boswellia, with none of the harsh side effects of the Ivermectin I took. The first day I took Boswellia, I noticed an almost immediate - within 2 to 3 hours - reduction of sebum production. Since then, I've seen a further decrease in sebum production, burning sensations, P&Ps, the odd KP like rash I get on my arms, legs and stomach and the seb derm in my scalp. Each day, my skin seems to get better, and at this point, my skin is in AMAZING condition - the seb derm on my scalp is gone, my skin is pale (yes, this is a good thing), I've only had a couple of very short lived instances of burning sensations in the last week - one after way too much wine, and my skin looks clearer than it has in 30 years. My skin was in fairly good condition after the Ivermectin I took, but I was seeing a trailing off of the results, and I had a huge flare just before starting to take the Boswellia, with an increase in all symptoms listed above. It appears that much - although not all - of the benefit I personally saw from the Ivermectin (Stromectol) was due to the side effect of sebum reduction or something else that was fairly short lived."
One odd thing I noticed in the article above is about Aspirin and its affects on 5-LOX:
Since my last HUGE rosacea flare was after taking aspirin for several days for headaches, I did a little more research on it too. Again there seems to be much more research about this in the Asthma arena. It appears that large numbers of Asthmatics have problems with Aspirin and other NSAIDS due to the affects on 5-LOX products, and one of their symptoms is FLUSHING. Interesting since I've seen so much about Aspirin and its potential to help with the inflammation we experience. Potentially Aspirin and other NSAIDS might cause additional problems for SOME of us. I'm thinking they might for me. For the last several years, I have usually taken Tylenol instead of Aspirin for headaches that on average I have had 4-5 times a week since I was 13 (I'm now 42). Every now and then I get worried about the effects on my liver so I switch back to Aspirin. Recently I had two episodes where after drinking 3-4 glasses of wine - wines I have consumed in the past - I took aspirin before going to bed. Within 2 hours, I woke up flushing like crazy (ears, face, neck, hands and feet), and itched so bad from head to toe that I had to take Benadryl to get the itching to stop. For several days following the episode, my Rosacea symptoms were at their worst. I assumed I was having an allergic reaction to the wine, but couldn't understand why I would be allergic to wine that I had consumed before, and without incident since. Now I'm really wondering if the aspirin might have been the culprit. I have noticed that I haven't had a headache since taking the Boswellia. I even failed to have a headache when celebrating my birthday the other night with WAY too much to drink - an episode which should really have caused a massive headache and a horrible rosacea flare. Instead I had neither a headache nor the a big rosacea flare - just a little burning the next day with no flushing or other symptoms. While it will take weeks or months before I would be able to link Boswellia to headache reduction due to the nature of my headaches, the research I have read on histamines and headaches makes me hopeful. Also, my sinuses have cleared so much while taking the Boswellia that this may be the reason for lack of headaches. Finally, I'm concerned about a couple of other things. One is that since Boswellia is considered an herbal medicine, it is not regulated for purity - at least not here in the US. In my mind, it would be very important to find a source that we could trust for purity. Dan"
Dan wrote in direct response to the decreasing of the immune system: "I believe strongly that the inflammation underlying rosacea is caused by infections, likely multiple infections, and that the only way to completely eliminate rosacea is to treat these infections rather than interfere with our bodies' already hindered immune response to these infections. Curcumin / Turmeric has been shown to be a potent 5-LOX inhibitor, which interferes with our bodies' ability to fight infections through the blocking of downstream Leukotrienes, particularly Leukotriene B4, as Leukotriene B4 has been shown to have very important interactions with internally produced antimicrobial peptides, including the very important human cathelicidin (LL-37). In short, although I'm certainly no expert, I'd recommend boosting the immune response through Vitamin D3, zinc and magnesium supplements. Studies suggest that zinc and magnesium are required for proper Vit D3 metabolism and use. I'd also highly recommend a good probiotic, particularly those that include L. reuteri since this probiotic strain has been shown to have antimicrobial effects against multiple pathogens in its own right."
And one of Dans last updates on his Boswellia serrate use was: "I'm still seeing the following while taking Boswellic Acids:
1. A decrease in the number of Rosacea flares and almost complete reduction of redness and what was near constant burning on my face
2. A very large reduction in sebum and P&P's - I'd agree with the findings of reduced sebum by 65% and reduced papules, pustules and acne by around 75%. I may be seeing even a better than 75% reduction in P&Ps - I'm almost completely clear.
3. A reduction or elimination of of some of my triggers - heat and hot showers are no longer seem to be a trigger - nor are hot liquids
4. Almost complete elimination of the Seb Derm on my scalp
5. Almost complete elimination of the odd KP like rash I had on my stomach, arms and legs
6. Reduction in the number of headaches I usually get - I still have not had one while taking Boswellia alone.
7. Clearing of allergy symptoms - almost complete clearing of sinuses and itchy/watery eyes, etc.
8. Greatly increased hydration of my normally oily, yet very dry skin."
A friend of mine took boswellia for a while too, for his rosacea that both gives flushing and p&p's: He said boswellia did nothing for his p&p's and made his skin more dry. I am no expert and every case of rosacea is different, but I know that in my case there is an overly active immune system underlying my specific issues. Which has to be slowed down, rather than boosted. My immunologist stressed at the time that all types of immune boosters can in theory flare my rosacea redness and flushing. Think of multivitamins, vitamin C etc. My London derm also experimented with immunosuppressive medication on his worst rosacea patients (flushers) and found significant improvement. Downside of such serious medication is the risks of infections. But with herbal supplements like boswellia, I think that a mild calming down of the immune system and inflammation could be a good thing. I don't believe that secondary infection is the underlying motor of all types of rosacea, although it certainly can be a factor. But in my own case, I am fairly convinced that it is the immune system being in overload and creating inflammation in the body the fires it all up. I for instance also have colitis and knee arthritis which fuels my rosacea, as well as Raynaud's and allergies. I like how this supplement Boswellia is supposed to reduce inflammation. For me personally, I am weary of the fact that it seems to reduce sebum, as my skin is very dry and I have no way of moisturizing it as my skin can´t handle any topicals.
Blockade of Endogenous Leukotrienes Exacerbates Pulmonary Histoplasmosis
Another look at boswellic acids
COX Inhibitors
Arachidonic Acid Metabolites (Prostaglandins and Related Compounds)
Human Genome Screen to Identify the Genetic Basis of the Anti-inflammatory Effects of Boswellia in Microvascular Endothelial Cells

Research done on NAC:
A recent 2012 study by a team of scientists led by Dr Ahmed Sahib wanted to examine the effect of oral antioxidants on the severity of acne. A group of 56 acne patients were divided up into four different groups. They received either 200 mcg of selenium, 1200 mg of n-acetyl-cysteine, 210 mg of silymarin from Milk Thistle, and one group received a placebo. Acne hardly changed in the placebo group. Total acne lesion count in the selenium receiving patients fell by nearly 40%, which is pretty respectable. But it was the silymarin/Milk Thistle and the NAC group where the most astonishing drop in acne occurred. In both the silymarin and NAC groups, total acne lesion counts fell by a massive 50%.
N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) and rosacea:
Phlika wrote: "I tried NAC in combination with vitamin D3 but found that I could not tolerate the increased flushing (that may or may not have been the result of die off)."
Phlika later replied: "I tried taking NAC when I was first trialling vitamin D3 about 2 years ago. One of the supplements made me flush quite badly. Whilst I can't say 100% which one I would go for the NAC as I am now taking vitamin D3 by itself and that is okay."
IDan tried it as well: "I have taken NAC, but I stopped taking it when I read some studies that suggest that our immune system's defensins have disulfide bonds too (and theoretically the NAC could break these bonds, just as it theoretically does with the disulfide bonds of Cpn)... This is my personal thought and not necessarily one supported by anyone." I think with my overactive immune system this could be a good thing though?"
Jamie1088 mentioned NAC: "Amino acid NAC for blushing? Was on BBC breakfast programme that this has been proven to help with a load of anxiety disorders. On the programme was a women who pulled her hair out when nervous or anxious. She just couldn't help it and would pull strands of hair at a time in a nervous reaction. She has now been on NAC and hasn't pulled any hair since. She said that studies prove that a deficiency in this vitamin causes nervous type reactions in people. It is proven to be as, if not more, effective than taking a course of CBT. I'll try to find a link to the interview. Very interesting."
John111 wrote: "Hi firstly can I say that I'm currently taking vitamin D3 and N-acetyl cysteine NAC for 3 weeks and they have reduced the diffuse redness by approx 10-15 percent and also the burning and pain are almost gone from my cheeks, even though I still flush. This has certainly helped and is the first improvement I have seen after trying many supplements."
millerlite181 wrote on 18 Nov 2005: "Hey group, just thought I'd help you out a bit since I feel we should share anything that helps. Well, here it is. FOR ALL YOU WHO LIKE TO HAVE ALCOHOL AT TIMES. N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is a must. After doing much research on this natural antioxidant, there are many facts that it help detox alcohol, especially acetaldehyde, which is responsible for reactions to alcohol such as flushing, sweating, increased heart rate, etc. DO a google search on this topic. "n-acetyl cysteine alcohol".... From my experience so far, I have seen 75% reduced redness/flushing after drinking alcohol while ingesting NAC. I used NOW brand NAC with molybdenum/ selenium. I take one 600 mg pill before drinking about 30 min later, with 1 more after 3 beers or cocktails. With 1 more later in the evening. It works very efficiently. Sorry, as I'm kinda intoxicated as I wrote this, but I was soo excited about this that I needed to tell everyone here..... Most sincerely, Chris"
Anonymous replied on 18 Nov 2005: "Chris, that's a very good point. The acetaldehyde (break down product) is probably one of the biggest instigators in flushing. I will look up NAC on the PDR Herbal Edition to see if they say anything else. Thanks for the info."
InverseCascade wrote a year ago: "Yeah, I am trying to help my body produce glutathione. Another option is N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) taken with alpha lipoic acid. They both help produce glutathione, which is a powerful antioxidant and they both seem to affect metabolism. But NAC can increase histamine issues. I do take alpha lipoic acid. Milk Thistle is another one, but I have ragweed allergy. Turmeric and green tea also help the body produce glutathione. I take Turmeric and one cup of decaffeinated green tea (decaf has less antioxidants). My situation is challenging because my condition was induced by Mirvaso, which caused severe nerve pain and allergy-like intolerance to food and supplements. This experience has been extremely traumatic for me and has caused severe anxiety because of the nerve pain and reaction to eating, sleeping, breathing, relaxing. That's why I can't tolerate any caffeine, because it increases my anxiety. I am still trying to recover from Mirvaso. It's pretty devastating that I was fine, healthy, happy. And this was all caused by a dermatologist. I'm having a very challenging time coping with the reality of this situation. I will look into taking MSM. Here are some other things that turn on the body's innate production of antioxidants (especially glutathione): Curcumin from turmeric, Green tea extract, DHA (omega 3 fatty acid), Sulforophane (contained in broccoli), Bacopa extract, Ashwaganda, Silymarin (Milk Thistle), Resveratrol (grapeseed & berries), Alpha lipoic acid, and N Acetylcystiene (NAC)."
Skyguy2005 wrote on 11 January 2017: "This is an open question: How often do you take NAC? For me it's a pretty damn powerful supplement. If I take it more than 3 days in a row I feel seasick. If I skip it for 3 weeks and then take 1 it's like "woah!". I don't wanna take it too often then, in fact recently I've been taking it (600mg/day, the usual dose) mondays, tuesdays, and wednesdays. 3 on. 4 off. This seems to achieve good things. Perhaps the feeling sick is due to too much antioxidants, which is supposed to inhibit some vital processes like autophagy. Perhaps we should seek to keep the antioxidants level "just so" it seems."
Dosage and side effects of NAC:
There are no accepted ideal dosages for NAC. You could start at 600 mg daily and gradually build up to a maximum of 3000 mg daily. But one single 600 mg cap a day is usually good enough. If you want to take more, taking between 800 mg - 1,800 mg of NAC is usually recommended. Ideally, you should take it with an equivalent amount of vitamin C for maximum free radical scavenging effects.
Side Effects
Despite more than 40 years of clinical use by naturopaths, holistic medical doctors and nutritionists of virtually every stripe, NAC has a well-established safety record even at very high dosages over long periods of time. Some people experience nausea when taking NAC on an empty stomach, but the majority does not experience any side effects if they take it with food. Other potential side effects are vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation. NAC should be taken with food, at any time, but preferably in the morning.
4. Milk Thistle (Silymarin)
Possible effects: anti-angiogenic; it can prevent the formation of new blood vessels. Can also reduce acne

Milk thistle inhibits angiogenesis
Milk-thistle compounds have shown direct anticancer activities in preclinical models, causing cancer cell senescence in a mouse model of breast cancer, and blocking angiogenesis in prostate cancer models.
And Milk Thistle can do wonders for the skin as well. All of these cleansing properties that Milk Thistle exhibits are thought to serve as a acne treatment from the inside out. Herbalists recommend Milk Thistle as an oral supplement for acne sufferers. It is considered a 'bitter remedy,' and therefore has cooling properties. Milk Thistle is thought to clear up acne along with other chronic inflammatory diseases of the skin. Ultimately, this antioxidant-laden herb is supposed to increase your liver function, therefore promoting more cleansing and consequently eliminating acne, according to Dr. Simon Mills at AcneToHealth.com. It also comes with a bonus benefit: it is a helpful cure for hangovers, flushing out liver toxins after one too many glasses of wine. One of the possible underlying causes for facial flushing in females can be menopause. Patients experiencing menopause flushing may benefit from hormone therapy with estrogen to help alleviate symptoms, including facial flushing (always consult treatment with your healthcare provider). But also Milk Thistle may be effective in decreasing menopausal symptoms.

Milk Thistle is also a popular herbal ingredient in topical creams because of its antioxidant and cooling properties. In a double-blind study done on patients suffering from Stage I–III rosacea, patients were treated for one month with a topical cream containing silymarin, the powerhouse antioxidant component in Milk Thistle. A significant improvement in skin redness, papules, itching, hydration, and skin color occurred. In another study focusing on UV-induced Oxidative Stress, "Silymarin inhibited UV-induced oxidative stress in both epidermal and dermal cells." Its ability to block free radicals within the body can apparently also translate into topical skin creams as well, shielding the skin from UVB damage. In this study, 46 patients with stage I-III rosacea participated in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. They were given a topical treatment with silymarin/ methylsulfonylmethane (S-MSM) to see if it would improve erythematous-telangiectatic rosacea (red skin with spider veins). Subjects were treated for 1 month. Their skin was evaluated after 10 and 20 days, and at the end of the study. Itching, stinging, erythema (redness of the skin) and papules were investigated clinically, as well as hydration and erythema. A statistically significant improvement was seen, especially of skin redness, papules, itching, hydration and skin color. The researchers concluded that silymarin and S-MSM can be useful in managing symptoms and condition of rosacea skin, especially in the rosacea subtype 1 erythematotelangiectatic phase. "The action can be considered multicentric and multiphase because of the direct modulating action on cytokines and angiokines normally involved and up-regulated in the case of such skin condition."
This study found that Milk Thistle supplementation reduced the activity of the inflammatory master molecule NF-KappaB, which controls the release of many pro-inflammatory chemicals. It’s also found in certain foods such as sweet potatoes, garlic, bananas, resveratrol and vitamin D. It helps to improve the metabolization of hormones, which could help to reduce unhealthy estrogen metabolites like 4-hydroxy and 16-hydroxy estrogen. Those villains can cause acne through oxidative stress and inflammation. A recent 2012 study by a team of scientists led by Dr Ahmed Sahib wanted to examine the effect of oral antioxidants on the severity of acne. A group of 56 acne patients were divided up into four different groups. They received either 200 mcg of selenium, 1200 mg of n-acetyl-cysteine, 210 mg of silymarin from Milk Thistle and one group received a placebo. Acne hardly changed in the placebo group. Total acne lesion count in the selenium receiving patients fell by nearly 40%, which is pretty respectable. But it was the silymarin/Milk Thistle and the NAC group where the most astonishing drop in acne occurred. In both the silymarin and NAC groups, total acne lesion counts fell by a massive 50%.
You can use Milk Thistle in herb/pill form or as a cream

The marketing for rosacure says:
“Its two key ingredients are methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), a sulfur compound that is used in the treatment of inflammatory conditions and silymarin (Lady’s or Milk Thistle Extract), a bioflavonoid. The combination of MSM and silymarin exerts a synergistic effect in reducing the appearance of facial redness.”
Info from the product:
"Managing facial redness (erythema) is an important cosmetic goal in rosacea treatment. A cream combining silymarin, tacopheryl acetate, acetyl glucosamine, and hyaluronic acid in a hydrating oleosome base was formulated to provide control of cutaneous erythema and to improve homeostasis of cutaneous microcirculation. We conducted an open, prospective evaluation of results of applying this cream twice daily to reduce facial redness in both new and existing patients with rosacea. After 6 and 12 weeks, the mean redness score for all facial areas (cheek, chin, forehead, nose) was reduced (P>.001) in 29 of 32 enrolled patients, and the mean redness score was lower (P< .001) after 12 weeks than after 6 weeks. Concurrent use of topical metronidazole was well tolerated and did not alter the efficacy of the cream. One (3.5%) of the 29 patients discontinued therapy because of burning, stinging, and increased redness. Silymarin cream was safe and effective in reducing facial redness associated with rosacea."
These are the ingredients of this cream:

Rose jill says: “I used rosacure for a very long time, a long time ago. No results, but at least it did not aggravate my skin.”
Aimee says: “I have been using Rosacure for many years now. It is a very good moisturizer for me and may help to reduce flushing, but I can't say for sure on that. It has not been a miracle for me, but as I have said before on this board, I always try new products that come out. And when they don’t work because they are too harsh or too perfumey or any of the other million of things that go wrong with new products, I always go back to Rosacure.”
Marcella says: “I have used it for at least 5 years. Never has burned me….. easily tolerated and a great moisturizer. I highly recommend it.”
Bihbi Cat says: “Rosacure was the first topical I bought even before my derm diagnoses of rosacea, as a GP said they thought that might be what I had and I spotted a nice, convincing ad in a mag for Rosacure. It does moisturize but from memory it’s a bit greasy and I think it caused a bit of flushing for me — certainly didn’t do anything to curb the flushing, though I did hear someone here say you supposedly have to use it for some weeks to see results — they were still waiting for the results to kick in.”
flamepoint says: “I have been using Rosacure since last September. It’s my favorite product. It’s great in the winter if you have dry skin and I just go easy on it in the summer so it’s not too heavy. Shoppers Drug Mart carries it out here for about $35.00. Don’t need a prescription. Just ask for it at the pharmacy.”
Simon replied on April 24, 2008: "I have read the same comments from flamepoint verbatim on another website. blatant marketing campaign. don’t buy this product."
Erika says: “I’ve found that Rosacure didn’t do anything for me, good or bad. I found it too oily which for me results in redness. I can see where it would be a helpful moisturizer in winter though”.
Mary wrote on October 23, 2007: "I used Rosacure, then Rosacure+, from 1999 to September 2007. It was a good moisturizer, well tolerated, but I never noticed any significant reduction in redness. My doctor said that at best, it would keep me from getting any redder, but I was careless about hot water and other triggers for several years, and am now redder than I was before. (Can’t blame the Rosacure for that, I guess). I stopped using it for a week this September when I ran out, but when I started using it again, I noticed that I would always redden on application, so I have stopped using it for now. In addition, I looked at the before and after shots on their website, and only one person with severe erythema appears to be improved. The other two pictures show no significant difference to the naked eye. If these are their bragging photos, I wouldn’t be too optimistic about any improvement for most people. I’ve read the linked study, which uses different units than shown in the graph I’ve linked below, used unblinded evaluators — that is, someone who knew which patients were on placebos and which used Rosacure — to assess the reduction in redness. The numbers looks great, with a mean value of about 60% reduction in redness, but the pictures displayed aren’t consistent with those numbers (to my eyes, anyway)."
Milk Thistle and acne
There’s a good explanation for how Milk Thistle works these acne miracles – its ability to increase glutathione production. The study above also analysed levels of serum antioxidant levels and what did they find? Blood glutathione levels increased three fold, by 271%. A separate study found that Milk Thistle boosts glutathione by 35%. Glutathione is the most important out of all the antioxidants which your body manufactures itself. Acne patients have been shown repeatedly to have lower levels than average. Increasing glutathione production is also how Milk Thistle helps your liver, since glutathione is also your body’s most important detoxification agent. There’s a lot of hype and nonsense about toxins and their effect on acne and rosacea; for example, you should never believe any stories about a weak liver diverting toxins to your skin, where they get forced out through your pores and then collect in your pores. Nor should you believe that toxins get stored in the liver itself and that to cure acne, you have to perform a liver cleanse with an insane acne diet like eating nothing but kale for two weeks. Nevertheless, improving your detoxification systems does allow you to remove acne-causing and otherwise harmful chemicals. For example, glutathione is responsible for detoxifying the heavy metals mercury and arsenic by transferring a molecule to them and preventing them from reacting with cells. Mercury causes acne through massive inflammation and arsenic is notorious for increasing keratin and dead skin cell turnover. If you don’t have enough glutathione, these metals as well as many other chemical contaminants like herbicides or BPA can be recycled endlessly back into the bloodstream. They then continue to cause acne over and over. Other chemicals, like inflammatory phthalates found in cheap plastics, can be stored long-term in your fat cells. Possibly the biggest problem is glutathione dual function – it functions both as a detoxification agent and an antioxidant. You need glutathione's antioxidants to keep your skin strong, but if it’s sidetracked with detoxifying toxin after toxin flooding in, your levels get depleted. You won’t have enough to defend against acne from air pollution and cigarette smoke. By supplementing with Milk Thistle or any other glutathione boosting agent, you can ensure that your supplies are plentiful enough, both to detoxify harmful chemicals and directly keep acne at bay. In the 21st century, we are exposed to more acne-causing chemicals in cosmetics, herbicides, heavy metals, pesticides and food additives than ever.

