24th of August, 2013
Having a good time, spent all night with my friend M. at a big fair/theatre music festival in the park near my house, it was packed. We spent all night there, eating, chatting, watching people and saw my sister with her friends for some time, M's sister and friends and some other acquaintances. All the town (well the younger people up until like 50) tend to gather there for the week in which it runs. I'll write a little bit more about it a few paragraphs further. There were lots of cute kids and babies there too and M. is pregnant of her 2nd boy and has a massive belly. I hate having a burning face, not being able to be in the sun or wind or whatever basically, yet I like babies and children. I don't think I could take care of it all the time like my friends and sister does however; I need a part time baby lol. Saw my old eye doctor for night contact lenses and told him about the rosacea and he knew a lot about it and said I have occular rosacea too and lots of little (microscopic) crusts around the eye lids and that I need to wash them every night from now on with baby shampoo and little cotton pad stick, as the crusting will prevent the upper eye lid tear ducts from producing the right eye protecting substances so the eyes will dry out more. Mine are very dry indeed and often prickling and burning so that seemed good advice. He said that I indeed have inflamed and 'restless' skin, and in fact my skin was pretty calm again that moment! Hmmm :/ I am seeing a lot of friends with small kids these weeks, in between periods where I sort of isolate myself from the world and focus on working on publication and such. I have a couple of good friends:*S., my high school friend. We became kind of inseparable there and were in the same class, had side jobs together, went shopping, dancing together, on holidays and then also had a lot of phone
conversations once we were both in our own homes afterwards :) She is very pretty, slim and petite, long dark hair and is half Chinese and half Dutch; she is thoughtful, sensitive, very intelligent and has a strong sense of justice. I was very boisterous at the time, energetic, not really feeling part of the big group at school and sticking out a bit, mainly because I didn't share all their interests and with S I really found a match in many ways. We both loved reading, we listened to both Nirvana and the Smashing Pumpkins and classical music, we didn't like "fake" people, pretending in order to be popular. We felt we were way older than our age and contemporaries (I cringe nowadays, writing this down) and liked to revel a bit in romantic poems like from our heroes Byron, Keats, Shelley and the likes. But, we didn't like "goths" - gothic dressed subgroups - either, nor the alternatives who felt they were so different from the crowd but all looked the same to us with their identical dreadlocks and scruffy dogs (sorry, I do love dogs), similar clothing, acting and copy catting. So basically we were classical teenagers who looked critical towards the rest of the world and felt miles ahead and afar from everybody else, except each other. Later that all smoothed out a lot, thank god. We started at the same university and both rented a room in town (Dutch students don't go to a campus generally and rent a private room in the city, sometimes in a student house or even flat). Being still a bit weary of large, party loving groups of people, we opted for a student house with our own private room. I'll add some pictures of my room at the time. She was in another area of town than me but in half an hour biking distance. Dutch do everything on the bike generally, especially when living in a town. S. is a lawyer now and has been working in a very competitive and demanding firm for the past 8 years almost. She has a toddler and a baby on the way and we always stayed close, although we don't see each other as insanely often as back in the days. She saw first hand how I struggled with my rosacea and subsequent depression. She tried to listen and help but like basically everyone around me who doesn't have rosacea, it remained very hard for her to understand and advice me.
Nice, found this picture back today. Both black and white ones were shot by the big student magazine in town. They had a weekly item about students and how they lived. Not sure how they got to me but a professional photographer came to make shots (hence the ultra tidy room, I'm usually a messy pig :) ). On the bed my goose cuddly toy, which I got as a kid by my nan and where you could put your hand in so it became a speaking doll. Slept with it till age 25 or something..
*Last night I met up with M, my oldest friend. We were big pals from the age of 13, when my family had moved from a small hillbilly hamlet to a bigger village, close to town. She became soon one of my friends and we would 'hang out', as youth call it nowadays I think. I spent a lot
of time at her house, she came over to mine, we had sleepovers, started using make up and went shopping for clothes together. We knew a lot of other youth in the village and visited parties and the local disco and bar, I played football (soccer) for years and we watched the boys play during the weekends. We didn't take too much notice of existing 'sub group barriers' and befriended people we liked left and right, but always had some degree of distance to it all, looking at it from an outsiders perspective and talking for hours about what we felt about it all. She works as a specialist in situations regarding family problems and abuse, and has also one toddler and a baby on the way. We stayed in good contact over the years and to this day, but when I was very low for some years, in my mid twenties, she did say she had a very hard time dealing with it and that it sometimes became too much for her. I understood but felt at the time that a lot of my friends had this stance, while I felt like I was stuck in quick sand. Now we are still close and it's very nice to have people like her close by. Even though they are not my own kids, their kids still feel familiar and I love being involved in their lives as well.