On Dr. Glenn S. Rothfeld's Nutrition and Healing page, a doctor suggested Milk Thistle for rosacea.
The patient asked: "The rosacea on my cheeks has become so embarrassing that I don’t even like to have my picture taken any more. Makeup is only working to a point, and I’m worried it could make my rosacea worse. I’ve tried over-the-counter creams and even a prescription gel, and I’ve been really disappointed. I’m out of ideas. How about you?"
Dr. Wright replied: "I understand your frustration. Rosacea, an inflammatory skin condition that mainly affects the faces of older men and women, can be notoriously difficult to treat. Fortunately, I may indeed have one more trick up my sleeve that you have not yet tried. In fact, most people have never heard about this course of treatment at all. If you have been reading e-Tips for a while, you’re probably already familiar with the health benefits of the natural remedy Milk Thistle, also known in the herbal world as Silybum marianum. Milk Thistle can protect your liver from a toxic attack, and even helps remove excess iron from your body. But in a study published several years ago, scientists discovered that Milk Thistle may also help clear stubborn rosacea. In a placebo-controlled clinical study, researchers asked 46 patients battling the condition to apply either a placebo cream or a cream containing silymarin (a concentrated extract from Milk Thistle) and MSM. The silymarin/ MSM group showed a significant improvement, with big reductions in redness, itching, and acne. General measures of skin health—such as hydration and color—were also dramatically improved. The good news is that it couldn’t be cheaper or easier to see if a silymarin/MSM topical solution can work for you. There are products available online and in health food stores right now that will run you about a dollar a day. Good luck!"
Jack wrote on March 14, 2009: "I have suffered a lot for high redness of the face, recently the Derm doc told me this is Rosacea, I am taking Rozex gel for more than 1 year now. The redness improved but still exist and I have flare-ups from time to time. Recently I noticed that Silymarin (Milk Thistle) can help with Rosacea. I took Milk Thistle for about 2 years before treatment and stopped it while I was on treatment. My question - would it be ok to take Milk Thistle now? Can it cause any problem? Anyone here know if it can really help with Rosacea? Thank you, Jack"
HCA replied on March 14, 2009: "I've never found anything scientific to support the notion that Milk Thistle has any hepatic benefit-or that suggests that it's harmful. I think that even today there is talk of a study dosing it intravenously. Until some good evidence comes along I think the only conclusion can be-as my first liver doctor said- 'It probably doesn't do any harm!' If I've missed some important news on this I will cheerfully change my opinion."
Hopeful587 replied on March 15, 2009: "My moderate to severe rosacea of the face and eyes gradually improved then completely cleared over my eight years on Milk Thistle. In fact, all the strange breakouts on arms and shoulders also cleared. None of the meds, topical and oral phased it. I have the fair skin and the sun damage factors. Also followed the general measures afore mentioned. I still flush during exertion, but not as badly. Interestingly enough since starting tx my pigmentation spots on fading. Only in 4th wk of tx, hope that it won't return. Good to know about these studies and more info on tx rosacea. Just wanted to let you know that Milk Thistle worked for me. Hopeful"
pvk wrote on August 4, 2008: "Is there a connection between hep c and acne or rosacea? I've had hep c for 30 years or more, mild liver damage and haven't treated yet. A year or so ago I started getting pretty dramatic acne-like red sores on my face, especially my nose. I thought this was related to liver function but my hepatologist and a dermatologist were skeptical and thought it was just 'normal' rosacea or adult acne. The dermatologist prescribed some creams which didn't help at all. Well, a few months ago I started taking Milk Thistle and the problem has diminished significantly. I wonder if the improvement is due to improved liver function due to the Milk Thistle. I was just wondering whether anyone has any experience with this and whether it's similar to mine or not. Also, if my theory is correct, and the Milk Thistle is having a positive effect on my liver function, does this mean that I'm in a little less danger from liver damage from the hep c virus?"

MasK replied on October 23rd, 2009: "I don't have any brand to give to you, but silybum marianum (the latin name of Milk Thistle) works great, and is proven by scientific studies to support the work of the liver, and when the liver is detoxifying the chemicals, drugs, toxines, salicylates, histamine and many other things from the body like it has to do it, it's the whole health and body functions that are improved. Your skin will be cleaner too, digestion etc. But be careful with the "natural" remedies, they could have side effects too, on high dosage. For the liver, I prefer to take desmodium (about 600mg/day when on a 2 months cure, and the liver "cleaning" is more effective on spring according to the eastern medicines). Add probiotics to your diet, and omega 3 oils (flax oil, or colza oil except if you suffer from thyroid problems since colza and all the cabbage family aggravate hyperthyroidism) because they lessen inflammation over the body (2 tablespoons a day on meal). Choose them extra virgin. Hope this will help. Best regards."
Jason1984 wrote on February 9th 2009: "Hi, I was wondering if anyone has had any success taking Milk Thistle? It is mentioned on the Australian Science website being beneficial. Thanks"
Yvette replied on February 9th 2009: "Hi, I have Milk Thistle and take it fairly regularly, but I also take a boat load of vitamins, probably 15 or so a day. I couldn't tell you how well it works since I think all the vitamins I'm taking help some. I read it can help the liver and can also reduce inflammation. I think it's worth a shot for you to try. I recently started Quercetin and that seems to be working pretty well also. My favorites are Tumeric, Evening Primrose, Grape Seed, CoQ10, Quercetin, pycnogenol, Olive Leaf, and UGN (anti fungal) supplement. Good luck. Regards, Yvette"
brasileirao wrote on July 19th 2007: "Hi Friends! 2 question - can taking Milk Thistle cause some skin reaction? Like flushing? Thanks! Tony"
ToadStooL- replied on July 19th 2007: "I just want to say my 2 cents... First, I have taken Milk Thistle before. I generally prefer to take it at night... I do not recall have any flushing reaction to it. I'd also like to assume that you are taking Milk Thistle, perhaps because you either have some live condition.. and/or you suspect liver toxicity to play a major role in your symptoms. If you do.. I just would like to add that yes Milk Thistle is a good idea... Many studies support that it has some beneficial properties to it. I'd also like to mention all the MANY other things that in fact go through your liver, which, results in the "toxicity" and or your liver not functioning to its full potential. Everything you eat, drink, put on your skin does sink in and goes through the liver. There is not much we can do regarding food... (unless we buy only organic...) but we can and do have control over what we expose ourselves to. Such as chemically based bodywashes, shampoos, toothpastes, chlorine waters etc...etc... So if we can limit our exposure to these things, then perhaps we can give our livers a well deserved break? Complications occur when we do not give our bodies what we need.. All vitamins.. and minerals... I at one time used to react very harshly to anything and everything.. showers.. .. all moisturizers.... cleansers everything. Eventually I kept up exposing myself to these extremes... I understand that no one case is the same.. I overcame these.. I no longer react to them... I don't know if I have helped at all... I kinda got sidetracked a little...Good luck hopefully someone else can offer sound advice."
BrunoP wrote on October 10th 2011: "Hi, I saw this info about this product:
I know that some people take this as a pill or tea along with supplements etc, but have it been effective? should i give it a try? Thanks"
Ghost replied on October 10th 2011: "I'm a great believer in clearing out the liver, etc., But do start SLOW on the Milk Thistle, it's powerful stuff. Take less than the instructions say. If it says 3x per day, do it 2x. You can make yourself pretty queasy when the liver starts releasing stuff. You can also clean your liver quickly by doing a liver flush. You can look up information all over the web. curezone.com has long threads about it that are informative. I did around 25 of these years ago until I was sure I got all the gunk out."
parsonsc6901 wrote on October 10th 2011: "I used Milk Thistle because my nose was red all the time and around my nose was red from seb derm I bought it at GNC. I did see good results. It did look like the redness had gone down in my skin. It is safe for you to take. I would start off with a small amount. It is worth a try. I bought herbal plus standardized Milk Thistle for 23.99. I have never used the tea. It says on the bottle take 1-3 capsules a day. I took two everyday but I am very small. They also have one there for a little bit cheaper for 18$. I would just get the smallest, cheapest bottle to see if it works for you first."
BrunoP wrote on October 15th 2011: "I went to a shop here and I found it, well it's St.Mary's Thistle but it's the same (searched on google) in Portugal it's called Cardo Mariano, it's 500 mg and it says to take 3 pills a day before meals! i'll start tomorrow and let you know! it's 60 pills, so it's only for 10 days, i don´t think it's enough, how many days should this be done? How was your experience with this Milk Thistle? Bruno"
Ghost wrote on October 15th 2011: "Wait -- 3 pills before EACH meal? Or 3 pills per day, one before each meal? Makes a BIG diff. I find Milk Thistle to be quite effective. Go slower rather than faster."
BrunoP wrote on October 15th 2011: "I will start with 2 pills before meals, this weekend, one before lunch and one before bed, and Monday I'll take 3, in the morning, lunch or bed. i'm sorry if I wrote it wrong, I should had listening more to English classes in the high school. My condition is redness in my cheeks and nose, and after oral pills and antibiotics, you know the rest... I had 6 sessions of IPL, but I didn't notice any improvement, and as you, I had no idea of the possibility of having mites, and I still don't know cause I never had a test, like you. The IPL was done to eliminate the blood vessels, but in this case it would kill the mites too. By the way, I bought the Milk Thistle pills for the liver and took 60 pills, 3 times a day. I don't known if I should take another or wait, I couldn't notice changes in my rosacea"
Caran wrote on January 30th 2008: "I have been taking turmeric, Milk Thistle and various other herbs as much for their anti angiogenesis properties as much as anything else. I would hate not to have something to slow down new blood vessel growth."
Iceman1981 wrote: "Hi, I'm 28 and I have a serious acne problem that doesn't seem to want to go away. Here is a a brief history of my diet and lifestyle: I never had acne while I was a teenager (ate the typical american diet). I developed mild acne at the age of 21. Ever since I started getting a zit here and there. I changed my diet around big time. I cut out junk food, no soda, no sugar, no gluten, no dairy and what ever foods I had a allergic reaction to. I drank only water, vegetable juice and herbal teas. I exercised regularly and ate tons of vegetables and some fruit every day with lean meat (chicken, turkey). This really helped my acne and it went away. I have 1 to 2 large, well formed bowel movements per day. I would only get a pimple if I really ate something bad. Last october 2009 I decided to take a liver supplement containing:
- Milk Thistle Extract (Silybum marianum) (Fruit and Seeds) (Standardized to 80% Silymarin Flavonoids) 300 mg
- Dandelion Root Extract (Taraxacum officinale) (4:1) 100 mg
- Artichoke Extract (Cynara scolymus) (Leaf) (Standardized to 2% Cynarin) 50 mg.
I read so many reviews on Milk Thistle and how it helps the liver and people with acne. So, I bought a bottle and used the liver supplement (above) 3 capsules a day for two weeks in October 2009. I started breaking out big time. So, I stopped taking it. I developed severe acne with red cysts and whiteheads. I would get these every week. It is now may 2010 and I still have these cysts that appear every week and I am really really depressed. It has left a ton of marks on my face. I never had this problem before and I don't know what to do. Do you think my liver is trying to get rid of the extra toxins and hormones by expelling them into my colon and my colon can't eliminate them quick enough, so the excess toxins is coming out of my skin? I'm taking the following supplements. (I took these before last october and never broke out):
Multi Vitamin
Vitamin D3
Fish Oil Liquid
Coconut Oil
Saw Palmetto
Beta Carotene
Calcium & Magnesium
Digestive Enzymes
Vitamin E
B Complex
Psyllium & Bentonite shake twice a day for the past 2 weeks
I used to wash my face with Proactiv for the last 8 years and it has helped a lot. Now the Proactiv has stopped working. No matter what I put on my face, it doesn't seem to help. I'm using manuka honey, coconut oil, aloe vera and I'm exfoliating. I've narrowed this down to these things: Colon/Intestines/Leaky Gut and Liver. I never had hormonal acne before, so I don't think it's that. It's probably the toxins in my bowels that is getting into my blood causing me to break out. I also want to go on a serries of colonic hydrotherapy to get all of the mucoid plaque out. I'm sorry for the long post, but if there is anyone out there that can help me or put me in the right direction, I would appreciate it very much. It's very stressful to go from smooth clear skin to a face that has acne and marks. Thank You !!!"
SeattleTom replied: "Hi Iceman - You've done some excellent work on your health--good for you. I had an experience similar to yours years ago. I read a lot of good things about Milk Thistle and dandelion, and started taking them 14 years ago. My liver started detoxing rapidly and I had numerous healing crises for many years. I learned a few years ago that detoxing the liver causes it to dump lots of old toxins into the colon and bloodstream. For this reason, it's better to cleanse the colon and kidneys before one starts cleansing the liver. I had to learn this the hard way. In your case, your liver is probably releasing old toxins faster than your colon and kidneys can eliminate them. This is why it's releasing them through your skin, causing the severe acne. I think you'd be wise to continue the colon cleansing you're already doing, do some colonics, and do some kidney cleansing. You might to read "The Detox Book" by Bruce Fife, ND, to learn more about this. Tom"
Mr Natural wrote on Sep 24, 2012: "Hey up folks just wondering if anyone here ever suffered with Rosacea which is pretty much red rash on the cheeks and neck and various other places. My skin only seems to get like this when training and this does seem to be a symptom of Rosacea as when i was fasting and only having around 2 meals a day my skin was clear but their was no exercise during this period to but now that I'm training and eating more protein it flares up some days and others its fine. Someone at the gym suggested try Milk Thistle as this would clear up the liver of any toxins etc and one suggest maybe having digestive enzymes with meals. I'm interested in what fellow TM users have to say. P.S: I'm going to see a dermatologist on Wednesday so would like to have some ideas as most in the medical field are like oh don't have protein shakes and don't train that's what the last one said, I'd like to make them this time actually provide a solution as my skin was always clear just past year seems to have been flaring up."
SK-XO replied on Sep 24, 2012: "I had mild Rosacea on my upper right cheek under my eye and onto nose a bit. Was just red and irritated/sore/itchy. Worth a shot but I know a lot of beauty salon owners and one of them did a facial/micro derm brasion on my face. Not sure 100% which one but it got rid of it, basically removing layers of the skin and allowing for new skin cells to develop seemed to "cure" it. Imo your skin has a huge build up over the months/ years of crap/ oils/ rubbish etc that clogs pores and can result in skin conditions happening. Really can't see Milk Thistle causing this.... Liver toxins imo has zero to do with it as well. I'm on chemo drugs and my liver is constantly elevated along with gilberts disease which is very high bilirubin so a lot of toxins going on! but my skin is very clear. I think it may just be a result of build up of sh1t, also hormones imo could contribute due to increased oils in the skin or even drying out of the skin which can cause irritation. Noticed you said fasting as well maybe make sure your taking a good multi vit or eating enough to supplement the vital nutrients to get rid of free radicals a , c's and e's."
brian_harvey wrote on June 4, 2011: "I stumbled across this thread a few weeks ago and I thought I'd give Milk Thistle a try. It's been 3 weeks now and along with eating a lot healthier (cutting out sugar and diary), drinking carrot juice in the morning, the regular salicylic acid wash and face wipes, my forehead acne has improved greatly. Minocycline and Benzyl Peroxide never did a thing but with a combo of the above my skin has improved such a lot. I've still had a couple of pimples but it wasn't like the clusters I had been steadily getting for years. Also this week I've had a week off Milk Thistle (heeding the warning here [to not use it for long periods at a time]!) and ate / drank a ton of crap because I was on holiday and my skin is still doing well. I guess it's still early days but just thought I'd post to say it's worth trying for forehead acne (which can be linked to the liver right?)."
Heyeddy wrote on April 10th 2016: "Hello all, I've been through various acne treatments over the last 15 years. In short, topicals do not work for me (I've tried every one of them literally), antibiotics do not work, accutane is to be tested (120mg/kg dosage, i've tried low dose course before). However so far only two things worked:
- ketogenic diet (two days and 95% of pustules/cysts were gone) (I can't follow this diet any more due to personal reasons)
- Milk Thistle or NAC (I can use them in exchange) - 2 hours after taking the capsule my acne stops hurting, 2-3 days after it is healing rapidly (although the acne is not cured 100% - i am 95% clear).
Obviously the next day after I stop the supplements (or the diet) I am getting painful breakouts (cystic), typically all around my mouth and jaw line. The question is why those supplements help me? I know they are antioxidants but so is vitamin C and vitamin E and they have never helped me (including massive dosage). I've seen one study that claims Milk Thistle is antiandrogenic and it is helpful for people with prostate cancer. On the other hand though, there was a study where they found NAC + selenium to be a testosterone booster. There is one other study saying this is because of this supplement effect on oxidative stress. So what is the probable explanation here? and what are the chances of accutane nuking it for good in this case? Please keep in mind all my hormones are in range appending to the blood tests. Same goes for liver and overall health. Thanks for hints"
heyeddy updated on April 21st 2016: "I've done another test, I've stopped taking Milk Thistle for 2 days and got highly inflamed pimples (cysts) mouth/jawline area within 48hrs. Then again I've used Milk Thistle and literally overnight 85% of inflammation was gone. This is not a 100% cure but still something sensational for me. But I still don't understand how it can work so fast !? It makes no sense. My inflammation and pimple size is 90% reduced right now, not painful at all. However my chin is still oily."
heyeddy updated on April 25th 2016: "Ok I'm still on Milk Thistle + dandelion root and my acne seems to still be improving. However I started to have problems with urination - voiding mainly (sign of BPH). This is not severe but it seems to correlate with my theory regarding hormonal influences of this supplement. I've managed to do some medical tests which confirmed my primary suspects:
After 2 week silymarin (Milk Thistle) course - dosage: 500mg:
Estradiol - 56 pg/ml (norm: 20-47) - HIGH
Prolactin - 7 ng/ml (norm: 2.7 - 13.3)
FSH - 5 mlU/ml (norm: 1.27 - 19.3)
LH - 5.7 mlU/ml (norm: 1.24 - 8.62)
DHEA SO4 - 220 ug/dl (90 - 470)
Testosterone - 620 ng/dl (175 - 790)
As you can see the only abnormal result here is Estradiol, which seems to be increased. So for two weeks I've stopped the Milk Thistle supplementation and did one more test just to verify my theory: Estradiol - 40 pg/ml (20-47) - NORMAL
As you can see my estrogen level dropped to normal levels and acne re-appeared again. There are some problems with this approach (supplementing Milk Thistle):
- acne is not solved 100% - I would say 90% better, I still experience breakouts after serious physical activity
- Milk Thistle makes me tired, can't lift
- brain fog
- prostate enlargement, trouble urinating !!!
Those side effects mostly go away after stopping the treatment but then acne reappears. I suspect those side effects are due to elevated estradiol. Now questions for you guys:
- Can this situation lead to more problems in the future?
- Secondly would it be better to risk using isotretinoin with hormonal acne like this? "
gamesguru replied on May 30th 2016: "Salicylic acid may help. It's also possible milk whistle has selective antibiotic properties toward Acne, which I believe, is how retinols and Accutane work. I think between the liver protection, antioxidative and antibacterial effect, and antiandrogen activity, Milk Thistle is kind of a perfect storm. not sure how it ties in with nac and selenium
Adyus wrote on June 20th 2006: "If you have any problems taking doxycycline, you could use silymarin (Milk Thistle). It's often prescribed by doctors when the patient is taking too many pills, to help the liver and the stomach. Silymarin is also good for rosacea. Regards, Adrian"
Callah wrote on February 6th 2016: "I can't say I've noticed a hormonal pattern to my rosacea, but I do think Milk Thistle has helped. I've been taking it for several months and in that time my flushing has reduced considerably, meaning fewer papules and pustules (in my case they seem to be linked). I saw an improvement within the first couple of weeks."
Karen_breeze wrote on January 8th 2006: "I've been taking neem for several months now, and so far it's working very well, it seems to reduce sensitivities to food so I don't flush as much as I used to (but I am very careful with my diet). I take it for about 4 weeks, then Milk Thistle for a week. It's the only supplement I've taken and noticed an improvement. I've tried grape seed extract, ester c, but no noticeable improvement. I've started taking superoxide dismutase, I think it's also helping with the flushing. I've had about 10/11 yag laser treatments, which helps to keep the flushing/redness under control. I also find Milk Thistle has a positive effect on my skin...Neem, Milk Thistle, routine works well for me."

Dr. Meschino gives rosacea patients 600 mg a day of Milk Thistle (studies indicate that up to 1,000 mg is safe), and 120 mg daily of reishi mushroom extract, standardized to 10 percent polysaccharide content. He recommends 400 mg daily of astragalus. "I have had good success, and other estheticians whom I have worked with and some plastic surgeons have seen good results using this regimen with their rosacea patients," he says. "It is primarily subjective, with patients noticing improvement. I would say that about 50 percent of patients notice a positive change." Dr. Meschino uses these doses until the skin condition is under control, and then maintains results by cutting the doses in half. "The problem never really goes away †what you are trying to do is manage it more effectively," he says."
Mistica wrote on February 11th 2015: "My experience with a low dose B complex was superficial, but marked flushing, buzzing in my skin and the rapid appearance of numerous fine capillaries. It was like the growing of weeds. After nearly one year, I have not fully recovered from this. I took two tablets. For your interest, in case you get the urge to experiment again (much like me, ha ha), I also react very badly to Grapeseed Extract, Milk Thistle, Citrus Bioflavanoids, quercetin and a few other 'goodies' which are supposed to be good for rosacea. My particular reactions to these supplements are very much the same as my reactions to B vitamins. Interesting. One of the the actions they have in common is the interference with Glucose. The potential for herbal supplements to be deemed toxic by the body is always possible too and that has happened to me as well. My medical team which includes a couple of scientists, have told me that in general it is the minerals that people are more likely to lack. That seems to hold truth with me as well. Again, I have been tested."
Eastmangoboy wrote on March 2nd 2015: "For me, I never had hangovers from alcohol, for example. Instead, I would get p&p and a flaky red face the days following. When I take dandelion root or Milk Thistle, which are liver-assisting supplements, flushing decreases and skin conditions improve."
Dosage and side effects of Milk Thistle
Most Milk Thistle supplements are measured by how much silybin they contain. The standard dosage of Milk Thistle is 200 mg, 2 to 3 times a day of an extract standardized to contain 70% silymarin. There is some evidence that silymarin bound to phosphatidylcholine may be better absorbed. This form should be taken at a dosage of 100 mg to 200 mg twice a day. For antioxidant effects, 140 milligrams of silymarin taken by mouth three times daily for three weeks is recommended. For rosacea, it is wise to start with a low dose of Milk Thistle. It's powerful stuff. You best take less than the instructions say. Wait and see how your body and skin handle this herb and whether or not you get side effects, before upping the dose. It is also wise to discuss the use with your dermatologist or GP. According to the NCCAM, in clinical trials, Milk Thistle generally has few side effects when taken as an oral supplement. Occasionally, people report a laxative effect, diarrhea, and bloating, heartburn, or a mild upset stomach. Some users also reported insomnia. Insomnia is not a good condition for acne or rosacea at all because sleep deprivation can worsen insulin resistance and increase facial flushing threshold. Milk Thistle can produce allergic reactions, which tend to be more common among people who are allergic to plants in the same family (for example, ragweed, chrysanthemum, marigold and daisy). The plant is actually the most researched and best understood of all the medicinal herbs. Women who are breastfeeding or pregnant should avoid using Milk Thistle. Milk Thistle may cause a rash or lead to severe allergic reaction. Since Milk Thistle may mimic the effects of estrogen, some women should avoid this herb. This includes women who have fibroid tumors or endometriosis. Additionally, women with breast, uterine, and ovarian cancers should not take Milk Thistle.
Milk Thistle can increase or decrease the effects of some medications. This can lead to increased side effects or reduced benefit from taking these medicines. Levels of these medications may increase if taken by people who are also using Milk Thistle. This list is not exhaustive:
* methadone
* heart drugs - Tambocor (flecainide), Rythmol (propafenone)
* antibiotics - erythromycin, rifampin
* anti-seizure drugs - carbamazepine (Tegretol)
* antidepressants - St. John's wort, Zyban/Wellbutrin (bupropion), Paxil (paroxetine), Prozac (fluoxetine), Luvox (fluvoxetine) Serzone (nefazodone), Zoloft (sertraline), Effexor (venlafaxine)
* antihistamines - Hismanal (astemizole), Seldane (terfenadine)
* antifungals - itraconazole (Sporanox), Ketoconazole (Nizoral)
* gastrointestinal motility agents - Prepulsid (Cisapride)
* ergot drugs - Ergonovine, Ergomar (ergotamine)
* anti-psychotics - Clozaril (clozapine), Orap (pimozide)
* sedatives/sleeping pills - Ambien (zolpidem), Halcion (triazolam), Versed (midazolam)
* lipid-lowering drugs (statins) - Lescol (fluvastatin), Mevacor (lovastatin), Pravachol (pravastatin) and Zocor (simvastatin), Baycol (cerivastatin)
* transplant drugs - cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune), ProGraf (tacrolimus)
Milk Thistle also has the potential to lower levels of the following drugs:
* anti-parasite drugs - Mepron (atovaquone)
* sedatives/sleeping pills - Ativan (lorazepam)
* hormones - estrogen
5. Flaxseed oil
Possible effects: anti inflammatory, moisturizing, reduction in inflammatory redness and hot flashes
Pubmed states about this:
"Several sources of information suggest that human beings evolved on a diet with a ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFA) of approximately 1 whereas in Western diets the ratio is 15/1-16.7/1. Western diets are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids, and have excessive amounts of omega-6 fatty acids compared with the diet on which human beings evolved and their genetic patterns were established. Excessive amounts of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and a very high omega-6/omega-3 ratio, as is found in today's Western diets, promote the pathogenesis of many diseases, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, whereas increased levels of omega-3 PUFA (a low omega-6/omega-3 ratio) exert suppressive effects. In the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease, a ratio of 4/1 was associated with a 70% decrease in total mortality. A ratio of 2.5/1 reduced rectal cell proliferation in patients with colorectal cancer, whereas a ratio of 4/1 with the same amount of omega-3 PUFA had no effect. The lower omega-6/omega-3 ratio in women with breast cancer was associated with decreased risk. A ratio of 2-3/1 suppressed inflammation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, and a ratio of 5/1 had a beneficial effect on patients with asthma, whereas a ratio of 10/1 had adverse consequences. These studies indicate that the optimal ratio may vary with the disease under consideration. This is consistent with the fact that chronic diseases are multigenic and multifactorial. Therefore, it is quite possible that the therapeutic dose of omega-3 fatty acids will depend on the degree of severity of disease resulting from the genetic predisposition. A lower ratio of omega-6/omega-3 fatty acids is more desirable in reducing the risk of many of the chronic diseases of high prevalence in Western societies, as well as in the developing countries, that are being exported to the rest of the world."
Avoid processed seed- and vegetable oils that are loaded with Omega-6
According to Dr. Stephan Guyenet, who has done a lot of research on non-industrial populations, typical Omega-6:Omega-3 ratios for non-industrial populations ranged from 4:1 to 1:4. Hunter-gatherers eating mostly land animals had a ratio of 2:1 to 4:1, while the Inuit, who ate mostly Omega-3 rich seafoods, had a ratio of 1:4. Other non-industrial populations were somewhere in between. These populations didn’t appear to suffer from the chronic diseases that are currently killing us Westerners by the millions. None of these populations were eating a lot of Omega-6. It is probably a bad idea to eat tons of Omega-6, then a whole lot of Omega-3 to compensate. Having a relatively low, balanced amount of each is best. Anthropological evidence also suggests that the ratio human beings evolved eating is somewhere around 1:1, while the ratio today is about 16:1! Not only are people eating much less Omega-3, but they are eating large amounts of processed seed- and vegetable oils, which are loaded with Omega-6. We simply didn’t have the technology to process these oils until about a 100 years ago and we have not had time to genetically adapt to these high amounts of Omega-6. Here is a chart with some common fats and oils. Try to avoid or limit all that have a high proportion of Omega-6 (blue bars). You can see that butter, coconut oil, lard, palm oil and olive oil are all relatively low in Omega-6. However, sunflower, Corn, Soybean and Cottonseed oils are by far the worst.
Eat Animal Foods That Are High in Omega-3
Animal foods are the best sources of the preformed Omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA. Fish and lean meats for instance. One problem today is that animals are usually fed grain-based feeds with soy and corn. This reduces the Omega-3 content. Therefore, if you can afford it financially, organic (or at least grass-fed) meat is still the wisest choice. Some conventionally raised meats like chicken and pork are particularly high in Omega-6. If you want to bring your intake of Omega-6 down as much as possible, then it makes sense to choose the leaner portions of those meats. By far the best and healthiest way to increase your Omega-3 intake is to eat seafood once or twice per week. Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines and kippers are a particularly good source. Wild caught fish is best, but even farmed is better than no fish at all. You can also consider taking a fish oil supplement. Cod liver oil is best, because it is also loaded with Vitamin D and Vitamin A. The problem for people with rosacea, however, might be that fish oil supplements are naturally high in histamine, which can cause a rosacea flare or flush for some people. If this is the case for you, then there are also some plant sources of Omega-3. Flaxseed is the best one of the bunch here, and chia seeds are considered good too. However, these contain a type of Omega-3 called ALA. Humans are inefficient converters of ALA into the active forms, EPA and DHA. For this reason, animal sources of Omega-3 like fish and grass-fed animals are considered the best.
Flaxseed oil
Flaxseed oil is being heavily promoted as an alternative to fish oil. The health benefits of fish oil are believed to rely mostly on two omega-3 fats; eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Flaxseed oil contains a third, plant-based omega-3, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Other foods (especially walnuts) and oils (canola and soybean, for example) contain ALA. But at about 7 grams per tablespoon, flaxseed oil is by far the richest source. The main problem with ALA is that it needs to be converted first, before it gives our body the good effects of omega-3's. Enzymes in our body first need to convert the ALA into 2 two omega-3 fats EPA and DHA. As a result, only a small fraction of flax seeds ALA in the end has omega-3's effects; 10%–15%, maybe less. The remaining 85%–90% gets burned up as energy or metabolized in other ways. So in terms of omega-3 "power," a tablespoon of flaxseed oil is worth about 700 milligrams (mg) of EPA and DHA. That's still more than the 300 mg of EPA and DHA in many 1-gram fish oil capsules, but far less than what the 7 grams listed on the label might imply. Another problem with flaxseed oil is its omega-6 content (about two grams per tablespoon). Omega-6 metabolism competes with ALA for some of the same enzymes, so ALA might also not reach its full omega-3 potential if there's a lot of omega-6 around. Fish oil might be a better source of omega 3 and EPA and DHA (here you can find a comparison of the two), but it is also loaded with histamine, which makes me personally flush badly every time I try them. Personally I regularly eat fatty fish and take algae oil at times. It still contains omega 3, but does not have the histamine levels of fish oil.
Flaxseed oil and rosacea:
Quadrophenia wrote on January 28th 2009: "I have some permanent redness in my cheeks, but my biggest problem has always been flushing. Very annoying when you love sports and beer. I have tried lots of things, including IPL and various supplements. IPL helped for a few months, green tea extract also, but what helped the most was coffee. I have tried fish oil on several occasions, and it always made me worse. Recently, I was made aware of flaxseed oil. I decided to try it, although I was 90% sure it would make me flushy. It didn´t. After only 3 days (!) with 2 capsules daily, my flushing problem was almost completely gone. It´s been 7 weeks and I´m still shocked. 2 capsules of flaxseed oil each day was the simple solution to my biggest problem for the past 25 years! Now, I can exercise harder and much longer without turning horribly red! My permanent redness is still there, but it has faded a little. Why does flaxseed oil help me and fish oil not? Does anybody know?"
And: "Well, after some research, I think I know why flax oil works for me. The capsules I use are lignan-rich. Lignans can reduce hot flushes. Regular bottled flax oil does not contain much lignans.[..]The capsules I use (norwegian brand) has 190 mg lignans. I take 2 each day."
Sweetness & Light wrote on January 22nd 2009: "I have tried many alternative therapies for every ailment I have suffered and pleased to say that I have had success with some. Recently, I started taking Omega 3 Flaxseed oil in the hope that it would relieve some symptoms I have been suffering for several years: aches, pains, digestive discomfort, depression, hormonal imbalances and of course my blotchy, lumpy, dry and inflamed skin. It's only been about 6 weeks that I have been taking Flaxseed oil in increasing amounts and I have to say I have noticed a difference in my skin. I noticed however, that the Flaxseed seemed to show an improvement in my skin only after I started to increase my daily dosage. And I mean a huge increase. I started by taking the recommended dose on the bottle which is 1-2 capsules a day or two teaspoons (5ml) of oil, but then researched this and found that the people who were having huge benefits from Flaxseed oil were taking one to three TABLESPOONS (15ml) of the oil daily. The capsule equivalent would be about 14 (1000mg) capsules daily. 14 capsules to equal one tablespoon. That's a heck of a lot of caps to swallow!! The oil is recommend but I found it messy (although I could tolerate the taste) and while I was ill with the flu, I couldn't be bothered going down to the fridge to take it. Capsules are way more convenient. My bottled organic flaxseed oil only lasted about two and a half weeks and then it turned cloudy and yukky. And it was refrigerated at all times! I now use capsules again and break them open, pour the oil onto a spoon to make my daily tablespoon or three. It's a lot of capsules to break open, but at least I am not having to eat them or waste my money on the bottled oil. Since taking up to three tablespoons of flaxseed oil daily, my rosacea seems to be under control. My face doesn't flare up red at the usual triggers of heat, and the dryness is slowly improving. Although the paps pimples, etc come and go, but not as severely or stubbornly as it used to be. But this is only maintained by taking a high dose of flaxseed oil, if I let my daily amount slip then I noticed some redness and dryness returns to my face."
Artist wrote on January 29th 2009: "I've had mixed results in the past with flax oil and omega 3 supplements, but I tried again with a fish oil supplement a few months ago and I do think it's helping (or at least not hurting). My opinion is that adding omega-3 to your diet should help in the long run if you tolerate it. Studies show that it lowers inflammation, but I'm guessing it probably takes a month or two to see results."
Ambily wrote: "Hi, last year I was diagnosed with rosacea, and they said there was not a real cure but just maintenance drugs. She gave me metrogel and this did nothing to "maintain''. Anyway, long story short, I started taking flaxseed oil because I had other health issues (heart) and I noticed my rosacea bumps disappeared. Then I doubled my dose and everything went away. I have no idea why or how. I take 6 teaspoons of cold pressed flaxseed oil a day. I know that's way over the recommended dose. So I feel like I can not "recommend" that anyone take this. But when I see someone in public with rosacea, I feel for them and I want to tell them what worked for me, but I can't do that because I don't have the guts, and I don't want to embarrass them, and I don't want to get in trouble for giving out medical advice when I am not a doctor. So I'm posting this here, because I saw someone today that looked like my face looked, and I thought maybe he would read a forum like this or eventually, if it works for others like it did for me, the word would get around. Ps. my rosacea was quite bad. Bumps and redness, it would show through my makeup, and now I don't feel like I have to wear makeup, except for lips and eyes, but not on the skin."
Ebareaalne replied: "I've been taking flaxseed for about week and half. Redness hasn't disappeared, but my skin feels better. How long did it take for you to see difference in redness? Am glad you found something that helps your rosacea. I believe that the main reason flax helps your condition is because of the Omega 7 fatty acid (palmitoleic acid) content. Omega 7 is a rare compound with HUGE benefits to skin and other similar membranes(gastrointestinal, urogenital, etc.) The best source for Omega 7 is actually Seabuckthorn (specifically seabuckthorn fruit oil or pulp)."
Auburn wrote on March 30th 2010: "I had been taking flaxseed oil and flaxseed meal daily for quite some time (a couple of years, I think) when I came across this article. I did some more research and learned that:

Melissa W wrote: "Omega 3's all the way. Aim for at least 1000 mg per day of EPA and DHA combined. Fish oil is better than flaxseed for this. [..] Flaxseed is good but you have to eat loads and loads to get what you need as compared to the supplement or fish."
Stimpson65 wrote on July 27th, 2008: "I am certain this topic has been covered on this board previously, however, I would like to report yet another unmitigated success with this dietary supplement. The interesting thing about this was it was quite accidental and we discovered it as a result of having Flaxseed oil recommended for an entirely different condition: Chronic Dry-Eye. My mother, who is 78 and has suffered with Rosacea since it's sudden onset in her late 40's (most likely due to menopausal symptoms related to hormonal fluctuations), was advised by her doctor to try Flaxseed oil as a dietary supplement to aid with her chronic dry-eye symptoms. My mother was not happy about the exorbitant cost of prescription medication which was proving to be ineffective. Her doctor was also concerned about how the cost of such medications was affecting ALL of her patients. After reading many things about this supplement, I (and the rest of my family) are convinced. It has COMPLETELY inhibited any effects of Rosacea while also mitigating the effects of Dry-eye. However, there has been one significant oversight in much of the material I have read about this dietary supplement: The form of the product! After consulting with her doctor, they have made clear the importance of ensuring the only form of consistently effective Flaxseed oil is COLD PRESSED oil in liquid form! If you have tried this supplement in pill form and had no success, this may be the culprit! Try the COLD-PRESSED liquid form! There are apparently compounds absent in the pill form which have not been removed in the cold-pressed form and are necessary for treating the symptoms. Two tablespoons in any of the food you consume, every other day have resulted in the COMPLETE disappearance of all Rosacea symptoms and dry-eye symptoms. The supplement seems to take from 10 days to 2 weeks to show improvement with all symptoms disappearing completely after 1 month of continued use. We even have empirical evidence, having run out of the cold-pressed form, and attempted to use pills in it's stead. The pill form allowed symptoms to return almost immediately! (shocked) COLD-PRESSED liquid form is the secret (shh) and we are convinced! Give it a try if you've had little or no success with the pill form. Be advised that you must be consistent and use it regularly. If your half-assed about it, it won't do much for you. Give it time to work! I think you will be pleased with the results!"
Lisamouries replied on July 29th 2008: "Hmmm. I took Omega 3, 6 and 9 for a while but did tend to get redder/flushed so that would make sense. I did feel it helped with my ocular Rosacea though so maybe I'll try omega 3 only. Thanks for the input. Lisa M."
CrabbyCathy replied on August 1st 2008: "Greetings! I tried Omega 3-6-9 too, and it made me worse. However, regular old flaxseed oil (capsules) make my skin better. I might try the liquid form, mixed into salad dressing, though. Couldn't hurt! I will admit I bought the liquid form to use topically, thinking that if it was good internally, why not topically? I haven't yet, though. Has anyone else, or is this a hare-brained idea?"
Sweetness & Light replied on February 1st 2009: "I agree that Omega 6 seems to worsen rosacea while Omega 3 (Flaxseed or Fish oils) improves it. I also agree that the organic cold pressed bottled oil seems to work better than the capsules. Sweetness x"
Lookout14 replied on February 1st 2009: "Guess I am the odd man out or I should say odd woman out! I took 2tbs....every other day of high quality cold pressed flaxseed oil from an ND I was being treated by at the time.....and within 10 days my rosacea was off the charts! My face was constantly flushing and burning and beet red constantly.....it was a nightmare.....same experience with FO again best quality (Dr.Sears/Zone Diet) and even my gums and teeth were HYPER reactive/ sensitive to the point of pain..... I know this goes against all the published papers out there on the benefits and anti-inflammatory benefits, BUT my body actually responds with a huge increase in inflammation! Glad it works for you but anytime I see posts like these, I feel compelled to share my very extremely negative experiences with these as I would hate to think of anyone out there like myself taking these and having a neg affect and not being able to figure out that it's those oils! EDIT: I wanted to also mention... I can't use any of the topical omega's either..... oils that are rich in them....olive oil, jojoba oil, safflower, and any other I can't think of them all right now! I just use mineral oil and I have no reactions as it contains NO omega's.....so inside & outside omega's are bad for my rosacea."
And: "In my case I think since I already have an autoimmune disease (hashimotos) that the Omega's turn up my immune system which causes an increase overall in body inflammation....that's why my gums and teeth even became inflamed....I had nothing wrong with them....just those omega's in a high amount which these doc's consider the effective dose but in truth I couldn't even manage the full dose they recommended and it still had a powerful effect on my body's inflammatory response....attacking my organs....skin, gums, teeth and at that time my thyroid gland....I believe they even caused my antibodies count to be sky high!"
JennyD replied on March 10th 2009: "Hi Lookout 14 - I am quite lucky that my Rosacea is confined to my nose (mainly) but it also affects my eyes - now I know that exercise (tears) and flaxseed affect me. It's that stupid Celtic heritage! I have been taking the Omega 3 Flaxseed oil capsules for about a year now and have had no adverse reaction to them, but reading the posts I see that some people have no beneficial results from the capsules, perhaps that's why I have had no adverse reaction to them - perverse, but perhaps whatever is missing in the capsules that is in the oil itself could be the ingredient causing my issue. Have you found any Omega 3 oils that don't affect your rosacea? I am a vegetarian so fish oil is definitely out."
Research done on Flaxseed oil for menopausal hot flushes
Flax seed can also help with menopausal hot flushes. They are a common symptom of menopause and there is some evidence to suggest that flax seed may offer some relief for these symptoms, and reduces the severity and frequency of hot flushes. Menopausal hot flushes are common among women, approximately 80% of menopausal women have to deal with them. Although they are linked to changing hormone levels, they mimic the type of hot flushes and facial flushing we have to deal with as rosacea patients. Both are linked to the central thermoregulatory centre in our bodies. Typically, hot flushes affect the head and neck and last for a few minutes, whereas rosacea flushing can last far longer. In research, scientists tend to test ground flaxseed, rather than flaxseed oil, but they work more or less the same. Studies show that a higher intake of omega 3, and therefore a better balance of fatty acids within a woman’s diet, leads to less severe menopause symptoms. A review of 2 studies also found that a higher intake of omega 3 fatty acids was linked to less severe menopausal symptoms. It is also believed the high omega 3 intake of Japanese women is why they have very few menopausal symptoms at all. Flaxseed lignans are a natural phytoestrogen, and replicates female oestrogen within the body. This replication helps to balance natural estrogen as women go through perimenopause and menopause: many menopausal symptoms are related to changes in hormone levels, specifically estrogen and progesterone. A small study in Canada found that whilst flaxseed had some health benefits in terms of reducing cholesterol, there was no statistically significant improvement in other menopausal symptoms. Although the study was small, it was well designed, with a placebo being given to participants, as well as flaxseed and wheat germ. However, another smaller study found that flaxseed did offer reductions in the number of hot flushes women were experiencing. The researchers gave the participants 40g of flaxseed each day. Unlike the previous study mentioned, there was no placebo making the study design weaker. Some of the participants withdrew early because of digestive complaints. A study by Pruthi et al, found that whilst there was no statistically significant reduction in hot flushes using initially flaxseed and then a flaxseed bar, there was still a reduction in their hot flush scores. The study used the standard 40g dose daily of flaxseed. Again, the study was small but for some of the participants, there did appear to be a reduction in the severity and frequency of their hot flushes. The most effective dose of flaxseed fiber was found to be 40g per day, usually split into two servings. This flaxseed powder could be mixed into porridge, or served on top of fruit and yogurt. It does need to be given time to work, so allow 2-3 weeks of daily use before expecting to see results.
Dosage and side effects of flaxseed oil
Flaxseed is high in fiber and therefore may cause some digestive discomfort, diarrhea or bloating. If you have a diagnosed digestive complaint such as IBS, colitis or Crohn’s, seek medical advice before starting to include flaxseed in your diet. Flaxseed oil doesn’t have a set recommended dosage. It really depends on how much EPA and DHA you have in your diet, as well as your overall health. For ground flaxseed, 40g per day is said to be enough for menopause hot flushes. If you’re taking flaxseed oil capsules, the University of Maryland Medical Center recommends that you take one to two each day. However, for rosacea I found that most people benefit from higher doses. Many people take 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil daily. The general recommendation is 1 to 2 tablespoons per day. Large doses of 30 grams of flaxseed oil per day and higher can cause loose stools and diarrhea. Taking too much flaxseed oil can also inhibit the absorption of medications, supplements and nutrients. Allergic reactions have occurred while taking flaxseed oil. Flaxseed oil might increase the risk of bleeding during and after surgery. Stop using it at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.
6. Fish oil
Possible effects: anti inflammatory, moisturizing, reduction in inflammatory redness and hot flashes
Fish oil comes from the tissues of oily fish. The best sources are cold-water, fatty fish. When it comes to human consumption of fish oil, you can get it from fish themselves or from a fish oil supplement. Fish oil is a concentrated source of omega-3 fats. Our bodies are able to make most of the fats we need, but not omega-3 fatty acids. We need to get them from omega-3 rich foods or supplements. Fish oil contains two very important omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). DHA and EPA mainly come from fish. Some of the best fish to eat for fish oil benefits are mackerel, wild-caught salmon, herring, white fish, sardines and anchovies (fatty fish). Fish oil is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which decrease the body’s production of a long list of pro-inflammatory biochemicals (including COX 1 and 2). It also helps to reduce levels of inflammatory interleukins, specifically interleukin-1, a marker of chronic inflammation. In studies, people with rheumatoid arthritis who took fish oil were able to reduce their dosage of regular anti-inflammatory drugs. They also reported less pain and stiffness. Other fish oil benefits include decreasing the risk of heart disease and stroke, while also helping reduce symptoms of depression, hypertension, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), joint pain and chronic skin ailments like eczema. Because fish oil and fatty fish are both naturally high in histamine (a blood vessel dilator), they can cause skin flushing for some people. Taking an antihistamine might help to prevent this. There is also evidence that Omega 3 is actually good for rosacea sufferers, as it nourishes the skin and help it heal faster.

Research indicates that fish oil might help alleviate menopausal hot flashes. A group of 120 women between the ages of 40 and 55 were separated into two groups. The first group of women took three gel capsules containing an amount that added up to one gram of EPA, the omega-3 fatty acid that comes from fish oils, every day for a total period of eight weeks. The women in the second group also took three gel capsules in the same manner. However, instead of taking Omega-3 Fish Oil (with EPA), the second group of women took capsules that contained sunflower oil instead. The women who had taken the omega-3 fish oils reported significant improvements in their menopausal hot flashes. Before taking the fish oil, the average number of hot flashes experienced by the women was 2.8 times per day. After they started taking the omega-3 fish oils, the number of hot flashes reported dropped to 1.2 per day compared to the women taking sunflower oil of 2.3 times a day. Comparatively, the women who took the fish oil had the same kind of improved results as those women who took hormone therapy and antidepressants. Another study from Italy compared the benefits of using a soy isoflavone supplement compared to taking omega-3 fish oil capsules. While the soy isoflavone group had the same results as the placebo group, the fish oil users, again, experienced a steady decline in hot flash frequency. “PUFAs [polyunsaturated fatty acids], particularly omega-3 fatty acids, could reduce hot flashes through their influence on neuronal [brain cell] membranes and/or the modulation of the neurotransmitter function and the serotoninergic system.” The “serotoninergic system” is the metabolic process that produces serotonin, a key mood-modulating chemical in the brain. Not surprisingly, some antidepressants that affect serotonin levels in the brain, including Remeron and Celexa, also can make rosacea flushing less severe. They seem to regulate your inner thermostat and make you less likely to flush, and less severely flushed.
Fish oil for acne
This research indicates that fish oil can reduce acne. "Given that acne is a rare condition in societies with higher consumption of omega-3 (n-3) relative to omega-6 (n-6) fatty acids, supplementation with n-3 may suppress inflammatory cytokine production and thereby reduce acne severity. 13 individuals with inflammatory acne were given three grams of fish oil containing 930 mg of EPA to their unchanged diet and existing acne remedies for 12 weeks. Acne was assessed using an overall severity grading scale, total inflammatory lesion counts, and colorimetry." "There was no significant change in acne grading and inflammatory counts at week 12 compared to baseline. However, there was a broad range of response to the intervention on an individual basis. The results showed that acne severity improved in 8 individuals, worsened in 4, and remained unchanged in 1. Interestingly, among the individuals who showed improvement, 7 were classified as having moderate to severe acne at baseline, while 3 of the 4 whose acne deteriorated were classified as having mild acne. There is some evidence that fish oil supplementation is associated with an improvement in overall acne severity, especially for individuals with moderate to severe acne. Divergent responses to fish oil in our pilot study indicates that dietary and supplemental lipids are worthy of further investigation in acne."
Oral supplementation with fish oil also proved to reduce dryness and skin itchiness
This study evaluated the effect of dietary fatty acids in the skin physiology via an itch-related animal model with and without supplementation with fish oil, a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), especially omega 3. Male Wistar rats were divided into two groups-non-supplemented (control) and supplemented with fish oil (3g/kg/day) for 90 days. Every 30 days, scratching and skin parameters (transepidermal water loss (TEWL), hydration, and local blood flow) were evaluated before and after dorsal skin exposure to acetone to induce the itch-related dry skin. At the end of the study, skin samples were collected for fatty acids composition analysis. Fish oil supplementation reduced the transepidermal water loss and increased the skin hydration, with significant changes from day 60 on, while skin microcirculation registered no changes. It also alleviated the acetone induced skin barrier alteration, revealed by a faster resolution of transepidermal water loss and hydration, and elimination of itch-related scratching induced by dry skin. These changes were associated with the shift in the skin fatty acids incorporation pattern (richer in n-3 with n-6/n-3<5) resulting from the fish oil supplementation. Skin barrier dynamics seem to be influenced by fish oils omega 3. It reduced the scratching behaviour induced by dry skin. Hence, long-term supplementation with omega 3 fatty acids might reinforce and restore skin integrity and function (reduce skin dryness, improve normal skin function).
However, when you are allergic to fish, fish oil can also cause a rash and facial flushing
This research describes a patient with a documented seafood allergy, who arrived in the emergency department four days after she had started taking a prescription brand name of fish oil capsules. She complained of chest tightness, shortness of breath, tingling of upper extremities, flushing and pruritus (skin itching), that was only slightly relieved after she was given excessive nonprescription diphenhydramine administration (an antihistamine drug for allergies). During follow-up, the patient later reported that all her symptoms had resolved within 5 days of stopping the fish oil capsules, and after throwing away all medications that had come in contact with the fish oil capsules. Due to the patient's allergic history, timing of onset/offset of the reaction, laboratory evidence, and the use of the Naranjo probability scale, prescription fish oil capsules were deemed the probable cause of this patient's pruritus and flushing of the face and trunk.
Freeme3 wrote on March 5th 2012: "Hi. Does anyone here flush/flare from Omega 3 Fish Oil? Well, my eye doctor told me to increase my intake of fish oil up to 4000 mgs a day (for dry eyes). I began increasing it to 3 a day on Friday and have been doing so since then. Well, today my skin is a mess.. more red bumps am flushier and redder. I'm going to stop taking it asap! I'm confused though because I thought fish oil helped inflammation?? Has this ever happened to anyone else? I am taking Vitamin World Triple Strength Ester Omega 3 Fish Oil 1360 mg (950 active Omega 3). It contains Mixed Natural Topherols, anchovy, mackerel, and sardine). I am was taking 3 of them for the past 2 days and my face is hot and red. I am not sure if it's from that but my face does not normally feel hot to the touch. I ate almonds and strawberries yesterday and on Friday but did not have any today.. I am still in the flare. It could be other things too, I am sure, but I made a huge change to my fish oil consumption, so it got me thinking... Thanks!"
Labrynth replied on March 5th 2012: "Freeme ~ I was checking this brand to make sure it does not contain gluten/dairy/corn/or yeast, and it does not, so you are not reacting to those things. I know that some forms of fish oil, derived from larger fish higher in the food chain, can contain higher increments of things like mercury and PCB's, contaminants. This brand states specifically that it is free of quantitative amounts, so this is good. I would guess this is a high-quality brand which is unlikely to cause adverse effects. Fish oil is Omega-3 fatty acids, which counter inflammation. They should not have induced an inflammatory response in your skin. It could be coincidence that you are having a flare up at the same time you increased the dosage. I wish I could help you further...I just wanted you to state this information to help someone else to better answer your question. Hopefully, someone will answer soon..."
Freeme3 replied on March 5th 2012: "Thanks, Meridian for your help and researching the brand of fish oil I am taking. I did a little more research and found that fish oil is high in histamine. I have been wondering if histamine is part of my problem, but am not really sure. I think I will cut it out and see what happens. Thanks again for your help on this!"
Vicky replied on March 5th 2012: "Fish oil makes me flare too. So does seaweed. (Not sure if there's a connection-iodine maybe?) I can eat a piece of fish occasionally without a flare, however. Haven't tried shellfish since being diagnosed - just salmon and fluke. Any smoked fish is a complete disaster. I wonder if reacting to fish oil is somehow connected with having fibromyalgia and rosacea?"
Freeme3 replied on March 5th 2012: "Hi Vicki, Thanks for your response. I think I have trouble with high histamine foods... I am starting to make the connection. I'm not sure though... my flare began after eating a lot of chocolate ice cream,.then almonds, then large doses of fish oil and finally strawberries. ..those are all high in histamine. (Actually, not sure about the almonds). Re: Fibro and histamine... people who have fibromyalgia have overactive mast cells causing histamine reactions. PM me if you want more info: there is definitely a connection. Thanks again!"
Bellableu wrote on March 14th 2010: "I'm wondering if anyone here has had success supplementing with Cod Liver Oil (I did see threads on D3 supplementation, and the jury appears to still be out - could it have something to do with dosage levels & co-factors like Vitamin A?). Would love some thoughts on this topic ... Based on the reading I've done here & elsewhere, it certainly seems as tho' we Rosaceans may be deficient in some necessary vitamins, co-factors, proteins, natural hormones, etc. ... My diet is excellent & anti-inflammatory already, but here I am dealing with what has turned out to be a four-month long flare. Diet has always affected my skin (immediate breakouts, paps, itchy nodules following ingestion of certain foods, for example). But I have always been ultra-careful about the sun, so I'm not someone who has pointedly spent time tanning, burning, or otherwise. I have ordered an excellent D3 supplement with co-factors to try. But now I am more inclined to begin supplementing with high quality Cod Liver Oil immediately. I would love to have my D levels checked before I start supplementing, but I don't know when or if the clinic here will get me in. Anyway, if you're familiar with Weston Price and his supporters, you know Cod Liver Oil is considered one of the 'superfoods' suggested for boosting one's health. It is is very high in Vitamin D, Vitamin A, EFA', and a few co-factors. Does anyone have any thoughts on Cod Liver Oil or further thoughts on vitamin deficiency /malabsorption as a factor in Rosacea? Do we all agree that the immune system is part of the issue? Does it makes sense that malabsorption/poor processing/deficiency of certain nutrients would could create/cause Rosacea?"
Debbee wrote on March 14th 2010: "Hi, I'm new to the forum, but I have come to believe strongly over the years that my skin is best when I'm taking Vitamins A and B-complex in particular. I used to get my Vitamin A via my Solgar Cod Liver Oil capsule, but now I take a low dosage Solgar A & D3 combo capsule, which I alternate with a low dosage Solgar beta carotene tablet. I like Solgar's low dosage B-complex also. For my skin I also take a couple of times a week a Nordic Naturals Omega 3 capsule, a Solgar Evening Primrose Oil capsule, and a Solgar 30 mg. pycnogenol dry capsule, although not all at the same time. I always take my vitamins after a meal. I'm big on moderation and balance, and I take a low dosage multi-vitamin every two or three days also. I watch the amount of Vitamin A I take carefully; I would personally never take more than 10,000 IU per day from all sources."
Auburn replied on March 14th 2010: "Hi Bellableu, regarding cod liver oil, I have been taking a teaspoon daily of Nordic Naturals Arctic-D, which is high in omega-3s. Honestly, I couldn't tell you if/how it works because I started taking it at the same time I began eating more wild fish, animal fat, coconut oil, raw dairy, and raw honey. My skin has remained calm (I still flush -because of heat /emotions- every now and then but it subsides quickly) and my digestion has improved a lot."
Dpart wrote on March 14th 2010: "I believe in WAPF advice and I do take cod liver oil occasionally for Vit D, A, K2 etc. I'm only taking the fermented cod liver oil, which I believe are the only good one to take (given that there is no other with only natural occurring vitamins). The fermented cod liver oil also has a lot of co-factors and several different variants of D3. I had very good success with this oil together with normal vitamin D3 supplements and juicing in the Vitamin D thread, but unfortunately I suffered from some strange side effects after a while (maybe some sort of overdose effects, I don't know). The side effects was among others, muscle vibrations and dizziness (you can read all about it in the D3 thread). When testing later, the side effects was from D3 alone and not from vit A or cod liver oil in particular."
MissMary wrote on April 22nd 2013: "Hi folks, I'm having a full-on red almost purple flush after eating fish (cod) for the first time in months. Has this ever happened to you? Why would fish cause a flush? (It's painful!) Thanks for any insight. It was cod, baked with sliced zucchini and yellow pepper, s+p, olive oil and maybe 1/4 tsp "herbes de Provence." It looks like cod is moderate or low, but not lowest in mercury levels...?"
Starlite replied on April 22nd 2013: "Well from my experience.. your mileage may vary ... My flushing is directly connected to large fluctuations in blood sugar. For example I could be eating low carb and very high in raw veggies for a week, then have some pizza one night. The next day or three is when my blood sugar is just crazy.. eating anything can cause a flush, or when what I have eaten gets burned off I flush too. My flush is never connected to the first day of going off of diet plan. I can recreate this at will.. so I am sure that's what's going on for me. So I guess the next question might be.. have you eaten something that you don't usually eat in the last day or two? Or geez even better.. how often do you experience flushing? Is this so unusual that it caused you to post on a forum about it?"
Jrlhamcat2 replied on April 22nd 2013: "Histamine intolerance?"
Arb161 wrote on April 22nd 2013: "Hi missmary. I sometimes do and sometimes don't flush to fish. Just has a full round of allergy testing (2nd time) and not a single type of fish came up positive. So I thought it was maybe histamine - also normal. Like many other things with this disease it's weird. Arlene"