*J. is a friend who I met during my studies. I didn't have the energy to really succumb full force into student life, due to the rosacea and how I tried to avoid my triggers, while still figuring out what those triggers exactly were. She is naturally kind and supportive and insightful. We sat together often, also with other people who later joined us, and we went out in the town now and then to dance and go for drinks with some of our other friends. On one of my birthday parties at my place she met a friend of mine who I know since I was 12, another J. They clicked and became a couple and now have 2 young daughters, of which the oldest is my God daughter (aawwwww). He is a bit of a Lenin lookalike, very sharp and witty. I used to be part of a youth group, which hung around in our own building (read: shed) in the village, near the river. There we had a lot of fun gatherings, typically every Friday night and often we would also hit the village "party life" (which restricted itself to 2 bars and a dancing). We had an annual camp, usually going to one of the Dutch islands nearby for a week of drinking, games and fun. He was one of the elder ones there leading us with a few others and it was a fantastic time. Think early 90's farm people who were still stuck in the 80's, with punk hair and über relaxed clothes and unfashionable Lumberjack shirts and washed out jeans. We had game nights, would cross dress each other, disco's, quizzes, IQ tests and so on. There was a nearby Church (one of 12 in our very religious and very diversely so, small community) and being a bit reactionary, part of the group liked to get into mischief. I don't recall the exact things we did, but some of the mischief was to get rid of one of the letters of the name of the church. It was called De Rank, meaning something like The Rank. By removing the E and putting the D to the right it read DRANK, which means liquor in Dutch. The next day was a Sunday and quite a few of the church goers had to chuckle when entering the church :) Some of the older members had in the past performed crazier stuff, by replacing the swings and children's playground elements at the church grounds and pushing it all the way up to the flat roof part, installing it there. At these camps we learned to debate and to withstand mockery. At special theme nights, everyone performed alone or in small groups their self made songs or little stage plays. In the picture with me on the chair, J. and another group member sang me an 'Ode', saying in poetic terms how silly and girly and vein I was. Lament dressed up as Ode, basically. As you can see we all took it with a smile and at the end of the night everyone was buddies again and would laugh about it. It was a pretty good way actually to get used to real life I think, and to develop a thicker skin and self mockery. The annual holiday weeks were great as well, as we could go without our parents and the supervisors were Jan and his friends, who were acting more like equals and loved to go out with us to bars, drinking within strict moderation and playing games. There was always a mid night walk in the sand dunes near the sea, where we had to solve riddles and would look at the stars and feel very alive and invincible and all that stuff :) As a 14 year old I had a side job, cleaning J. house, when he still lived with his younger brother, who later became one of my closest friends and helped me considerably to get through the toughest of rosacea times.
I do long back to those days sometimes.Although back then, all we wanted was to grow up asap. But looking back, I think it was actually the best period of my life. So far, I should add, but I don't have super high expectations, given how the past decade has been. Back then I still was healthy, acted a lot more like my normal self, unrestricted by all sorts of skin issues, flushing trigger avoidance, puffy red face and overly worrying. I didn't worry that much at all, loved to have fun and wasn't afraid to explore and have that zest for life I guess that so many teenagers seem to have naturally. Nothing mapped out yet and you develop more into your future self every day. I am no longer care free, but maybe I gained a bit more consideration of other people with the years, as rosacea does seem to humble you a lot. But I feel at times like I am living the life of a retired person. Don't let the occasional updates and pictures fool you to think otherwise, most days of my week are spent in a cool house with a fan on and avoiding mid day activities, or any activities regardless when my face is painful and red. I did expect things to have improved by now, after 17 years of this shit, also in terms of available treatments, but alas. Seems that my 30's, which should have been the highlight perhaps, will just pass pretty uneventfully..
*P. is a friend who I met through another friend, Ernst. Ernst had a blind date with P one day and when he opened the door for her, legend says that they both started laughing and shook their head immediately, saying they wouldn't be a match but they stayed friends nevertheless. Through him I met her and she has been a very loyal and enthusiastic friend for the past 5 years. She is very different from my other girlfriends, very straight forward, no nonsense, outspoken and completely and utterly honest, saying everything she thinks immediately. I really like that for her, even when she has something disapproving to say. She has one son and when he was still a baby, she had a very tough time with PPD. I came over weekly or more often to take their son, in his first year especially, with me on walks and to play with him and give her some peace and quiet. I loved it, even though my rosacea would make it difficult sometimes to stick to promises. In the summer I brought my fan when baby sitting. The fondest memories are about taking him on walks through the city, he in his strapped baby sling on my chest, facing the street and loving it when we walked over the local markets. We would walk for hours. Later they moved to the Caribbean, Aruba, for some time for her partners work but are now very happy to be back in the low countries. We still see each other regularly for girls talks, shopping dinner or board game nights.
*Ernesto & C.
E, C and I have been close friends with each other since around 2001. We always felt a bit like the 3 young friends in a great French movie called Jules et Jim, from François Truffaut. We went on holidays together and loved going to the cafe later in the day for some drinks, laughs and to catch up on things or visit a concert or art exhibition. We tend to eat together and just feel really comfortable with each other. C is an artist and E has always worked in cafes in town and in social care jobs. (I never drink alcohol nor smoke, the beer and fag in the top middle picture were put in my hands by E and C to make me look less "boring" for the photo :)
27th of August 2013
My nephew loves my hat, we had a brilliant day yesterday on the fair in town and then at home building houses with the Lego we bought him that day. More later.3rd of September 2013
6th of September 2013
7th of September 2013
8th of September 2013
I've been reading about Lyme disease lately. This is a really good long piece about it, and the current epidemic in the United States. I was bitten by a tick once -that I know of- and had it removed in the correct way immediately after spotting it on my leg (not numbing it with alcohol, not squeezing it in any way) and I got out whole and had no blood in it yet (flattened it to see). But it still made me really scared and paranoid. A woman who's children I used to baby sit had Lyme and it had been undetected for years and years, until she had such debilitating symptoms that they made the connection and she was treated with antibiotics for a full year, or more even. I never developed a round, bull eyed rash on the leg and neither felt sick, but half a year later my rosacea was bad, I was tired constantly and I did ask some German specialist doctor to do normal ELISA blood test and a specialized Western Blot (or something like that) blood test. The first came back negative, but the second came back semi positive, but they weren't sure if it was from Lyme's disease or just a flu I had had recently or Pfeiffer's disease. At the time we left it as it was, as I wasn't feeling sick, just tired. I forgot all about it actually, until reading this article and watching this docu... Hypochondria kicking right back in again :) The tests they do for Lyme's are pretty poorly, and come down to interpretation of certain antibody levels: IgG and IgM. At the time they were slightly raised but I had a big scale array of immune tests done last year by a German Immunologist and looking back at the results, all my Ig's came back normal. Here it is further explained. So if you have auto immune activity for instance, that will also affect your IgG and IgM levels, making a diagnosis of Lyme's even more treacherous. So best to not even contract the Lyme's in the first place! If you life in a tick dense area, perhaps check your skin and scalp after returning from an outdoor activity, just to be sure... Having Lyme disease (or any other bacterial infection ticks can carry) on top of rosacea must be a nightmare. Here is documentary on it, its very good and also touching (and slightly frightening):
I'm actually shocked, watching this, not just about the poor information that's out there and the amount of patients who were not taken seriously, but as a European also by the amounts of money all these poor people had to pay mostly out of their own pockets, adding up to hundred thousand dollars for some. Being misdiagnosed again and again, having to pay for all sorts of treatments that weren't the right ones... In Europe there is social health care for most of us, with little costs to have all round medical care. So sad to see this docu, for many reasons obviously. They also explain how from the 1980's on, the US government allowed medical institutions and universities to patent and make profits from live organisms, resulting in hording and shielding off found information from other people in the medical world, in order to make money from it themselves, in private medical practices. So certain professors did medical discoveries, also on Lyme disease, and then using that information not to inform everybody else in the (medical) world, but to keep it all for themselves and monetize it. A great quote from the docu, which also applies to the ROSACEA research I think is this one: Whats commercializable is driving the research agenda in too many cases. Not whats medically necessary and what is medically useful." Lets hope this doesn't also apply for the new Mirvaso creme. I always check my hair and skin after a long walk, even through grass land. I picked several ticks off my hat over the summer and 2 from my hair (still crawling, no blood inside). Very scary.. Please pay close attention. Here is a good recap of the documentary. Here is a smaller section of the text (and interview with the documentary maker):
11th of September 2013
Good news however; I got an ice making machine! It wasn't cheap but it makes delish yogurt ice cream (yep, the one I was trying to avoid haha), or any type of ice cream you want to make I assume. I pour my yogurt in it (prefer the firm Greek type) and a little bit of cane sugar and have the machine running for 30 minutes et voila :) The best FroYo! Today I mashed 2 banana's with the yogurt in the blender and then pored it into the ice maker and it was even better. Served it to some friends and everybody loved it, I might make a little street corner business of this one day perhaps. What better job for a rosacea patient than to be working as an ice maker. See the difference in cheek puffiness between these pics! Only one a half week in between.. *Update: after a month of "froyo", I figured out that it was the YOGURT in fact that made me flushed! Duh... I now make ice cream from rice milk and cacao.
12th of September 2013
Skin is still a bit red and tight, working inside all day on texts and messaging with some friends, but feeling good. Listening to depressing music too though.. Chicken or egg. I'll share the depri music here anyway :) Been discussing the 9/11 tragedy with a friend and how much of the official statements about it hold up in our opinion. Also not a very uplifting topic. Did find out that Condoleezza Rice is childless too however. Made a little file with other sort-of significant women of this world who remained childless or who adopted (yeah I know, that definitely doesn't make them childless, but in my mental ordening system that still makes them file-able), although Condoleezza didn't make the cut -don't like her too much-. As a way to not feel like a massive failure over it perhaps (or just too much free time at hand (not really actually) or too much stuck to this topic in my head (most likely). I realize it might make me look nuts, but rather not glamorize everything too much here.