Scot Viking replied on April 27th 2013: "I am in my 12th week. My rosacea, my redness, the pustules, the burning and heat, the swelling - it is ALL completely gone. I do not even recognize myself when I look in the mirror. Eliminated: Wheat, Dairy, Corn, Safflower Oil, Corn Oil, Canola Oil, Cottonseed Oil, Corn Syrup, potato, Wheat based derivatives and preservatives, wheat and casein protein powders, red meat. Added: grapes, blueberries, almonds, blackberries, walnuts, cacao, almond milk, sauerkraut, vinegar with the mother, psyllium. Moderate: Rice. 25 years of horrid rosacea (never abated for even 6 straight days) - put to an END. ZERO rosacea for 10 weeks and 3 days."
Moonfire241 wrote on August 29th 2016: "I have read somewhere that foods with omega 3 fatty acids, like salmon, were good for those with our disease. However, tonight, I read that omega 3 fatty acids keep the blood vessels from constricting. I'd been taking fish oil pills, thinking omega 3 fatty acids were good for the skin and eyes. Should I stop? I'm confused now. Please help."
Sheis4 replied on September 7th 2016: "I really doubt it... I've heard lots of people saying that Omega 3 saved them from this condition, or at least made them feel and look lots better. That's why I started to take Omega 3 supplements a couple of days ago. I would recommend to do some more research about it and you'll see that it helps."
Faith1989 wrote on September 7th 2016: "Omega 3 is really good for rosacea. It is anti inflammatory. This is especially good if you have ocular rosacea."
Sheis4 replied on September 8th 2016: "Can you just explain the difference between omega 3, 6 and 9? is this the same thing or i have to use just omega 3 for total effect?"
Driven wrote on September 9th 2016: "The problem with this over-simplified statement is that it's repeated on thousands of health websites with nothing more specific. People automatically think that "anti-inflammatory" means less facial redness/flushing, but that's not what it means at all. Type 1 rosacea is very different from (for example) bursitis. I went for years making the same assumption. Stopping Omega 3/6 and no longer thinking of my rosacea as "inflammation" were my first steps on the road to remission. There was a rapid, noticeable reduction in flushing. It's also one of those dietary triggers where the flushing response is delayed (up to 24+ hours), which is why it took me so long to put 2 and 2 together. I've also since figured out that virtually anything with claims of being anti-inflammatory - such as ibuprofen and numerous vitamins and minerals and foods - actually cause flushing. In my case, at least. I'm beginning to think that the body's inflammatory response (it's there for a reason) being purposely muted is what helps the actual causes (intestinal bacterial overgrowth or whatever) to work against us. I'm not saying it's unhealthy or causes flushing in everyone, but I believe that making it a permanent addition to your diet just because holistic-whatever.com says it's anti-inflammatory is counterproductive."
Moonfire241 wrote on September 15th 2016: "Thank you for the information. I quit taking the fish oil pills in case this was making things worse. I get migraine like headaches from the dilated blood vessels when I go too long without taking ibuprofen. I know it's not good to rely on this long term. Will these rebound headaches eventually go away if I stop taking it? Should I reduce it slowly? I believe you about anti inflammatories sometimes making things worse, from things that I've read. I just don't know how to stop relying on this. I'm also afraid of rebound flushing/inflammation."
Queta wrote on February 6th 2014: "Hello: I have been taking fish oil for the past several weeks to see if it helps with my rosacea symptoms. My symptoms are primarily swelling, red and swollen eyes, and orange peel texture. I think it is helping my skin texture. A few days ago, my friend commented that my skin "looks really good and smooth." I hope that she is right. I started the fish oil after reading research on the effects of fish oil on ocular rosacea. Anyway, I will post my results on this thread. I am taking quite a bit, six 1000 mg capsules a day. Regards, Queta."
Maroon5 wrote on February 7th 2014: "I tried this a few years ago and didn't really find they helped me dramatically personally. But everyone says omega oils are good for the skin so stick with it for a few months and let us know if you notice any difference."
Tonny wrote on March 29th 2014: "Emmmm I just want to say you here that millions of Americans take fish oil supplements to promote heart and vascular health. But a new analysis suggests that some consumers may not always get what they are paying for."
GreenGables wrote on November 2nd 2015: "I have found that anything that lowers blood pressure or thins the blood tends to produce a flush. I'm still not sure why. Fish oil / omega oil is a blood thinner. Magnesium also lowers blood pressure and may provoke a flush."
Terrieb wrote on November 14th 2015: "Omega 3 is good for lots of reasons.... Omega-3 fatty acids are thought to provide a wide range of health benefits, including a lower risk of coronary heart disease and improvement in cholesterol. There have also been promising results from studies looking at omega-3 for cancer, depression and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). I take mine in supplement capsules. I buy the one a day, non fishy taste ones and burpless. I also eat a lot of Salmon, both fresh and frozen. But I have always done this even before acquiring Rosacea (December 2014). Whether a person has Rosacea or not, it's just a good supplement to take on a daily basis."
Kundalini wrote on April 29th 2015: "Fish can be high in histamine, canned fish, smoked fish etc. If it's canned it will eventually be high histamine the longer it's there. Fresh fish is different, low histamine. I stay well away from fish in general as some can be high in mercury, I used to always eat sardines daily until I found out it's high in histamine. Look up the high and low histamine foods, you'll be surprised what you see."
BigW wrote on July 17th 2016: "Could Fish Oil Be Responsible For Flushing? Hi All, I've been having quite a bit of success lately with my facial flushing. I've been gluten free since May 2015 and a few months ago I really stepped up my dietary fat intake. I lowered my carbs, lowered protein to moderate servings (I'm into weight training) added MCT Oil to my pre-workout coffee for extra energy and increased butter, Olive Oil and Avocado Oil to my meals and cooking. Even when my meal is cooked I add butter to the meat portion and drizzle Olive Oil over the veggies. Only one big meal when I get home from work and snacks during the day and only if I'm hungry. There's a lot of calories in fats compared to protein and carbs. I also added 2-3 grams daily of MSM in divided doses. The great thing about it is that my face flushing has dropped dramatically to the point where I hardly think about it. Yesterday, due to an ongoing knee injury, I was reading about Fish Oil and inflammation and decide to add a tablespoon to breakfast and dinner. After having a spoonful of Fish Oil with breakfast (eggs and butter) my wife and I went to a department store and almost immediately I felt my nose starting to tingle. In 20 minutes it was a deep red colour and my cheeks also flushed, but not to the same colour as my nose. This, of course, completely ruined my day, my wife's day and then the depression settled in, leading me to just wanting to be on my own asap and my usual happy, positive self was gone. It's been many months since this happened. Is it possible the Fish Oil could have been responsible? I've racked my brains and it's really the only thing I did differently and I dropped it many months ago from my diet, which would coincide with the decrease in flushing. Anyway, I hope someone can enlighten me. Much health and happiness to you all."
ShaunD replied on July 17th 2016: "I've read that fish oil is fairly high in histamine, maybe that's a problem for you."
Lwemm replied on July 17th 2016: "Yep, it is probably the fish oil. I was taking some but did not like it all that well (the taste and greasiness- yuck) so kept "forgetting" to take it. It had been in my fridge quite a while before I remembered to take it again and that week, I was flushing a lot at work. It happened a few hours later. I quit taking the fish oil and have not had that problem since. The freshness of the oil can be a big factor in whether it will cause a flush due to the build up of histamines."
BigW replied on July 23rd 2016: "Many thanks for the tips on histamines. I've been reading a lot about them over the last few days and picked up some great info. Time to start making some dietary changes."
Bradley wrote on September 25th 2005: "If you want to see results then take at least 3-5 grams of purified Omega-3 obtained from fish oils (remember this is around 8-10 grams of fish oils). You can even take up to 10 grams of omega-3 (like the Eskimos) but there isn't much documentary evidence suggesting doses above 5 grams have any more benefits.The problem with flaxseed is that it contains alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) but no EPA and DHA. The EPA and DHA is what the body uses to suppress inflammation especially EPA which is more beneficial. If you are taking flaxseed then the body needs to convert the ALA into EPA & DHA. Unfortunately a lot of scientific evidence suggests the conversion rate of ALA to EPA&DHA is only in the region of 4-15% and in some cases where this conversion is inefficient to non-existent. So you need to take quite a lot of flaxseed to get even the slightest of benefits. The benefit with fish oils is that they already contain BOTH EPA and DHA so no conversion process needs to take place. Therefore a lot of what you intake is not going to waste as with flaxseed. This being said flaxseed is still good for your skin but not as good as fish oils and it has some other notable benefits as it also contains lignans which are anti-carcinogens. With regards to Omega-6, the majority of these EFAs promote inflammation so you should be careful to reduce your intake so you have a good balance of Omega-3 to Omega-6 about 3:1 or 2:1 over the short term. In the long term it should be 1:1. But GLA is one of the only omega-6's that is good for your skin and you can obtain it from Evening Primrose Oil or Borage Oil. Borage oil has a higher content of GLA per gram however it is questionable whether it should be taken over the long term and so EPO is usually recommended instead."
Dosage and side effects of Fish oil
The American Heart Association recommends that healthy adults eat fish at least twice weekly. Fatty fish such as catfish, halibut, salmon, striped sea bass and albacore tuna are particularly recommended. Plant-based sources of ALA such as tofu, walnuts and canola oil are also recommended. The World Health Organization recommends a daily EPA and DHA intake of 0.3-0.5 grams and a daily ALA intake of 0.8-1.1 grams. On top of that you can supplement with fish oil capsules, but more isn't always better here. A typical fish oil capsule that you can buy at most health food stores and pharmacies contains 180 mg of the omega-3 EPA, 120 mg of the omega-3 DHA, for a total of 300 mg per capsule. Many bottles will suggest a dosage of 2-3 capsules per day. This daily dosage approximates the two servings of fish per week. Some over-the-counter nutritional supplements contain 500, 600, and all the way up to 850 mg omega-3 fatty acids per capsule. So, the recommended dosage depends a bit on the level of omega 3 fatty acids in the supplement. The higher the dose of omega-3 fatty acids, the less capsules you need to take. But don't take more fish oil than the label of your tube recommends. This is very important.
Fish oil is said to be safe even at high doses, with few or no side-effects beyond stomach upset or belching (which can be minimized by taking with meals, refrigerating the capsules, or taking enteric-coated fish oil tablets). Look here for more info. Also take into consideration that fish oil can possibly cause oxidative stress and damage in the body. Taking several grams of fish oil per day may be hazardous to your health. When fat particles oxidize, they break down into smaller compounds, like malondialdehyde (MDA), that can be dangerous because they damage proteins, DNA, and other important cellular structures. A study by Mata et al demonstrated that oxidative damage increases as intake of omega-3 fat increases. But if you are very concerned about this, it is also wise to cut down on the levels of omega-6 fat in your regular diet, found in industrial seed oils and processed and refined foods. Fish oils, like for instance, fermented cod liver oil, are however also a condensed source of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, K2 and E). Also, the risk of oxidative damage that may occur with the odd capsule of cod liver oils is outweighed by the benefits of its fat-soluble vitamins. Eating fresh fish is in my view the healthiest way to receive your omega 3 fatty acids. And when you notice that your rosacea worsens from either fish or fish oil, then I would discontinue it. Maybe try it a second time after you skin has calmed down again, to be entirely sure that it really was the fish oil that you were reacting to. But if this proves to be the case, don't think that your skin always has to become worse before it gets better. The histamine in fish can simply cause you to flare. In that case, avoid foods very high in histamine. Alternatives for fish oil are flaxseed oil (described above) and algae oil; they also have omega 3 fatty acids, but like with flaxseed oil, you need a halluvalot of algae oil to get the same high dose of omega 3 which fish oil provides. For vegans and for people with a sensitivity to fish or histamine, they are however safer alternatives.
7. Bromelain
Possible effects: anti inflammatory, reduction in inflammatory redness

Queta wrote on May 16th 2009: "Hi. Just want to put in a plug for quercetin/ bromelain supplementation. I kid you not, my rosacea is 95% gone now. I have been on this combo for a few months now. Quercetin is known to inhibit mast cells, which appear to play a role in rosacea. I take 2 capsules of quercetin/ bromelain before each meal and my snack (so 4 times per day) and my rosacea is definitely getting better all the time. The day before yesterday I did the dreaded smile test where I smile in the car vanity mirror. Normally my face looks weird when I smile- my cheeks puff out too far and it looks like I have too much fluid in my face or something. The other day I did it and guess what? I looked almost completely normal. I have also been noticing people of the opposite sex checking me out more often, which for me is a fairly good objective measure. Just wanted to share... if anyone out there thinks that supplements don't work I have to say, I was in your camp but tried this out of frustration and fear of getting worse and worse. The visible veins on the end of my nose are almost gone now, too. It's been really amazing. I do still have to watch my diet, but this combo has taken my rosacea to a whole new level. Feel free to respond with any comments or questions. Cheers and all good things, Queta"
Travellingpete replied on May 16th 2009: "Hi Queta. It's only been about 2 weeks and so far maybe a slight improvement. However I have only been taking about half the amount of quercetin and bromelain that you are. One tablet before meals, each tablet has 500mg's of quercetin and 125mg's of bromelain. I was wondering how long have you been taking quercetin and bromelain and do you know of any side effects, especially long term ones? As here in Australia the combination of quercetin and bromelain is only sold in pharmacies by prescription from a doctor or naturopath. But natural health food stores sell it without prescription. Cheers"

Guishome wrote on May 19th 2009: "Hi Queta. I am gonna try this combo for my swelling, even though I have also flushed and red cheeks. By the way Queta do you also have flushing and red cheeks ?? If yes does this combo help you??"
Happygolucky wrote on May 31st 2009: "Hi Everyone, I have been taking a Quercetin and Bromelain combination for just over 2 weeks now. Thought I would share the preliminary results. Maybe too much information but I have found it very constipating!!! I will have to look at upping the fiber and water intake. It appears to have helped my seasonal allergies. I don't have severe allergies but they tend to be irritating this time of year and I do notice that they are much better than usual. The other good news is that I have noticed a significant reduction in the swelling and "distortion" in my face. My smile lines have diminished - they are still there but not as deep. My husband and family say that they can see a big difference in my face - and they see me everyday. People at work have also commented that I am looking better, but they are not sure why (and I am not about to tell them...... LOL). I have used advil (ibuprofen) in the past and have seen similar results. I am going to continue to take this combination and will report back if anything else changes. The tablets are 400mg of Quercetin and 100 mg of Bromelain. I take a total of between 6 and 8 tablets a day. Sometimes I take them with meals and sometimes I take them when I remember."

Bromelain is easily absorbed in the body, without producing any major side effects. Eating pineapples provides some bromelain, but not enough to have medicinal effects. Supplements have a much higher dose of bromelain. The German Commission E recommends 80 to 320 mg, 2 to 3 times per day. For specific conditions, higher doses may be prescribed. For instance, as a digestive aid 500 mg per day in divided doses with meals is advised. And for arthritis, 500 to 2,000 mg a day in 2 divided doses is suggested. Bromelain is generally recommended for no longer than 8 to 10 consecutive days. Side effects from bromelain are generally mild and include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and excessive menstrual bleeding. People who are allergic to pineapples, latex, wheat, celery, papain, carrot, fennel, cypress pollen or grass pollen may also be allergic to bromelain. Pregnant women and people with bleeding disorders, high blood pressure and liver or kidney disease should not take bromelain. Bromelain may increase the risk of bleeding during and after surgery. You should stop taking bromelain at least 2 weeks before surgery. You should be careful and not start using bromelain if you use any of the following medication:

Probably the first indication of curcumin’s anticancer activities in human participants was shown in 1987, in a clinical trial involving 62 patients with cancer spots on the skin. They were given topical curcumin, and it resulted in remarkable improvement of symptoms (including itching, lesion size, and pain). Although the effect continued for several months in many patients, only one patient had an adverse reaction. Since then, curcumin, either alone or in combination with other agents, has shown potential against colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, multiple myeloma, lung cancer, oral cancer, and head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (Article). Curcumin also showed effective in studies against peptic ulcer, H. pylori Infection, diabetes and several other inflammatory conditions, against the skin condition vitiligo (topical use as a repigmentation), and psoriasis.
The thing to be vigilant about with curcumin/ turmeric, is that it is related to ginger, which not everyone with reactive rosacea can tolerate well. On top, it can act as a blood vessel dilator. It also increases nitric oxide (a potent dilator of facial blood vessels). It is trial and error, but the user reviews I found for curcumin and/or turmeric show that not everybody does well on this supplement. Here is explained how curcumin/ turmeric increases blood circulation in wound healing. The problem is that it both dilates and constricts blood vessels.. People with rosacea do not want an increase in blood circulation or a widening of their blood vessels, unless it is strictly limited to the large blood vessels around the heart. But we they do like the blood vessel constriction. Strangely enough, curcumin seems to do both: "Curcumin is vasoactive in large arteries from some tissues and species (meaning it can cause both constriction or dilation of blood vessels).[..] Subnanomolar curcumin dilated whereas micromolar doses constricted the arterioles. [..] Propranolol (β-Ad antagonist) enhanced constriction by removing the vasodilation response to curcumin. Phentolamine (α-Ad antagonist) enhanced dilation to curcumin by removing the vasoconstriction response. Thus, the curcumin vasomotor activity on microcirculation was α-Ad and β-Ad receptor-dependent and its net vasoactive effect was concentration and time dependent. In the present study we hypothesized that ethanol extracted curcumin I (99% purity) would induce a robust vasodilation in peripheral arterioles. In the hamster cheek pouch, we found that small arterioles do dilate to subnanomolar concentrations of curcumin. We also report that higher concentrations induce a robust constriction unrelated to vasoactivity of the vehicle ethanol. Both responses are recoverable." Over the 60 second exposure time, low nanomolar and picomolar concentrations of curcumin induced a sustained dilation. At higher concentrations, initial vasodilation at 20 sec was followed by vasoconstriction at 60 seconds. The dilation response to curcumin in the terminal arteriole was stopped when the medication propranolol was added, and the constriction response was stopped by the drug phentolamine. Propranolol and phentolamine applied together blocked all response to curcumin."

Tom Busby updated on August 26th 2016: "This is great -- topical tetra hydro curcumin (aka white curcumin) actually does reduce skin redness. On day 50, I noticed it reduced the red veins in my eyes, and on day 70 I noticed it was reducing skin redness. I’m on day 85 now, using 0.15% in a rinse-off shampoo/shower gel) and 0.05% in a leave-on lotion. I started with small concentrations because I wasn't sure if it would turn my hair or skin gold colored -- it doesn't, and is fine as a topical, with a slight ginger aroma. I plan to increase the concentration, to 0.25% next. The concept of curcumin inhibiting angiogenesis is observable and true. In the scale of 10 (a tomato), to 1 (Hollywood perfect), I’ve moved from a 4 to a 3 as to skin redness. A "4" is where people might say, "You gotten some sun lately," whereas a "3" shouldn't evoke any comment. I purchased 75 grams of white curcumin powder from Physician Naturals for about $55. I make a true emulsion and not merely a dispersion, using Cromollient SCE as an emulsifier for shampoo, from Lotioncrafter. Cromollient emulsifies oil into water, or any aqueous base, if you use Cromollient SCE at a ratio of merely 1 part Cromollient to 5 or 6 parts oil – in other words, approximately 20% Cromollient to 100% oil."
Isamaria wrote on June 7th, 2016: "Flushing healed with turmeric! I have read about the anti inflammatory effects of turmeric and that it helps to keep blood sugar down. So I thought it is worth a try, because for a lot of people with rosacea - including me - high blood sugar makes flushing worse. I definitely can say that I had bad flushes after high carb meals. So I bought turmeric at the supermarket and added it to my meals. Since then I didn't have one flush and that is very unusual for me! The days before I had deep red flushing, especially in the afternoon. I also tried to double my carb intake and I still didn't flush. But there is one thing that is making me crazy at the moment: my skin became so oily and my acne became worse. It has never been so bad. I don't know if it's due to the turmeric (and I really hope it is not), or if it's because of the weather change in my country (suddenly very humid and hot), or because I stopped taking oracea 2 weeks ago. I have read that turmeric stimulates the insulin production to lower the blood sugar. Maybe my body produces too much insulin now which leads to sebum production? Well I don't know."
Newjacksm replied on June 14th 2016: "It's probably that you stopped the oracea, because I stopped taking 100mg 2x doxy (Oracea) My face got terrible. Since then I swore never to take another stupid pill again. I am still working on it, but I am a lot better. I have spent thousands of dollars on trying different things, and the best things I have tried so far are for the redness, turmeric, zinc 50mg daily, zinc creams and soaps. TTO Facial cleanse (for the acne)"

Guishome updated: "Today I tried if the heat makes me flush. Sadly it does, but the pression, inflammation, burning and swelling have been little compared to what I am used to!! So I will say that I'm really happy with that. I also chatted with several pretty girls (weird to say that) and I normally flush just from saying hello to them, but I could speak with them and didn't turn red with the burning sensation. Although I felt a bit flushed after one minute, but I was confident because the burning sensation wasn't so intense as usual (and for me it's the most important)."
But on May 10th she updated: "Unfortunately, my base redness doesn't seem to have lessened any while on the turmeric, will continue to take it while I have the cap's, but I don't think it's the cure-all I'm seeking."
Spencer replied on May 10th 2011: "The turmeric never worked for me. Then again, maybe I didn't stick with it long enough. I'm hoping that the curcumin gel will be more effective since it's applied directly to the skin. If it isn't a trigger for you, stick it out because it has some amazing health benefits. Are you applying it to food or taking it in supplement form?"
Oldredlady updated in May 11th 2011: "Still taking turmeric, one 950 mg. capsule a day, and I can't honestly tell if the base redness is better or not, even with a handheld compact mirror in direct sunlight. Sometimes I think yes, sometimes no, (depending on whether or not I scratch my skin, still dry in the rosacea areas, cheeks, and sometimes a bit itchy, from the dryness I think), so I'm honestly not sure whether this is helpful or not. One good thing, since going off spiro. a few weeks back (I figured if I'm having dry skin issues, the last thing I need to do is continue to take a diuretic), the acne chin cysts haven't returned yet, (knock wood). Oh well, I'll finish the bottle of turmeric and see how I look then, IMHO 60 days should be long enough to tell whether or not something works."
And she updated on May 18th 2011: "Still taking oral turmeric 950 mg. daily, no significant improvement in redness/p&ps noted, although my skin doesn't itch the way it used to, so that's something, (of course I haven't applied any topicals in ages either, so that could be it, too). I also added fish oil capsules the other day and I'm not as dry as I was, so fish oil seems to help with dryness, at least so far (knock wood). [..] I'm still taking them daily (turmeric capsules) and my redness is slightly less".
Bellableu wrote on August 26th 2011: "Dr. Heng is a clinical dermatologist at UCLA med school (IIRC) and has published her research on the use of curcumin gel in scholarly journals ... she seems like the real thing. The name of the product tells the focus of her research - Psoriasis - but she claims there are related inflammatory pathways in Rosacea and other skin conditions."
Monamiga wrote on March 6th 2011: " I wanted to share what little knowledge and understanding I have of how turmeric works in the body. The way I understand the immune system, there are two types of immune cells, the T1 and T2 cells. (There are T3 cells, but they are not exactly connected to the issue we are trying to address). The T1 cells are responsible for fighting microbial attacks both from bacteria and viruses and the like. The T2 cells are also known as B cells, and these come in to help the T1s when they are having a hard time finding the invader, or if they are having hard time killing it off. The T2/B cells create antibodies. Different herbs (and foods for that matter) can stimulate (Upregulate) one side or the other. This shouldn't be a huge deal, as the body will naturally return to homeostasis, but in people who are experiencing the ill effects of a condition or disease which is directly linked to one side or the other being dominant, it can be quite harmful.
Aurelia had written on this topic on August 18, 2009: "A few years ago, on the Rosacea Support Group (our original email-based board), members began reporting good results from herbal supplements such as boswellia and turmeric. In the latter case, it was a little surprising, given that turmeric (or curcumin) is a vasodilator, meaning that it widens blood vessels. Some, for example 'RedMan' here, have reported that supplementing with curcumin made their condition worse. However, these herbs and supplements seemed good at reducing inflammation, which made sense given that they all had known anti-inflammatory benefits. Unfortunately, they dampen inflammation partly by inhibiting COX-2 enzymes and questions have since been raised about possible health risks from doing that. One of our former mods is Dan, who is a layman but still knows vastly more about science than most of us. You might have read about NRS-funded research into the role Cathelicidin (the antimicrobial peptide LL-37) plays in rosacea. Here's one of Dan's threads from 2007 about how Cathelicidin and Leukotriene B4 (LTB4) seem to work together to enhance the immune response, while "dual COX and 5-LOX inhibitors inhibit the production of leukotrienes, including LTB4".
RedMan wrote on October 19, 2008: "I keep trying some alternative therapies and am getting flares each time I try something. I start to flush a little - seems my threshold lessens and get more get red after a few days so I stop. I have noticed that this happens to some people with both prescription medications as well as herbs, and some have stuck with it and said it gets better and ends up helping. I have tried Curcumin and stopped after about 5 days (tapering down over the following 3-4 days). I definitely had a flare from this. I then tried Bugleweed right after Curcumin and also have increased flushing/redness and am on day 4 or 5. I am starting to think that maybe my body just needs to get used to the new medication/ herbs? How long would you say to "ride something out" before you hang it up as a bust or something that just made things worse? I don't know if I should carry on with the Bugleweed of if I should hang it up...I am also thinking that maybe it is still the effect of the Curcumin because I stopped it Monday and started the Bugleweed Tuesday of this past week."