Stumbled upon some 'childfree' womens prose while looking up some literary heroines (was looking for Virginia Woolf, not Elizabeth Gilbert by the way lol! Also not sure what Sylvia Plath is doing in this list) and read this: "Best-selling, childless author of Eat, Pray, Love Elizabeth Gilbert introduces a radically different theory in her new book Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage. She writes that childless women have historically served a crucial role in society, not yet publicly recognized. These women should not be scorned but celebrated for their contributions to bettering the human race.
Gilbert writes: “If you look across human populations of all varieties, in every culture and on every continent (even among the most enthusiastic breeders in history, like the nineteenth-century Irish, or the contemporary Amish), you will find that there is a constant 10 percent of women within any population who never have children at all. The percentage never gets any lower than that, in any population whatsoever. In fact, the percentage of women who never reproduce in most societies is usually much higher than 10 percent- and that’s not just today, in the developed Western world, where childless rates among women tend to hover around 50 percent.”
Gilbert speculates that female childlessness is an evolutionary adaption:“Maybe it’s not only legitimate for certain women to never reproduce, it’s necessary. It’s as though, as as a species, we need an abundance of responsible, compassionate, childless women to support the wider community in various ways. Childbearing and child rearing consume so much energy that the women who do become mothers quickly become swallowed up by that daunting task- if not outright killed by it.”
Not sure I would be very happy with remaining in that 10% and if so, how would I have to support the wider community? Would it make me feel even more useless if I don't do just that? Thinking about it, the only slight 'parenting' I have done so far is with my cats :)
I've been helping my friend in his B&B lately and it's been really nice to speak to different people over dinner. Today several walkers passed by and stayed over, as well as a very nice American man with his young son. His mother is a well known best-selling writer and self help coach/psychologist he told us, and they live together with her. There is something quite nice about the general American guests we have had so far, which distinguishes them from Dutch or French guests I feel. I'm not entirely sure what it is, but I find it very easy to set up conversation with them. This man as well, within minutes we talked engagingly about the years they lived in Greece, his ex wife, his hometown New York, movies and Gene Wilder. His really smart son (I guess 9-10 years old) was equally enthusiastic and knew a surprising lot about Pavlovian training systems for monkeys, the earth's magnetic system and how birds and bees use it, how elephants have memory and realize they are watching themselves in the mirror and a lot of other things he knew already very knowledgeable stuff about. I had been sitting downstairs in the cool air for some hours during the afternoon, and during dinner I felt my right cheek getting red and burning up several times. Although I rather left the table entirely and altogether at that point (purely because of the burning face part), I only got up now and then to rumble a bit in the kitchen and then have a ten minute 'cool off' downstairs with a cold pack and a fan.
I got used to all this, but rather wouldn't be dealing with flushing at all obviously, and drink wine like the rest of the group and eat the dessert with them which I made myself, but didn't touch. After some weeks of pretty good skin, I'm back to daily flushing episodes again, and I'm not sure why. Right now they are all making music upstairs and the nice American man is singing and playing "Hey Mister Tangerine Man" on our old guitar and my friend is backing him up on the accordion. I hope the cold pack makes me ready for another 20 minutes or so soon. I only get the cold pack or the fan out when there are people over who I really know well. Or else I feel too embarrassed and freakish. But even with people I know well enough, I feel uncomfortable and self conscious about it. It doesn't make great sense, because the old man who is over here now almost constantly rattles and spits (after a botched throat operation) and he doesn't seem to care one bit that diners notice it. And nobody should be affected by my cold pack in any way, in terms of sound, sensation.. Eyesight perhaps. Maybe it ruins their peace of eyesight. Yet, I still prefer to cool in private and pretend all is fine in public. Very frustrating.
I received a very nice email from a man, who wrote that he reads my blog and that he felt sorry that I struggle with the kids issue and the flushing. He told me that he and his wife postponed having kids for a long time and then just never got to it, and that they were fine with that now and have a very fulfilling life. It feels really good to hear about such couples or read about it. It's like I only hear and see about the small kids euphoria right now and of course that's only a certain group of people, spreading all that over social media or in your face when you visit them. I actually have a couple of female friends who don't have kids and passed the critical years for that, and they all seem very content and at peace with that, and leading fulfilling lives. Or when their rosacea prevents them from that, at least they have pleasant and close relationships. It's a process and I try to not think too much about it. I told my sister and my dad about the 'rosacea friend' who is preggers now and doing relatively good, and asked them if this should perhaps mean that I should take a gamble and try for it too. They both said 'nope'. My sister is very honest and says having kids is definitely not 'all that'. Yes, you are getting an overkill of cute great harmony stories from friends on facebook about their kids, but she says a whole lot of parenthood is extremely tiring, boring and demanding. And then there are the great highlights each day. But to please not glamorize it and to not underestimate the energy toll it will take on you. When you are needing so much isolation and cooling and life style adaptations as me, she would personally never ever even consider having kids herself she said. Never. And also, as my dad and she pointed out, you can find maybe 10 or 100 cases of women who did good during their pregnancies rosacea wise, but there are also those who did bad and gotten worse, and there is no way to predict in which category you will fall. And the previous worsening from simple hormonal changes makes them suspect the worst. So instead of hearing cheerful support, I got a reality check from them. Which is perhaps more honest and realistic actually. Anyway, enough about kids and babies. This was a very cool kid though. He wanted to see how I make home made ice cream, how the machine worked and if he can make it himself as well. He wanted to hold our rabbit Wally and cuddle it, he wanted to know everything about the cats and Mister Bassie (my red cat) and he has been an all round great little curious, adventurous boy here.