*Note that Dan gives the opposite advise as I was given by my dermatologists and immunologist professor.. They think my underlying autoimmune diseases stir the rosacea inflammation up, and that I should calm my immune system down. Not strengthen it further, as Dan found helpful in his case. After taking multivitamins, my skin is a lot more red and even broken out the next days. But that's just me.. I don't believe that all rosacea cases are a chronic infection problem. Some cases might be, but others not. Some cases truly have to do with an overactive immune system, attacking the body's own tissue. Others are dealing with demodex infections. Some people increase their vitamin D levels and have their rosacea worsened. There was a long big thread on The Rosacea Forum on this, following Dan's comments and recommendations on vitamin D3, and quite a few people with rosacea ultimately had to stop the vitamin D3 experiment as their rosacea flushing got too bad. My immunologist does say that having sufficient levels of vitamin D is important, also to regulate the immune system to normal action. But he warned me against high doses of Vitamin D pills, and asks me instead to gradually and gently increase my vitamin D levels (which DO tend to be on the low side always) by sunbathing my body for 20 minutes approximately a day around noon. Note that I am lucky enough to tan and not burn. Burning is setting you up for potential skin cancer, so one should never sunbathe at noon without sunscreen if the result is a sunburn. But for me, I go very golden brown easily, everywhere except my wretched face :) And by not having factor 50 sunscreen, the body can readily convert the sunshine into natural vitamin D. Slow and steady seems to work best for me personally. And this might not work for everybody btw.

-Cut root (fresh turmeric): 1.5 – 3 g per day
-Dried, powdered root (concentrated supplement pills): 1 – 3 g per day
-Standardized powder (curcumin): 400 – 600 mg, 3 times per day*
-Fluid extract (1:1) 30 – 90 drops a day
-Tincture (1:2): 15 – 30 drops, 4 times per day
*Some supplement manufacturers offer turmeric products that contain a guaranteed concentration of curcumin, the principle medicinal component of the herb. The University of Maryland Medical Center recommends 1,200 to 1,800 milligrams of standardized powder daily.
9. Astaxanthin

Clayberg wrote on June 6th 2011: "I started using Astaxanthin about 10 days ago and so far I am very excited about the results. I`ve been taking three 4mg capsules every day along with Rosacure which I apply at night. I`ve been using the Rosacure for about 8 years and it controls my rosacea but the astaxanthin seems to be clearing it right up."
mrsmoof replied on June 7th 2011: "Hi Clayberg, Do you take all 3 capsules at the same time? I just started taking 10mg per day and am hoping it will help me as well. I have been reading a lot about it lately and it seems to help. Can you tell us what it has helped - redness, flushing, burning, p&ps??? Keep us updated!"

Spencer wrote on May 6th, 2011: "I never thought I'd be posting in this section. Anytime my skin has improved, it's been for no more than a week at a time. But I have waited for two months and, in that time, I have barely flushed. Up until 2 months ago, I was eating no dairy, no wheat, no sugar, no refined carbs, no alcohol, no caffeine, none of the other common rosacea triggers and I was still flushing. A lot of it was related to hormones, as where I was in my menstrual cycle would determine how intense the flushing was. Even when I wasn't flushing, however, I felt hot. But then my naturopath recommended Grape Seed Extract. I know other people have tried this, but she recommended I take 500 mg twice a day. I took this dose for a month. After her office ran out of it, I switched over to taking a health store brand, which is a lower dose. I am now taking 600 mg a day. Next month, I'll go down to a maintenance dose of 150-300 mg. I noticed a change within a week of taking Grape Seed Extract. No more flushing!!! Or at least I would only flush mildly in stressful situations. I'd say it's cut things down by 90%. I hope this can help someone find some relief. This higher dose, by the way, was recommended by a local MD who was giving a talk on it. He said it has also helped women with hot flashes. Make sure to consult with your doctor before taking such a high dose. Make sure it's Grape Seed Extract and not Grapefruit Seed Extract. I get the two mixed up all the time. Also the brand I used can only be bought through a naturopath, but the one I bought from the health food store was by the company Purica (Standardized Extract 95% OPC Extra Strength). It was around $28 Canadian. The key is to go for the extra strength capsules (minimum 150 mg). My naturopath said that most people with flushing don't take a high enough dose to really notice a difference. The MD she consulted with said it was safe to take higher doses. I really hope it works for you!"
Judworth wrote on May 24th, 2011: "Hello Sam, I have been taking Ester C and Pycnogenol for many years & yes I do believe that they do help. I was a severe flusher in the early days & I do believe those 2 helped, cannot comment as to whether or not Grape seed extract is better. Pycnogenol is £££ though! J"

Melissa W wrote on March 1st, 2010: "From what I know about this, they are supposed to strengthen blood vessels and I believe they do help somewhat. I am taking GSE (grape seed extract) and notice less dilated blood vessels. I'm currently taking TruNature Grape Seed with whole grape total 150 mg from Costco. It has 100 mg GSE standardized to 85% polyphenols (85 mg) 37.5 mg GSE skin standardized to 45% proanthocyanidins (17 MG) and 12.5 mg grape extract (whole fruit) standardized to 45% (12.5 mg). Not sure of what numbers we should be taking but it seems to help me. I only take 1 pill a day."
Tp912 wrote on March 3rd, 2010: "One way that GSE (grape seed extract) assists your cardiovascular system is by helping your arteries relax, so that blood can flow easier. Through a mechanism of gene transcription GSE helps turn on the important enzyme known as nitric oxide synthase, which produces the friendly nitric oxide (eNOS) that is required for the proper relaxed tone of your circulatory system and the smooth regulation of your blood pressure. It should be pointed out that there is another kind of nitric oxide (iNOS) that is induced from different kinds of stress, such as chemical exposure, which is highly inflammatory in nature and damaging to your cardiovascular system. GSE has a unique talent. As mentioned above it helps make friendly nitric oxide (eNOS). On the other hand, it actually helps regulate the main gene signal involved with inflammation (NF-kappaB), in turn reducing inflammation and preventing the release of the inflammatory form of nitric oxide (iNOS)."
Mrsmoof wrote on June 29th, 2010: "I've read you should take 50 mg for every 50 lbs you weigh."
Queta wrote on August 13th, 2010: "Hi, I ran across this abstract that discussed the link between mast cells and nitric oxide. Maybe the mechanism which is helping us is related to the fact that the "friendly" nitric oxide reduces mast cell degranulation? Here is the link. Queta"
Redman1 wrote on May 12th, 2010: "I want to try grape seed extract to strengthen my capillaries, but I do notice when I eat grapes I get a flush, not a full face flush but one about the size of a quarter on some random spot on my face. Would it be ok you think to take grape seed extract?? Really trying to find something to strengthen the capillaries.. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks, Red"
Melissa W wrote on May 12th, 2010: "I am not sure if you would still have a reaction to this, but you might want to look into pine bark extract (Pycnogenol). It has a powerful antioxidant effect (the antioxidants in pine bark are referred to as OPC's- oligomeric proanthocyanidins) and is said to help to decrease the risk and severity of damage to the arteries. It also has been shown to help strengthen and repair tissues made of collagen."
Yvette wrote on March 31st, 2009: "Hi - I take a slew of vitamins/supplements and my Rosacea flares have lessened. My digestion has greatly improved too - no acid reflux for three months now. The ones I find the most helpful: zinc, grape seed, turmeric, quercetin, pycnogenol, probiotics, HCL with lunch and dinner and digestive enzymes with every meal. I also take anti-fungal supplements, alternate a few at a time: garlic, grapefruit/neem, caprylic acid, olive leaf, oregano, I also take psyllium husk capsules and drink one cup of green tea a day. I don't eat a lot of dairy - sure this helps as well. Yvette"
Strawberry wrote on June 9th, 2009: "I take pycnogenol and it does seem to strengthen my (visible) capillaries."
Melissa W wrote on June 9th, 2009: "Pine bark extract is a nutritional supplement patented by a French researcher under the name Pycnogenol. Pycnogenol and grape seed are similar in that they both contain OPC's. Best wishes, Melissa"

Several in vitro and in vivo studies have shown that Aloe Vera Gel acts as an anti-inflammatory. In studies, fresh Aloe Vera Gel significantly reduced acute inflammation in rats (carrageenan-induced paw oedema), although no effect on chronic inflammation was observed. In research, Aloe Vera Gel also reduced inflammation by up to 37% in croton oil-induced oedema in mice.
Those with mild to moderate rosacea should apply pure Aloe from an Aloe plant or pure Aloe gel twice daily to the affected area(s.) It is best to apply Aloe after gently washing the whole face with a mild non-abrasive cleanser. Apply regular moisturizer to the areas not affected by rosacea and allow the Aloe to act as both a moisturizer and a treatment for the rosacea. The Aloe gel has a cooling effect and may make the skin feel slightly 'tight' as it dries on your skin. Aloe Vera promises to reduce skin outbreaks, reduce inflammation, moisturize your skin and reduce redness. A friend of mine from the Rosacea Forum, Peter, has successfully used pure Aloe Vera gel on his face for decades now. Helping bring his rosacea in remission. And this girl drinks Aloe Vera for her rosacea, she claims:

Redmike wrote on 8th October 2011: "If your getting the aloe vera straight from the plant itself then even better! I would rather go with natural aloe vera than moisturizers, and it's really cheap too. Let us know how it goes."
sparky7ot wrote on May 13th, 2015: "I'm currently using forever living aloe vera gel, it helps keep the hotness at bay and also reduces the redness but so far its not cleared the dry skin and the red patches are still very visible."
Mel63 wrote on February 12th, 2010: "I went out and bought an aloe vera plant to give it a try on my rosacea. I cut a piece of the plant and rubbed it on my clean face. It felt very soothing and did not irritate my face. After a while, my face was a lot less red than normal and not as tight. I tried aloe from health food stores,that claim to be 100% aloe but did not work like the plant did for my skin. I am happy to find something that works but the problem is how do you grow enough aloe plants to use it everyday? How do you extract the juice/gel to make it last. Seems to me it's not going to be too convenient. Any thoughts?"
Peter replied on February 13th, 2010: "Hello Mel. My sister used to use Aloe Vera this way and she cut part of a leaf off, split it into small individual pieces, wrapped it in cling film and stored it in the fridge where it keeps fresh for several days. When you need to use it then take a piece out and squeeze the juice out into a small pot and then apply. I suppose you need several plants on the go to provide enough gel for daily use. If you can tolerate Aloe Vera gel than it can be very beneficial for the rosacea skin - I have used it for years and swear by it although I use a packaged product called Aloe99 which I found to be the best one for me. Good luck, Peter"
Mel63 replied on February 13th, 2010: "Thanks for your response. I wonder about packaged products, since they need preservatives to last longer, I think I may get a reaction to the preservatives/additives. I also wonder if products like aloe 99 are 99.9% pure aloe. Could be, maybe I will give it a try."
Peter replied on February 14th, 2010: "Hello Mel. Suppose the only way of finding out is to buy one like Aloe99 and try it for a while - always do a patch test first in a small area. My skin was very sensitive but I had no problems with this one and have used it for over 12 years. They list the ingredients as: 99.9% Aloe vera. carbomer, tea, methylparaben, phenoxyethanol. Some people are just allergic to natural plant based type products but if you used the gel neat from the plant then you should be ok. If you try it let us know how it goes. Peter"
Samantha70 replied on March 15th, 2010: "I tried the Aloe 99 during a recent flare (my first proper bad one) and I have to say the Aloe 99 really, really helped to calm down my skin, made it feel so much less angry, and cooled it down. I really rate it - thanks Peter for the recommendation :D"
Peter replied on February 15th, 2010: "Hello Sam. No problem – glad it helped you so much. I have used this particular product for years and swear by it but of course due to the nature of rosacea then it will not suit everybody. There are other Aloe vera gels around but this one is probably one of the best. Bye, Peter"
Mike T replied on March 20th, 2010: "Just letting people know i use cetaphil facial cleanser which I find is sooo good. Cleans and softens without redness for me. Then while my face is moist i apply aloe vera 97.5% (Thursday Plantation from Australian chemist) mixed with cetaphil moisturiser. This has been working well for me and i have cut back on many other products now. I have seb derm + rosacea. I have learnt form experience that rosacea skin is very delicate and for me if i get a reaction or redness to a product after using it for a while (month or so) it is because i have used to much of it or left it in too long. For example i initially tried aloe vera on my skin before i used to cleanse and moisturize. I felt washing my face got rid of its natural oils and made it dry so I would go for days without washing it ( i washed my hair separately). That's when I had real bad redness. One of my reactions then was to aloe vera which was on my face for 3 days (combined with sweat etc). Now with daily cleansing and moisturizing i have no problem using it. All the best."

"Worst case of subtype 1 rosacea imaginable (Demodex mites?) I can't believe how bad my case it. It is by far the worst I have seen. I have doubts almost anybody has it this bad. This is just pure cruelty. It started at the age of 12. Even then, my rosacea tormented me; extremely red face, swollen nose. I lacked self awareness back then so I had no idea it was even that bad, until years later seeing photos. For the past 10 years my life has been a living hell. My nose is unbelievably swollen, my face now an extremely dark red, like somebody threw acid at my face. I don't even know what to to anymore. I cut back on sweets, supplement fish oil, take MSM, topical green tea & aloe vera... Aloe vera made it worse than I could ever imagine so I'm not sure why people praise it. I don't eat for days straight & try to shovel cordyceps, apple cider vinegar, with MSM all mixed with around 10 grams of fish oil. Absolutely nothing. I drink massive amounts of water but now I am a very skinny, red faced mess with thick glasses & vision worsening every year. No alcohol intake (Maybe 1 drink for 1 day every couple months) but my face explodes into a flared up, swollen, hellishly red nightmare. A vegetarian diet has done nothing. It hurts too bad & I'm too poor to treat it because I already spent so much money, and now it's all wasted. It has absolutely destroyed my life. I quit my job, denied relationship opportunities, never leave the house, never see my friends, never speak face to face with anyone... I cry everyday. Pathetic, I know. But what else can I do? I'm 22 & the past 10 years have been a horrid nightmare."
Kwamex replied on December 5th, 2016: "I feel you man...! Don't give up! You will find your treatment! Why Aloe Vera made it worse, my guess: Did you use a 100% pure Aloe Vera? If not, that's the case. Even if 91% pure it's probably some alcohol and other **** in it. However, here are some things you can try: Tea tree oil and Argan oil. There is a member of this forum who had a REALLY bad case of redness and P&P, she fixed it using this method. Just buy a plastic bottle from the pharmacy and mix these 2 together. Make sure it's 100% Pure argan oil and tea tree oil. Get a like 5/10 ml measurement. Use 5 ml Tea tree oil and then about 20 ml Argan oil. Then you get a 20% concentration of Tea tree oil, use this on your face every morning and night. If it's to bad for your face, lower the concentration to 5-10%. Tea tree oil is a really good demodex mite killer! Make sure you wash & change your bed sheets often. Use high temperature! Especially your pillow."
Fiugs replied on March 11th, 2016: "I tried 100% organic Aloe Vera on my cheek a couple of months ago and it lit up like a Christmas tree and was on fire for two hours! I guess I have an allergy to it or something, you may do too. I've read others here on the forum saying the same."
JennAdeleK wrote on February 28th, 2017: "Hey there! I currently wash with raw honey and use a pure, pH balanced aloe vera gel as my moisturizer. The only other product I use is my prescription Metrogel, and as of right now, I'm only using it to spot treat areas as needed. [..] Keep in mind that I'm still trying to find a balance, and that in an of itself is a daily dance. But, I find by in large that the less I do to my skin, the better it behaves. I wash my face with raw honey 2x per day and put on a pure aloe vera gel as a moisturizer 4x per day (AM, AP, PM, and just before bed). That's it. I know, sounds simple, but I swear it helps me out a ton. Oh, and I wear a giant hat as sun protection. Plus, I put sun shades in my car."