I later went back outside and my skin stayed calm this time luckily. We chatted about a lot more subjects, like the years they both lived in Greece with the boys mother, life in Greece, him raising his son alone now (they broke up and I got the impression she doesn't want to be involved or something), making magic shoe boxes, good movies about food or chefs who make food, Jewish life and his Jewish parents and grand parents, small town politics and making friends in life. It clicked and we spent between 18.00 and 2.00 with the 4 of us in the end, although I took some cooling breaks from it all, and conversation kept interesting. But I tend to get restless after a certain time of talking with people. I don't know why, but wonder if spending all that time alone, working alone behind the computer and the fan, getting used to not partaking in all sorts of social gatherings for so long because the rosacea made me feel awkward, if all that has resulted in me feeling most comfortable in the end being in my office, reading, working, internetting in a safe zone perhaps. I ignored the little cravings for isolation time tonight, because it was actually very interesting and there was a genuine connection with this adorable father-son couple. But I wonder sometimes if I would have been different in that respect if I never had had rosacea or other health issues. I might have turned out exactly like this, in social terms: happy to spend time with some really close friends and awkward around other people.. Guess we will never know what could have or should have or would have.
I also notice, that when my rosacea flares bad, or I feel sick in other ways, I switch off a bit to other things or worries. But when my skin acts pretty good for some time, like the past weeks, and those preoccupations with my skin sort of blend in the background, that I easily pick up a new problem to focus on. How self destructive... :) Like friendships I suddenly look closely at and which seem to have taken the back seat for too long, or financial worries, or wondering if I shouldn't be more social and set up an appointment with this or that person I didn't see for a long time. Or worries about kids or my family or relationships. But when I'm flaring and red, then all that is of no importance and I live more in the moment; how to calm things down. And when the flare has calmed down, it almost feels like a reward and the next hour or so I feel really relieved and relaxed almost. It puts all the real life stuff you were caught in before on hold, freezes it for a few hours or a day or more. That does feel good, in some way. A bit like it used to feel good to have the flu as a kid, and to be given the opportunity to lie on the couch downstairs with your pillow and blanket and to just stare at the bookshelf in the living room for hours. Or to ponder about all sorts of stuff uninterruptedly, because it was still only 11 am and this was such a breaking of habit from the ordinary stuff you would do at that time of day, that you almost didn't know what else to do with all that day time at hand, apart from pondering. A big bubble, that also felt good somehow, as you felt you listened to your body and gave in and set the time and your life on hold for a little bit. Every time my health and rosacea are really poor now, or even for a few hours of flaring, it feels like I go to that same state again. The whole world out there fades out and your own life freezes for a little while. It's both frustrating and calming. It makes life pretty simple and synoptic; deal with flush, try to stay cool, read something interesting online while you're at it. And it takes so much attention and dedication that I don't seem to worry for much else then. Like a big pause button. I wonder how many people find something like that hard to let go of, when their illness lifts and normal life takes over again. I now have at least an excuse to leave a party early, to separate myself from anything. And that's not all bad and negative, I am thinking now. (The great pictures are from Chr. Schloe)
15th of September 2013
I went to a museum today with a little gathering of close ones. We saw paintings from the impressionists and pointillists and old Dutch and Renaissance masters. It was fun and my skin was calm for a good part of the day, making it really enjoyable. As a result I was relatively care free and upbeat. Some people started talking to me while we stood in front of a painting about the color use or the theme of the work, and I had no idea why they would do that, but it was not unpleasant. Maybe my less grumpy mood was reflecting or radiating off me in some way, who will say. Guards in the different galleries of the museum also smiled to me or asked me if I knew there was more upstairs and if I liked it there. Very odd indeed.
I'm very easily tired these days. Not sure if it's the medication I take or the inflammation somehow, but I feel completely knackered often. Its annoying how you get almost used to that and feel the need sometimes to keep reminding others how tired you really are, or how hot and flushed, or how busy you have been. I already feel like I need a huge slap on the
shoulder for even staying up and entertaining for a full night, like last night with the nice American guests. Partly because I manage to do that with a face that gets burning and uncomfortable at times, and partly because I feel so exhausted most of the time and partly because it made me feel good. I guess it comes down to feeling a bit more sorry for myself perhaps, and just being very tired and slightly stressed from the different types of work and socially tiring things I manage to do, when I often feel like staying in bed all the time. But as soon as you just act normal, ignore those cravings, toughen up, the people around you tend to make a mental switch too and crank up their expectations of you. Which is good in a way, you don't want to linger into apathy of course and getting up and about with normal every day stuff is the aim and not something which deserves a medal.
I wonder if I was the same as a teenager. I have many diaries from those years and got the impression that I was a lot more optimistic, care free and energetic about things back then, and felt really good in my own skin overall. Now I don't feel as free, I don't feel particularly pretty anymore either and tend to think that I might not be as lovable anymore because of the rosacea or not being skinny, like I always used to be. I know, pathetic, no very post-feminist-politically correct, but well, it is what it is, I'd rather been very slim still. Maybe I acted more like the best version of myself back then? Maybe I need to exercise more, get on a stricter diet, don't overeat when I feel happy or sad or need a hug. Those thoughts are so depressing and they are the type of thoughts I always despised in other people or in girlfriends of mine who are insecure. Because it seemed so shallow and unimportant in the big scheme of things. Well HELLO! :) Easy said while you're still slim yourself ;) I sometimes feel that I lack the energy and vibrancy to sit down as a true adult, approach an issue with a sense of humor and charm and wit (which used to work just brilliantly in the past) and to not let it get to me. It depends a bit on my health; if health is good, I am so much more upbeat and relaxed with things. If health is bad... well.. it's one walking dark cloud many a time. That has to change. I don't want to be like that in a year or more form now. Have to stop letting it affect my moods to such a degree. Because as of now, I tend to see every set back on a bad health day as another bad element someone might be throwing at me, mercilessly. "Oh sure, bring it on, I already woke up flushed, missed a dead line, had an argument with the cats, got a head ache, was stuck in traffic and now on top of all that you start a fight with me". Not really the right approach to solve anything, but I do notice that I have that type of response, basically fueled by some sort of self pity. Back in the days (with some exes) that would evoke a tirade about how much crap they had to put up with (rosacea). Delightful! :)
A friend wrote that she also sulks and acts defensive when she doesn´t feel loved enough or being approached attentive enough. maybe a lot women do that.. I found in the early years that I could sulk and have some little tantrum fit and any bf would do all he could to patch it up and perhaps that becomes a habit for women? Its quite childish and convenient of course. The women friends I have mostly all are very down to earth, motherly figures, in control, reasonable. They don´t let their guys get to them, shrug their shoulders, say the sensible thing and I considered that for some time to be boring and complacent. But perhaps its just being an adult and a way to maintain healthy relationships? Guys are a lot less complicated often and don´t seem to like whining, trouble making and over analyzing. I try to remember that, leave the worrying and going over and over things that happened to my girlfriends or diaries and I honestly try to just cut to the core of things with men and not dwell on anything. Optimistic, proactive, problem solving etc. But it all seems a bit mechanical to me often when women are like that. Because I can´t believe that they actually are like that. I also chose often to take a little bit of time for myself when feeling unloved or not heard or understood, which often helps a lot to calm down, see things in perspective and also for the other to come to me and be like that as well. But its always a bit tricky as well to do that, because I have shouted at times `Ok, I´ll pack my bags then!´ and then being told ´Fine, as you wish´. Try to come out of that singlehandedly dug hole again then with some self respect :)
I liked the way the two designers from 40 days of dating added all sorts of moving gif images in their blog. I tried to find how to do that myself and tried out some silly things on the painting images :) The one of me flushing is highly exaggerated obviously.
17th of September 2013
Today was a little bit of a treasure hunt day. I was looking for old college notes, to help my cousin with her class speech about Renaissance art. I didn´t find the notes I needed, but did see a map with old pictures from my deceased sister, quite unexpectedly. I must have seen them briefly in 2005 perhaps, but can´t remember it. These were taken at her prom in 1998 and during a small holiday to Den Hague and Leiden in 1999, with her boyfriend at the time. It´s quite moving to see them again and to see her face. I also saw for the first time that she not only had managed to steal the white knitted cardigan of mine (which I in my turn had stolen from my very first boyfriend some years before, after he broke up with me and I was seriously love sick), but also the cream colored Colbert vest I used to wear a lot back then :) Oh J.!!!!!! It made me smile. Also a very old picture of myself in that box with old maps. I guess I was born with a hat on :) You know that you are back in the nineties, when the girls wear liver/brown colored lip stick, darker lip liner and cream colored clothes :)
20th of September 2013
My skin seems to behave erratically. Was pale and nice for some weeks and now its red and flushed again most of the days :( I have no clue anymore about the mastocytosis medication. I'm still taking all 3, as prescribed, but I don't understand why I got flushed and burning again, when I seemed to be on a winning streak with these meds.. Classical rosacea rebound maybe? Every time I think something is really helping, or get excited about adding a specific food or med or treatment, it usually backfires again at some point. Weirdly, often right after telling others about it or writing my dermatologist about the success....It could be anything stirring things up now. Feeling a little bit demoralized about it and discussed it with a close friend who also has rosacea and other pretty debilitating health problems.