Melcet wrote on May 26th, 2016: "Aloe Vera and healing properties? It has been awhile since I have posted. Still not 100% sure if I have (had) Rosacea, KPRF, a touch of SD or a combo of all. Anyway- I have baseline redness, and flushing. So I was using the Selsun Blue- with sulphur in it for about 3 months. I actually got really good results from this, baseline redness went way down, and flushing wasn't nearly as bad. Thinking I may have been battling Demadex Mites, and that is why I had such good results, but again, not 100%. I switched to Prosacea, with has Sulphur and Aloe in it for about a month. stayed about the same. Decided to try Rodan and Fields Soothe regime - looking for a quick fix I guess. Used it for 3 days, had a massive red burning reaction from it- so I sent it back for my money back. Took a week off from anything- just washed with my gentle cleanser. I had read somewhere about Aloe Vera Gel. So I said why not. I have only used it for 3 days, and even after a steamy shower, my face came out, almost pale!! I still have some pink, but I think it might be working! I know I have to give it time, but this looks promising. So my question is, is it possible that the Demedox was killed off from the Sulphur and the baseline leftover was left because of residual damage, and now the Aloe vera is actually healing my skin? Does that make sense? Any advice here? I just wash my face and apply the aloe at night. I don't do anything in the am. Anyone experience good results for baseline redness (possibly after getting rid of demodex) with Aloe? Thank you! Mel"
Canarygirl replied on May 27th, 2016: "Experience with Aloe Vera (and Soothe). Hello I haven't been on this forum in a few years, but I recently had a sudden recurrence of symptoms (I think it was caused by using old makeup that was contaminated). So I'm back. I wanted to comment that I too find that aloe Vera is helpful for my skin. It seems to be calming and anti-inflammatory. My favorite aloe product is Exfol serum developed by Dr. Pritchard. It is 2% salicylic acid in a simple aloe base and the two things together are mega-anti inflammatory at least for me. I have combo skin, I think I have demodex, skin was chemically sensitized in the past and now is intolerant of most Chems. I can't use benzoyl peroxide or AHA's or retinoids or ascorbic acid or niacinamide on my face for example. But this 2% BHA in aloe is awesome; I recommend it. I also wanted to comment on the R&F line Soothe. How un-soothing it was for me! Same as you, burning awful reaction to the line. Thankfully they have a good return policy. There's one exception... the Soothe sunscreen. I love that stuff! 14% zinc oxide and dimethicone. Great stuff."
GreenGables wrote on November 2nd, 2015: "My laser doctor recommends organic aloe vera for a whole week after. Pure Aloe Vera Gel kept in the refrigerator. Twice a day. This is what I buy. It's huge, cheap as chips, and fits in the refrigerator. My info sheet also says no ibuprofen or other NSAIDs for 14 days after treatment. Here is the anti flushing protocol post-laser recommended by Dr. Soldo."
Owenblinky replied on December 29th 2015: "I would be careful of aloe vera gel products. Pure aloe is good for your skin, but a lot of products containing alcohol and other astringents are sold as "aloe vera gel." I have not been able to find any pure aloe products as of yet."
ihavetoasky replied on December 29th 2015: "Interesting and what do you think on the one to drink aloe gel?"
Lwemm replied on December 29th 2015: "Aloe gel/juice is supposed to be good for the gut. I tried it under advice of one herbalist but can't say it did much. You have to be careful looking for a good product, as all aloe with have preservatives. Carrageenan is a common one but is a suspected carcinogen. Also if you have SIBO, then any demulcent herb high in polysaccharides is probably going to feed the bacterial overgrowth."
Officalstevenb replied on December 31st 2015: "Hey, I use a pure aloe vera bar of soap to wash my skin and drink an aloe vera digestive aid every morning. Works wonders for me!"
Ginaisred replied on December 31st 2015: "How does the aloe Vera drink help your skin? That's great news. Is it because of its anti inflammatory properties?"
Officalstevenb replied on December 31st 2015: "I find that it works wonderfully, all I have to do is endure a disgusting taste in my mouth for a few moments and then i'm set for the day! I take that in conjunction with a drinkable magnesium supplement, B6 Complex and zinc. I've been told to take all these from my holistic doctor and I can't believe the difference from the first week on taking these consistently."
AJ wrote on January 28th, 2014: "I wanted a non medical or surgical solution to my annoying Rosacea which ive been suffering with to some extent for the last 13 years! So i applied my aloe vera gel for the first time yesterday which resulted in a burning sensation. I held out for about 20 minutes. The burning sensation resided and notice a massive improvement!! The best ever !! Its such a relief Aloe has come my way the universe must have been listening. Thanks"
Ellen wrote on February 16th, 2014: "Hi everyone, I’m 21 years old and I sadly suffered with rosacea from a young age which broke my confidence and I used to be so self conscious about myself :( I tried many different products and spent 100′s pounds trying to make it go away! Eventually, I found aloe Vera on the web and my doctor recommended I tried it. My face is ten times better than it used to be and I have my confidence back!! I’m glad after reading this and other confidence this has helped other people to smile like I do every day :)"
Beaujade wrote on December 30th, 2015: "Hello I got rosacea in my 60s. Didn't know what it was. As far as I know I am the only family member who has it. It is now going into the eyes. I found aloe vera the plant to be helpful. My nose cleared up, the pimples did burst but my nose is looking good. I used lemon but not sure if this was good, it didn't hurt to try. If nothing else helped next was sea water."
Fut wrote on February 25th, 2006: "Fruit of the Earth 100% Aloe Vera Gel. Honestly, no topical agent has made a big impact on my redness or flushing. In fact, it has been the lack of topicals in my regimen have been the most helpful. Through the several different combinations I have tried on my face, my best regimen so far consists of one thing - aloe vera gel. For me, it is the only product that shows absolutely no irritation. All cleansers, toners and even the neocutis cream showed at least some irritation. Neocutis no longer irritates my skin, however. FOE Aloe vera Gel has been the only product that I haven't tossed (thinking about tossing the Neocutis cream - not 100% sure yet). The best part about this gel is that it is extremely cheap. I would suggest anyone who is having irritation problems or is simply looking for a new things to try on their skin is to throw out all their topicals and try using solely this product."
Jimmy D replied on February 25th, 2006: "I couldn't agree more, that exact AV gel seems to be the only thing I can use without getting irritation. I can use it straight after a shower even without it irritating. I've tried a lot of the "recommended" moisturizers and they all seem to react badly, but with this stuff, I haven't had dry skin in a year. And I can buy it from the supermarket for $8 australian."
Sylvia66 replied on February 25th, 2006: "EEK! Aloe Vera (100% - directly from the plant) made my face a bright purpley-red and burn. Do you guys think it could have been an allergic reaction?"
DukeCity replied on February 25th, 2006: "Hi Sylvia, - a few others had posted the same allergic reaction to aloe-vera."
Rockerchick replied on March 1st, 2006: "I tried this a few years ago and it dried my face out really bad. So I never used it again. Glad it's working for you tho!"
nikkitn replied on March 1st, 2006: "I just bought some the other day. When I got home last night, I felt a flush coming on, so I washed my face and then put the refrigerated aloe on it and it knocked the flush out quick!! Soo nice... I'm thinking maybe globbing on some cold aloe before a shower and leaving it there during may help with the flushes I get from the warm water."
Fut replied on March 26th, 2006: "I've recently noticed that the more I put on, the better my skin tone looks. Accutane knocked the whole inflammation cycle out for me. I flush only in few incidents now (e.g. drinking, exercise.) No more major flushes from anxiety, nervousness, embarrassment, etc. Base redness had still been the major problem for me until I stopped accutane (off for a few weeks now) and have been using only aloe vera as well. My base redness is down several notches by just using lots of aloe vera at once."
Peter replied on March 26th, 2006: "Hello, I have used Aloe Vera gel for years now and it is the most effective topical I have used for the rosacea skin due to it's cooling and calming properties. Also brilliant after shaving to stop any irritation. Doesn't work for everybody unfortunately so if you are going to try it always carry out a patch test first. I use two brands - Aloe99 and Aloe Pura. There are websites for both. Try layering the Aloe i.e. apply some, wait a few minutes until it has soaked in and then re-apply another coat of the gel. If your skin is very dry then try this several times and you will find it more effective. Best wishes, Peter."
MARPUSBEAN replied on March 26th, 2006: "Yes aloe is the one product I have used constantly, probably is worthwhile moisturizing as well as the skin can feel a little dry after the aloe is absorbed, that's, providing you can find a mild natural moisturizer which does not irritate."
Mollie_T replied on April 9th, 2006: "I have a huge bottle of this in my fridge, I use it to calm sunburns. It really helps my rosacea when I've been in the sun a tad too long & forgot my sunscreen."
Susiefar replied on June 4th, 2006: "There actually isn't such a thing as commercial 100% aloe vera. If you squeeze it right out of the plant then yes, but if it's sold over the counter then at most it could be 99% or so pure because it requires about 1% preservative (more or less) to extend shelf life and prevent bacterial growth. It would start going bad before you even bought it, if it didn't have any preservatives. Unfortunately, many of the preservatives used in skincare products are quite irritation. I'd check on the back of that one to see. I find phenoxyethanol is pretty well tolerated by my skin, but not paraben preservatives or urea ones (parabens usually being methylparaben and butylparaben)."
Motor City replied on June 15th, 2006: "Does aloe flake off? I was intrigued by the aloe posts, as it's cheap and I know it has long been used for skin care. I tried to apply a 99% pure aloe gel from a health food store. All it did was dry and peel off my face like dead skin. Is this the experience others have had, or should I try another kind? Thanks."
Orangehorizon replied on June 15th, 2006: "The aloe juice/gel from health food store usually contains preservatives (some acid, can't remember the name). It can't be preserved without them. The acid made my face in red spots when I tried aloe juice on my face. The commercial aloe gel probably doesn't have very active aloe. The base is usually Carbomer (a polymer) + water gel. The same base is in the hair gels. It's a good base for water soluble actives (except acids, they will liquify the carbomer) but don't expect miraculous healing from it. It is unlikely that the commercial aloe vera gel will make your skin peel. Most probably the gel itself peeled. Wash your face with water and pat it dry. If you still have flakes on your face then it's your skin peeling. Otherwise it was the gel itself."
12. Oregano oil

Patty replied on February 6th, 2007: "The oregano capsules obviously worked quickly for you. Please let us know if your results are lasting. I think I will give it a try as well."
Patty replied on February 19th, 2007: "I have been taking oregano oil capsules for about 12 days and have seen overall improvement in my skin. My forehead, which has been consistently broken out for several months and is now finally clearing up. I have a couple new paps on the side of my nose, but they aren't "hanging around" as they tend to do, and seem to be healing. I'm not having the rapid results that nzdolphin had, but I'm pleased so far with my results. I might add that I've only recently made some changes in my diet and supplements, and I think that is also a factor. [..] I'm taking two (pills) a day. The bottle tells you the dose is once per day, I'm following nz's advice, and taking it morning and at night. I will probably cut back to once a day in a couple weeks. I am wondering if it becomes ineffective after a time, so I don't want to over do it. I'd like to keep this in my arsenal for the summer months as the heat makes me break out like crazy. I would think the photo sensitivity would not be an issue. I have to wear sunscreen all the time anyway."
Nzdolphin replied on February 19th, 2007: "Hi Patty, I'm pleased things are on the improve. I'm still taking 2 Oregano capsules per day but they appear to only be 50mg Oregano oil and 25mg flaxseed oil so going by GJ's info I wonder if it's enough for most people. My skin is continuing to improve, like you the odd spot doesn't seem to hang around. The nasty raised and inflamed patch is almost completely gone. I had been suspecting a skin mite long before taking this oil so I'm now wondering if that is why it has finally improved. I'd like to get some of the oregano oil cream to apply topically when I cut back to one capsule a day, but I'm not sure if it's in New Zealand. I'll have to have a look around. [..] I checked with my health shop today and discovered how many different ways companies display the potency of their products. Nature's Way is 50mg of 75-85% carvacrol (standardised) whereas some are only 60% or less. This makes a huge difference as to how many mg should be taken. In my case the 2 capsules I'm taking is correct and dropping back to one later on is fine. They suggest I continue for up to 3 months. The people at the health shop said I should stay on them for at least 3 months, so maybe indefinitely is fine if you don't mind the cost. (250mg twice per day of oregano oil at this strength would have been too much apparently). I'm glad I checked!"

Ruu replied on February 27th, 2007: "I don't suffer from p&p's (yet), I just flush, mostly due to heat, hot foods and alcohol (though sometimes I wonder if its from being in a stuffy overheated bar that makes me flush, cause sometimes I don't flush if the bar isn't that crowded).. I do have base redness on my cheeks and nose though, so would the oil help (has it helped anyone) with this or is it just mainly working like an antibiotic and clearing up breakouts of pimples? I didn't have time to inquire in the health foods shop but the shop assistant did quickly say that it would help clear up sinus problems (which i also suffer from)".
LT replied on February 23rd, 2007: "I can't say with certainty that it will work for you (of course no one can, because we're all different), but if you're willing to try, I'd do it. I also have sinus problems and was draining green last week, but now it's clear. I'm not as congested during the night, and everything is looser. Still have annoying drainage (I never get rid of that) but at least now it's not infected. I am constantly red and occasionally get some itchy red bumps and things that resemble whiteheads but aren't, exactly. I don't think they're p&p's, but then I haven't been to a dermatologist since they started. Like that's a guarantee of help. Anyway, I've been taking 2 drops of oil under my tongue 3x a day for 6 days and my redness is very diminished. At this stage, I can easily cover it with makeup, and I haven't been able to do that for 2 years. I don't even want to wear makeup, that's how normal I think it looks. I am not as red as many of the people on this site (looking at the photos), but red enough that perfect strangers feel compelled to say "you got some sun this weekend!" Shut UP, I know I'm red - thanks for calling attention to it and making me flush, too. Idiots. If you don't think you want the burn of the oil and the odd taste (I don't notice the pizza smell much anymore, and the burn is slight and temporary), you could try the capsules as mentioned earlier in this thread - other people seemed to have luck with them."
Patty replied on March 15th, 2007: "I don't know how the rest are doing, but I've had a set back. The last week or so I've been getting redder and more broke out than I've been in several weeks. I'm so bummed out. I did get more oregano capsules a couple days ago, and these are more potent than what I was using. The only other thing that I'm doing different is drinking a cup of wheat grass juice everyday because the people at the health food shop said it's good for detoxing, and the enzymes and chlorophyl are good if you have any inflammatory type thing going on. The girl there said it's the only thing that really helped her with her acne. And she said that in the beginning you get worse before you get better. So I guess I wait and see since it's only been a few days. I'm not giving up on the oregano caps just yet, since they worked better than anything the derm had done for me so far."
Nwc replied on March 20th, 2007: "As for myself... I have noticed such a great improvement taking this oil, which in fact I announce to everyone... try this and stop taking pills and see if this works first or now!!!! I've just been putting the drops in a shot glass of water. I taste it for a sec and chug a few more water shots in i taste it still. I lacked in taking it for days in the beginning ... but since I have regularly... just in a couple days it's cleared most of the red for me and has gotten a little better since. BUT... now I am working... now i get a little redder since I just started a few days ago. I get hot sometimes since it's warm there.. PATTY it's a fact that we can't take the same herb for longer than 6 weeks all the time for most herbs... we need a 2 week break then back to "6" weeks...depends... some can be taken longer...some herbs are sooner than this. we become immune to them and they stop working. I have no idea about oregano oil. but there are other herbs out there that can work like, less or better than this. It's something to discover for me at least... and there's so many remedies out there and worth trying... we all are different and something has to work as well!"
Patty replied on March 20th, 2007: "Thanks for the info Nwc, I'm fairly new to herbal remedies, and I'm trying to learn as much as I can. I am "recovering" from my thankfully short lived relapse. I think it was hormone induced this time, the glass of wine I really enjoyed, and a meeting in a VERY warm room all too close together for my skin to just IGNORE!! The stronger oregano oil caps I got really helped, just a a couple days of of taking them and I could see the difference. I agree, that I should take a break, and I think I will soon."
Nzdolphin updated on March 21st, 2007: "I haven't posted for a while. The most noticeable change for me is a drastic improvement in skin tone and how quickly my skin recovers if I do have a slight flare or pimple. What used to take weeks now resolves in 1 - 3 days. If I didn't have Rosacea, I would have the best skin I've ever had in my life. I still believe I'll get rid of this completely. I feel like my skin is getting out of its habit of reacting to everything. Just gently washing my face used to make it red but not any more!"
Patty replied on March 31st, 2007: "I've been taking a more potent oregano capsule 2-3 times a day and it has defiantly helped. I was also advised to detox, and I've added wheatgrass juice to my ever growing list of supplements. I have noticed that this outbreak was not as severe and healed up faster than before I added oregano oil to my lineup. Good luck, and keep us posted! [..] I've been taking are 150mg per capsule. I take them 2x's a day morning and night. I just started taking Oracea so I think I will stop with the oregano oil for now. I heard the drops are nasty tasting so I went with capsules. Hope this helps!
Nwc replied on May 7th, 2007: "You're not applying it directly to your face are you? I noticed improvement starting after a couple days... then after a couple weeks or so took near all red away."
Simply Red replied on May 7th, 2007: "I'm only taking Nature's Way capsules, one in the morning and one in the evening. I intended on trying one at a time, but being so desperate for a fix, I reverted back to just shoveling in any supplements I've bought, waiting for the miraculous clearing... [..] Well, I'm not sure if it's the oregano oil oil or not, but my skin is now looking better than it has in a long time, you wouldn't think anything was wrong! Just slightly pink, but nothing abnormal. I had about a week-long episode of just horrible skin, really raw and red, then it just sort of cleared up. I've been taking an oregano oil capsule in the morning and 1 at night since about April 30th. It might be the fact that the weather finally getting nice helped (My skin gets nasty in the winter). Basically I'm just taking the oil, using Suave extreme dry moisturizer and using a little Z Cream at night. I stopped using the Butcher's Broom altogether. Not sure if that had anything to do with anything though. Hoping my skin stays this way, but ya never know I guess."

Ghost replied on April 4th, 2011: "This is interesting. I started taking oil or oregano on March 31st (I had a teeny bit left over from an earlier attempt when a chiropractor suggested it) after reading billybob's post. What I did was put 2 drops into a size 00 capsule and swallow after breakfast. I did that on the 31st, then April 1, 2 and 3. There was only a slick in the bottle today so I shook it out into a saucer and dabbed on some extra virgin coconut oil. Then I put it on my face. I could feel the faintest little prickles. Nothing that would make me run to wash it off. After a mere 15 minutes I did take the oils off with a warm, wet wash cloth. Then I washed my hair. Don't get too excited, and I won't either, because I've been here before, but my face is calmer and very moisturized. I ordered some more oil or oregano from a place called Hedd Wyn (because I liked the name) and i will continue experimenting. We shall see!"

TheMediumDog replied on March 28th, 2009: "Well, you've got the whole range of 'natural antibiotics', that the SIBO and Candida crowd extol, open to you now. There's garlic (in large quantities) of course. There's coconut oil; caprylic acid; pau d'arco; thyme (again, properly prepared) and so on. Personally I'm very skeptical about all these; but maybe you've just got to prepare them properly...and have the appropriate problem in the first place. You could 'clean out the tubes' with a round of psyllium and bentonite clay...although I have to say that this is the most disgusting stuff you'll ever put in your mouth. A daily quaff of kefir (a fermented drink you make yourself) might also be effective. It certainly does 'something' for me.
Pca replied on March 28th, 2009: "I had a same experience, total normal for a month on Oregano oil, then they stopped working. It is the bacteria infection in the small intestine and/or colon that has developed resistance. You can switch to garlic and do the same thing."
TheMediumDog replied on March 28th, 2009: "As Steve says, the reason for the fading is most likely to be that the bacteria/fungi adapt to the antibiotic effects of the O.O, and become resistant. Rotating several different natural antibiotics is common practice.
Steve95301 wrote on March 28th, 2009: "I wonder if I'd have any benefit from rotating monthly from doxy to oregano oil. I have mild-moderate type 1 rosacea, permanent redness mostly. (Which the O.O. has wiped out almost totally the past few weeks - I've never seen such dramatic results from anything like that before.) I wish I'd known how effective antibiotics can be for type 1 rosacea... I might even throw a month of eurax into the rotation (assuming it helps me at all), to give myself a break from antibiotics. I think demodex do play a role in my permanent redness, because topical baking soda always clears me up for a few days, which I assume is due to it killing something.
Thanks again for the feedback."
Yvette replied on March 28th, 2009: "Hey Steve, Yes, this is true that anti-fungals work, however, if you don't rotate then the fungus will learn to adapt and the effects will wear off. The ones I use with results are: grapefruit/neem (called UGN supplement), garlic, caprylic acid, olive leaf, and apple cider vinegar. I pick two and take two each twice a day for two weeks and rotate to another two. Yvette"
Driven replied on March 30th, 2009: "Driven, I had the same miraculous result from oregano oil the first time I used it, for almost a month. I was completely pale during that time, and not even being especially good with my triggers. Unfortunately, I have never had those incredible results again. I think it still helps a little, but not nearly to that degree. Topicals such as sulpher creams and Eurax do nothing for me. I never really thought about it before since I take it daily anyway, but it turns out that psyllium fiber has been a big help for me, and its effects aren't temporary. Reduced gut-transit time, apparently. Now I'm thinking about cycling various antibiotics with probiotics. And maybe I should stop the fiber during the probiotic cycle..."
Yvette replied on March 31st, 2009: "Hi - If you take anti-fungals- oregano oil, olive leaf, garlic, grapefruit extract, neem, apple cidar vinegar, caprylic acid, echinacea, etc. You need to rotate them for them to be most effective. Fungus adapt well if you take the same supplement for a long period of time - the effects will lessen over time. Therefore, pick two supplements take for a few weeks and then rotate with another few. Good luck. Yvette"

Melissa W replied on August 15th, 2008: "I take oregano oil capsules from nature's way. 2 capsules a day for 100 mg total. I am not sure if it is helping or not but oregano oil does have antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, and antiseptic properties. You should make sure that when using oregano oil that its primary component is carvacrol and not thymol. Thymol does not possess the same medicinal properties as true oregano essential oil. Good luck! Melissa. PS I think you are supposed to take a break every now and then while taking oregano oil but I am not sure about this. I read about this somewhere but not sure where. PPS I know what you mean about it feeling like a lifetime having rosacea. It has been less than 2 years for me but also feels like a lifetime."
Lonewolf replied on August 17th, 2008: "Hey Melissa, Thanks for responding. One can always expect a response from you. I am using Oregano Oil that contains Carvacrol. I did my research.
I am going to take a break after 3 weeks. I am flushing more on it. Heaters seem to be my biggest trigger now. Unfortunately they are needed in this Winter cold here in Australia. I think you should take a break every now and then too. I'm not talking about Oregano oil either. I've seen your number of posts. I hope you are coping well. Thanks again. Take care. Lonewolf"
Lonewolf wrote on September 3rd, 2008: "Just to update. It's been nearly a month now and this is still working. I can't believe it. No papules. Nothing for weeks now. The longest I've been without them since I was on Accutane when I was 18. It just doesn't feel right. Did hell freeze over? I'm not sure if it's the Lysine or Oil of Oregano but one of them or perhaps both combined have stopped them.I'm taking a break from the oregano oil now so time will tell if it's long lasting. I still have some scars on one side from previous papules that bother me so I might get some IPL just to clear them up. On the blushing side, I've noticed that I don't blush for as long if I do at all. Last night I did an alcohol test while I was out with friends just to see how I would come up in the morning. I only flushed a little while drinking lots of scotch and I noticed I didn't appear red in the mirror near the bar. This morning there were no break outs. Anyway.........maybe I don't have to be the lone wolf forever after all."
Allibear replied on September 4th, 2008: "It's probably a combination of both, Oregano oil is a big yeast buster and Lysine helps improve gut integrity but if you are only using the one herbal supplement it is best to break it or rotate it with other's like grapefruit seed extract, olive leaf extract, and garlic. The pathogenic bacteria can build up a resistance to a particular herb, so you just have to keep them on their toes, give them a false sense of security and then hit them with it again. I couldn't be bothered with doing loads of different supplements and just take one complex herbal compound that basically has the whole lot in it, still don't know what the chances are of this eventually not working to keep things under control, but I'm always ready to review the situation when the first sign of trouble starts, so far so good though. It might be worth considering taking a good quality probiotic supplement when you break the oil of oregano, this helps replace the 'void' left, that the oil of oregano will have cleared out, with friendly bacteria and these help keep the pathogenic bacteria in check so it is more difficult for them to breed like rabbits at the first opportunity. I'm glad you where able to go out and have a drink without too much consequence. I haven't been able to do that, although it has been a while since I last tested it but after the last experience of this I'm still a bit over cautious"

Jwies wrote on November 29th, 2007: "Does Oregano Oil help with Perm. Redness? I have permanent redness on my cheeks and read through many of the posts on these forums. Has anybody had luck using this Oregano Oil (or any other oral product) for reducing permanent redness?"
Patty replied on November 29th, 2007: "I've taken oregano oil capsules, and it does seem to have a positive result at first. I think for the long term, it's not lasting. On the upside, it is helpful keeping a cold at bay."

perhaps therefore it could help particularly with rosacea subtype 2, with outbreaks and pimples.