Reading up on remeron, one of the meds I take, I came across this review from Joe9090: "Remeron is great at putting you to sleep, but it is horrible for waking up. Remeron causes the worse morning depression imaginable. It is like waking up in a concentration camp. At least Ambien makes you a little cheerful. However, Remeron is monstrous in the morning. I have no idea how many lives this horrible drug has destroyed. My question is what in the heck where they thinking when this drug was concocted. Did they have any knowledge of how the human brain works? Keep it simple and take 1mg of Xanax. Stay away from this crap drugs like Zoloft(school shooting drug), Paxil, and Prozac(another school shooting drug. Why do people put this shit into their bodies. I am playing it safe with Ambien and Xanax, and staying away from the garbage." - These are some pics from the week of holiday with my father. We went to visit castles and despite it being warm and sunny, and me flushing badly most of the time, I still enjoyed it so much. I feel great when doing stuff like this.
25th of September 2013
She blamed her surgeon for causing this. She had the procedure in November 2011. The article says that she had beforehand written to officials in the Swiss clinic Dignitas for help in ending her life. She complained of a 'regular stabbing pain' in her forehead and a face that was often red and painful. Her confidence had been left so damaged she said, that she was unable to leave the house. She also wrote to Dignitas;
Her husband said: "Obviously the impact from the surgical procedure had a huge effect on her and she was only 44. She was getting the odd line or two here and there and she hated it. She was looking at her face every day. She would sit looking in the mirror for half an hour to an hour every single day. I believe the blame is down to the doctors and the clinic and I am going to pursue the clinic for my Victoria. I want justice for her. I'm not bothered about the money side, just as Victoria wasn't. She just wanted to make sure that nobody else suffered like she did. I'm sure if she had had a bit more care and aftercare she might still be here today. Before the procedure she was fine. She was such a bright, beautiful woman." He added: "It was only supposed to be a 25 minute procedure to remove a small mole on her forehead. During the operation she said there was a lot of blood pouring from her head. She didn't think it was normal. A few weeks after the procedure she realized she had been left with a scar. She wasn't happy at all. She presumed it would fade away in time but it didn't. She went back to the clinic to complaint to the doctor. Then the scar started healing, but she started suffering with pins and needles in her face a few weeks after the operation. She kept going back and they didn't want to know. To me I couldn't see much of the impact of the operation. You could see redness in her face sometimes. She said it was eased by a hot shower so she was always showering and putting creams on her face. She said she was in a lot of pain. She described it as a burning sensation on her face and neck and she would sit there with her head in her hands and her eyes closed.
"As time went on she became more and more determined to get back at the doctor. She would say "I'm oing to get that b******. He has wrecked my face." She didn't want other people to go through what she was going through. She was always writing letters to different solicitors. She wanted to sue on the grounds of medical negligence because she believed she had suffered nerve damage. It went on for over two years. She became very reclusive. She started reading the Bible a lot and wouldn't go out anywhere. She didn't want to see anyone. She never gave any other reason than her face and became a completely different person. Then she started talking about suicide. She would say "I've had enough, I can't cope anymore. I'm going to kill myself." I didn't know what I could do to help." A spokesman for Transform Clinic said: "The treatment we provided in November 2011 was of a high standard and this has since been corroborated by other independent medical professionals including her own GP. Following treatment, we had extensive correspondence with Mrs. Meppen-Walter. It was apparent her issues were deeper rooted than with the actual treatment and care we provided. patients concerns and after care are paramount to us and we are very saddened by this tragic news."
What a very sad story. It's impossible for the reader to determine how severe her facial pain really was. And how much of her distress was the result of the cosmetic side of it, and the lack of control. But this is how a lot of people with rosacea feel as well I think. In daily pain, with burning faces. It reminded me a lot of the reaction from Dr. Mervyn Patterson from the Woodford Clinic in Danbury, UK. He used an old IPL machine on my face, absolutely ruined it and I am still, 8 years afterwards, a lot worse rosacea wise than I was prior. He ruined my life afterwards and was the most uncaring, rude person ever when confronted with what he did. I can't believe this crook was awarded Best Aesthetic Clinic of the Year... See video here. His wife even says in the thank you speech: "we have happy costumers and that's the way we like it to be." The irony.