Zinc is an important micronutrient required for the normal function of skin. The daily allowance of zinc in adults with zinc deficiency is 15-30 mg per day and 20–25 mg per day if you are pregnant or giving breast feeding. The optimal dosage of zinc for acne seems to be 30mg/ day of elemental zinc. (Elemental refers to the actual zinc levels. For example, a supplement may contain 200mg of zinc gluconate, but this doesn’t mean all the 200mg are zinc). So make sure that there is sufficient zinc sulfate in your supplement (22.5 mg of elemental zinc per 100 mg), or that there is enough zinc oxide in your cream (80 mg elemental zinc per 100 mg). If you take too much zinc orally, you might develop gastrointestinal upsets with bloody diarrhea.
-4 teaspoons bentonite clay
-4 teaspoons baking soda
-1/2-1 tablespoon of sea salt
-10-15 drops of tea tree or another essential oil, such as lavender or chamomile, or a combination (optional; essential oils can set off sensitive rosacea skin, so be careful with this one).
-1/2 teaspoon glycerin (optional)
-2-3 teaspoons pink kaolin clay (optional)
Whisk together the baking soda, salt, bentonite clay, and the kaolin clay if you’re using it. Stir it all in a small bowl. Add water, stirring constantly, until a paste starts to form. Continue to add water until desired consistency is reached (think of a quarter cup, but it will depend on whether or not you include the pink kaolin clay). Mix it. Add in your essential oils at this point, and the glycerin if you’re using it. Stir until thoroughly blended, and store in a glass jar with a tight fitting lid. You can keep this mix in the refrigerator for up to a week, but an easier way is to simply keep a jar of the dry ingredients blended together on hand. Then, when you need it, take a small spoonful of the powder and just add enough of the liquids to make your lotion as needed. And here is a recipe to make your own zinc oxide diaper rash (the coconut oil and bees wax in it might not be ideal for a skin cream however, as oils do not always go well with rosacea skin, but this is personal)
Brady Barrows replied on July 28th, 2017: "
Dynarex Zinc Oxide Ointment It's active ingredients are: Zinc Oxide: 20%, Inactive Ingredients: Cetostearyl Alcohol , Cetomacrogol 1000, light licquid paraffin, White soft paraffin.
Bluedog replied on August 21st, 2017: "Hi Raymond, Have you looked into Avene Cicalfate Restoration Cream? I have the same issue w/zinc creams, they help the redness and inflammation but are too drying and horrible to remove from the skin. I am currently trialing this out. It was designed for wound repair and you can google "before and after Cicalfate" pictures to see what it may do. It contains ingredients that are anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial as well as zinc and their healing thermal mineral water. It did not irritate my hypersensitive, dry skin that can't even stand tap water. Maybe you could grab a sample to try? It is definitely a cream, goes on white, then disappears. Would be best maybe to leave on overnight to do its thing. It was not expensive, approx $20 CAD for 1.35 oz. Take Care, Bluedog"
RaymondS replied on August 22nd, 2017: "Hey Bluedog, I actually have tried it. I had purchased it maybe 2 years ago and over here it was called SOS cream and under that label was Avene Cicalfate Restoration Cream. It made my face nice and calm but as soon as I washed it off few hours later the redness would come back??... Was the zinc whiting my skin and masking it? Or is it anti inflam only while it is on the skin. I think it make skin very greasy too so only at night could I use it. I don't have it anymore but I went looking a while ago and the sos label was gone but cicalfate restoration cream is still there and I'm just not sure if it will dry my skin out or what it will do! It's got good reviews on a lot of websites."
laser_cat replied on August 22nd, 2017: "Have you googled "zinc PCA serum" or something of the sort? I know there are some serums containing zinc PCA, which supposedly inhibits sebum production."
RaymondS replied on August 23rd, 2017: "Hey Laser, the ordinary 10% plus 1% zinc irritated the hell out my face. It was so red after a few days of using it. I think 10% niacinamide is way too strong for my face"
Marybeth9999 wrote on May 19th, 2016: "My experiment with Zinc-it's working!! I have had rosacea for 25-30 years, and have tried everything: Oracea, Soolantra, Metrogel, Vit C serum, mega dose Vit C, flax oil, Sulfur-masks,cream,soaps, various other organic scrubs, lotions....and it could go on and on. I have multiple large flesh colored bumps all over my cheeks, red cheeks, those little vein things, seborrheic dermatitis, my eyebrows are 75% gone...not sure what is causing that. The most effective treatment for me was taking oral Zinc 100 mg 3 x a day, but the symptoms of nausea were too much even though it cleared my face up 80% within a month!...which was a miracle. I just started using a flesh colored Zinc Cream (Margarite $6 from Amazon) 2-3 x a day, a zinc soap (from Amazon) used 2 x a day with my clairisonic face brush. I also started a low dose Zinc tablet 30 mg 3 x a day. So far am tolerating the lower dose zinc. After 5 days, the bumps have decreased at least 60%!! The cream is drying....but with these results, I am going to continue using it 2-3 x a day, then may go down to once a day at night. I am amazed at these results so far. Another positive is that I am not spending $1200 a month on medications....or having to take an antibiotic every day. I wonder why my dermatologist never told me about the positive affects that zinc can have?"
Wewillmakeit replied on May 19th, 2016: "Hi! Did it get rid of the permanent redness too?"
Marybeth9999 replied on May 19th, 2016: "Redness is greatly improved...but not totally gone. I'm only 5 days into this. My skin is severely damaged from the rosacea...not sure if the damage (bumps and all) is permanent or not. I'll give an update in another 2-3 days. I read somewhere that it takes a month for new skin layer to form on the face....so it may take that long until it is clear. Making good progress and am encouraged about it!"
Marybeth9999 updated on May 20th, 2016: "Update on Zinc treatment. Skin improving dramatically with this regimen!! My husband said my skin is almost 75% improved. Here is what I am doing: Paleo diet, Zinc 30 mg orally in divided doses 3 x a day, Whole food multivitamin daily, Zinc soap (Amazon) AM and PM using Clairisonic face brush, Margarite zinc cream to affected areas on face 3 x a day. The cream is very drying...be prepared. I started this all after reading that acne of all kinds is related to a Zinc deficiency (Dr. Abram Hoffer-Orthomolecular Medicine for Everyone). Wikipedia said that zinc deficiency can cause eczema, acne, seborrheic dermatitis and alopecia....I have 3 out of 4 of those conditions!! So...my goal is to try to boost the zinc in any way possible. I may try to increase Zinc orally to 50 mg to see if I can tolerate that dose.......very encouraged with these results! [..] Just wondering...why would I be low on Zinc?? I have a fairly decent diet and eat a variety of foods. But honestly......I have been cheating quite a bit on my paleo diet and eating grains...(which I love!) .....even had granola this morning. I found this very interesting info below regarding the absorption of Zinc in the body....and this is likely the cause of my chronically low Zinc over the years. So adherence to a Paleo diet IS the way to go for skin health! This is so exciting to me....I feel like I am now uncovering the mystery as to why I have had my skin condition....and maybe a way to reverse it. I just need to stop the grains totally so my body can better absorb the Zinc... The article I read said that most Zinc deficiencies are NOT caused by not getting enough Zinc in our diets....they are caused by not absorbing the Zinc.....due to the foods we are eating. That makes perfect sense. I need to concentrate on fruits, vegetables, and meats, fish....and eliminate ALL grains. (One reason for low Zinc levels) "Phytate, which is present in staple foods like cereals, corn and rice, has a strong negative effect on zinc absorption. The removal or reduction of phytates can markedly improve zinc absorption."
Faith1989 replied on May 21st, 2016: "I didn't know that. I did know grains are a HUGE trigger for me and do not eat them ever. I feel like the ivermectin and zinc is helping BUT other things have helped a lot and I've been in remissions for like two weeks then BAM I'll flare really bad again so I really won't be sure until I give it some time. I am very happy for you as I can tell just in your writing how excited you are! It gives us hope. This is a nasty painful disease. I sometimes look at photos of myself before I got this and think "if I only knew just how lucky I was at that point" Sigh."
Mistica wrote on May 27th, 2016: "I am glad you have found something that is working for you. It must be a huge relief. [..] Zinc, like many other minerals and supplements have a multitude of effects and when taken in large doses can compensate for (for want of a better term) 'inadequacies' in the system. Zinc influences many processes, such GABA levels for instance. It's effects can over ride actions/effects caused by something else. Zinc also regulates iNOS/NO (nitric oxide), which has vasodilatory effects. This could well be another benefit of extra zinc. Grains, nuts for example are high in arginine, which helps produce Nitric Oxide. Grains, legumes etc, are also fodder for gut flora, which, if dysfunctional will also produce an excess of NO. Some NO is beneficial and necessary, but in those with rosacea/flushing, even normal amounts fuel abnormal vasodilation.
Marybeth9999 updated on May 31st, 2016: "This is about day 16 into using the Zinc cream 3 x a day, Zinc Soap 2 x a day using clarisonic face brush, Zinc 30 mg 3 x a day, multivitamin,probiotic, and now avoiding all high phytate foods daily. I am ecstatic with the results so far!! All of the ruddy "texture" (for lack of a better word)....which consisted of many tiny bumps all over my face...is gone. My skin tone is now normal looking, redness is gone, left cheek has only several bumps...not detectable unless using my magnified makeup mirror. The right cheek, which was worse...still has several small bumps visible...but these are down about 80% from the start. There are a couple tiny capillaries visible on each cheek. All around my forehead and the sides of my face are now smooth skin! These results are much faster and better than Orascea, Soolantra, Metrogel....or any of the many other treatments I've tried in the past. Cons: my skin is very dry right now...because I have not been applying the regular daily moisturizer... and have been using only the Zinc cream. I am now only applying the Zinc cream to the affected areas...since most of my face is now clear. [..] I have...or rather..... had flushing. My face is no longer red now! Not sure what stage my rosacea would be in...I had lots of redness, capillaries on cheeks, large flesh colored bumps on cheeks, rest of face covered with smaller bumps, ruddy texture, and my eyes felt like there was sand in them.....most of those have all resolved now."
Mistica replied on May 27th, 2016: "The zinc cream you are using, is actually a sulphur cream as well. It contains 4% which is more than enough to dry the skin and have other therapeutic benefits.
I rely heavily on sulphur myself. ZZ cream in my case. I dilute it, which brings it down to around 4%. It also contains some zinc. Not sure of the dosage, but it is likely high given the white cast. I have the Margarite cream in my BR drawer, unused. I didn't like the texture, the tint or the fact it contains PUFA's. I react badly to them."
Newjacksm replied on June 7th, 2016: "I started using the zinc soap and a zinc cream from noblue with rosehip oil and other essential oils. my face looks every good, not perfect, but way better. I'm also talking 50mg of zinc and 3000 to 4000 mg of msm a day."
MariaSt replied on June 11th, 2016: "Wow, this is great news! Apart from the fact that you might have zinc deficiency, zinc is also considered toxic for demodex mites [and] kills them. I think that zinc acts both as a cell-protecting and as an antibacterial agent."
Staycalm03 replied on June 11th, 2016: "Hi, I personally tried being vegetarian / vegan but had to stop because I wasn't eating enough of a balanced diet therefore felt weak/bad mood/poor sleep which was likely as a result of a zinc deficiency because everything I was eating was pretty much low in Zinc. Afterwards I started supplementing with zinc I felt SO much better. Also, my skin improved a lot as well. However, I think from just an analysis I don't know if its true or not, but sleeping enough is important for your zinc to be allocated. As I notice the effects of the zinc a lot more when I have 9-10 hours of sleep."
Hunbel wrote on July 4th, 2016: "Hi everybody, After I've seen your post, I tried to take Zinc supplement. My rosacea started again 3-4 months ago after almost 2 years without anything. I tried first some cream (like the new one Soolanta) but couldn't see any specific improvements. I was even about to ask for taking back Roacutane (the only medicine that seemed to help me in the past).
So, recently, I decided to take supplement Iron supplement (but not for Rosacea, just because i felt quite weak with my new diet) AND zinc supplement ((i take between one and two 30 mg per day) because of your post. Quite surprisingly, since i'm taking supplement in Zinc (but have no idea about the role of iron supplement and honey mask), my skin improved A LOT. No more bumps and my redness decreased quite a lot. I know it because I used to have whiter skin around eyes and the contrast was quite obvious with the overall redness of my face. But now, it's almost totally uniform."
Happycat wrote on July 6th, 2016: "I have been following this thread for a while and I decided to start taking zinc to see if it would help my type 2 rosacea. It works!! I have been taking zinc 15 to 17 mg a day and my P&Ps are 90% gone. There are no new ones, skin is really smooth, very little redness. I am so impressed. I am not sure if I would increase the dose, I am on 17 mg at the moment and it seems to work for me, no nausea or upset stomach. I am taking Bio Care Zinc Citrate. I started noticing a difference after a week to 10 days. I have been taking it for about 6 weeks now."
Marybeth9999 wrote: "Since this skin condition is caused from malnutrition....in this case primarily a lack of Zinc....I would imagine that it would stop Rosacea in any stage."
Mistica replied on July 19th, 2016: "This is not true. Just because your case has been helped by mega doses of zinc, doesn't mean it will help reduce symptoms in all cases. Especially type 1. The interest in zinc has surfaced from time to time over the years and barring the odd person, it didn't help that much, if at all. In fact, large doses can fuel the condition. Large doses can also compensate for other inadequacies in the system, so the end result is extended beyond merely correcting a deficiency."

Yekko replied on September 1st 2016: "Hi, yes I have used it. It's OK but does tend to dry my skin out especially if I don't use a moisturizer underneath and yet the same time does make my skin look very greasy. That said its a decent sun block but because of the greasiness and bizarrely also drying out of skin I don't use it unless I'm on holiday , beach , etc where I don't mind being greasy.
Realwork replied on September 2nd 2016: "In my experience Zinc Oxide isn't the most effective for facial redness. Whilst creating my own moisturizer I found the texture very tacky. Titanium dioxide however is very effective, especially at masking redness."
Burnt1970 wrote on September 10th 2007: "I have been taking 50 MG of Zinc gluconate daily for 6 months, and I can tell you I've noticed NO improvement in my skin because of it. I did notice some of the other things it's supposed to help, one of which was ED. That's right, even though I was taking Zinc for the sake of my skin it ended up improving my aging blood flow to certain areas, and pretty dramatically I must say. Of course, being in a self-imposed several years of being single (partially because of my self consciousness about my skin), it really doesn't make too much difference. Perhaps a little TMI, though this is my experience with Zinc."
Flemmo wrote on September 10th 2007: "I took it for a few months with no improvement either
Still, always worth a try for those who haven't."
Artist wrote on September 13th 2007: "I took Zinc gluconate and I am pretty sure it caused a bit of a flare up."
Dwit392 wrote on September 17th 2007: "I took a high dose of zinc every day for 2 months and noticed absolutely no difference and still whenever I came off the regime I noticed no difference."
Prryjones wrote on September 21nd 2007: "Hi, I agree with all the above. I am a firm believer that to initiate improvement in a disease state -- it's usually necessary to counteract the underlying pathological problem -- and I surely don't think that rosacea is caused by a zinc deficiency."
Amethystice215 wrote on September 30th 2007: "I have been taking zinc picolonate for at least 3 months and haven't noticed any difference. zinc picolinate is suppose to be the one your body most easily absorbs and I take about 200 mg per day, it doesn't upset my stomach like the other forms do. I have not been taking copper but think I will start doing that today."
Y-gwair wrote on December 3rd 2007: "I started taking 50mg zinc last year, based on finding similar articles about benefits for rosacea before the condition flared up to the terrible state it's in now. It made absolutely no difference at all. Worse than that, when I stopped taking it, the extreme dryness/skin cracking I'd been suffering all over my body improved almost immediately. I'd be extremely cautious about using high doses of it."
Brighteyes wrote on May 14th 2010: "So I've been flaring a little the past 2 days and the only thing I've been doing differently is taking zinc sulfate supplements. I can't be positive this is the reason because I've only been taking it since Sunday but think I'll just switch to a daily multivitamin containing both zinc and sulfate for the immediate future."
Steve95301 wrote on May 22nd 2006: "I've taken Zinc Gluconate forever and it does help. Several people had asked Dr. Nase (who, I believe, originally recommended it) whether it had be Zinc Gluconate, or whether it could be some other form of Zinc. I don't remember this question ever being resolved. But it's very cheap, so you may as well try it. Don't take over 25 mg/day, though, that's too much. I cut my 50mg pills in half."
Froggirl wrote on September 12th 2006: "I've been taking zinc tablets for a while now but my doctor has just told me to stop, as apparently increasing just zinc can reduce levels of other vitamins, like copper! So from now on i'm just going to take multivitamins more often."
Raider1986 wrote on September 27th 2010: "ZincO is amazing. I cannot believe I just discovered it. I went out on a limb and ordered some before my friend's wedding a few weeks ago (I was a groomsmen and was going to be in a ton of pictures). The first time I applied it to my cheeks, I was SHOCKED at the difference. It cuts down the redness 75%. It blends almost perfectly. It doesn't break me out. And it actually protects my skin from the sun. My only concern is that I am now addicted to it. I could put it on everyday for the rest of my life and never really worry about rosacea again. I still get red when I flush, but again - it's a very manageable redness. And when I'm not flushing, I'm back to a pre-rosacea light pink "healthy" look. Not "are you sunburned" kind of red. I pray that it does not go out of production again anytime soon."
Supramom2000 wrote on October 4th 2010: [ZincO has two parabens in it, I see] "Parabens are not good preservatives. They mimic estrogen in our bodies and block the natural estrogen from working. Too many zenoestrogens lead to a whole range of problems. In me, I ended up with a softball sized fibroid. This product has parabens! There are so many other good products without fake estrogens that you can try."
Such a nice blog...This blog contain useful information...I never had seen earlier....