It's warm and extremely humid today and I'm flushed and burning and very red constantly :( Had a horrid hot night and am still very red now. Promised to help with a children's party from one of my friends, so got my nicest party skirt and blouse on and hop hop, made a bike ride to set out a trail for them, with colored lints to follow and hidden presents along the route. Was flushed coming back in, and now have to set up drinks and cakes and help supervise the games that will be played in the garden later on. Behind the fan and cold pack for now in a bid to cool off in time, but seems pointless. Boohoo :( Think it went well though, one kid fell off a stair case (he was hyper active though and didn't listen to warnings) and hurt his wrist, but some cold pack worked wonders and he was up and running soon later. They did all old fashioned Dutch games like 'pooping' a screw on a rope around their waist into a small bottle, looking for cake on a string while blindfolded and with hands folded behind their backs, candy memory etc. Lots of cheering and screeching and fun. I was pretty rosy and after like an hour of drinking iced water the flushing is so bad now that I went inside with the fan. Enough for now and most parents arrived here anyway to pick up their darlings. Been eating more healthy, but so far no change in my skin. Had a tiny nibble of birthday cake today and wham, instant flush erupted so that was a bad decision as well. Eating vegetables and organic meat and some fruits now and I feel the sugar addiction really kicking. Around 10 pm its at its worst and I feel like I need chocolate or something sweet, but trying to be firm here and imagine pale skin for the next day. I found some recipes for vegan ice cream, some look absolutely fantastic so will head to the shop for coconut milk and other necessities soon. Picture taken tonight, after some hours in the fan and cooled down again.
30th of September 2013
7th of October 2013
I'm afraid that all those antihistamines might dry my already dry skin out even more. Or that it creates more histamine receptors somehow in my body/skin and makes me more prone to flushing when stopping the meds even? Had a busy week with social things to do and it has been tough. I'm stressed out about all sorts of work I'm running behind with, got wrapped up in some forum about a tv program called The Mole and spent too much time debating a mole suspect (yeah, for real...) and analyzing shows. Was with friends all day today and flushed all day. The good part of it all, is that they say I look so much less red and swollen now than say 8 years ago. But I feel like I am very badly flushed and I didn't have that before taking this stuff, only when really flushed. It's mostly about the burning sensation for me. Trying to ignore it and bringing my cold packs with me to my sisters place and my friends places. Managed to have a good time with them anyway and with their nice kids, who really don't give a rats about the color of your face seemingly. I also ate very healthy the past months, and especially the past week. Had a massive bout of flu the week before and didn't eat much at all then, and the past week only vegetables and some organic meat and fruits in the evening.
And guess what, I think my skin looks worse. Bought some fries and Bounty icecream tonight, heck I was red already and I feel unflushed and more pale now, 2 hours after. This makes no sense.. Will go back to the old meds; clonidine (0,75 3 times a day), propranolol (40 mg a day), Xyzal (10 mg a day and Mirtazapine; I am feeling so good on 30 mg, upbeat, cheerful, but I am more red and flushed for sure. Tried it several times and always have the same effect. At 15 mg my skin is best but that dose does absolutely nothing for my mood. At 22,5 I feel pretty ok, nothing too great but decent, but seemingly more red than at 15 mg. Gosh we can't win, can we?
(Rant over :) )
9th of October 2013
It's my little nephews 2nd birthday today. Yesterday my sis and I took him on his very first train ride, to a nearby smaller city. He was completely hyped up. We would meet at 9 in the central station of our town and I woke up at 8.45, so that was a panic situation :) Rushed out, jump on the bike, raced to the nearby train station to catch the quick train connection to the main station and arrived just in time to catch the 9:16 train we were supposed to take. One cheek was pale, one was flushed and red. I normally have about an hour or so to sit down, cool my face, get the flushed cheek in question calmed down a bit but now there was no time, so I brought my cold pack with me in the train. The little man had been calling "Nalja! Nalja" when we met, he starts to talk now and calls me that, very cute. He loved the train, I took him for a walk through all the train compartments and he proudly walked ahead, smiling and goofing to people. In the city it was nice and quiet still and he could walk freely for a good deal, with one of us keeping closer track of him. We went shopping for clothes for my sister and me and for son's birthday. I had a little extra financially and because they are always so tight on money
themselves, she could chose some things and got a great dark skinny jeans, blouse and vest. Grins from ear to ear, which is always great to see in her. He wanted "everything" in the toy store of course, and had a preference for the mini cleaning set, hoover and cleaning maid outfit :) Too cute but his other aunty would already buy him that so we bought him some special talking cars. We sat down for some coffee and cakes (water for me) and he could run wild through the store then while my sister looked for birthday decoration things. Its cute, he wants me to carry him or do hide and seek with him or to give me kisses. Going there today for his real birthday, with my parents there too and other family. Not looking forward to the big group of people there but well.
12th of October 2013
I have been off the mastocytosis medication for a couple of days now and I think its slowly improving. Still red and easily flushed but I managed to sit out 3,5 hours in a children's indoor play hall with Janneke and the two girls yesterday without major flushing. Skin was rosy for sure but not too warm to the touch for the first hour or so and then slowly got more warm and it burned maybe the last half hour. We were pretty active however, climbing onto the play things with them, jumping on the air filled Bouncy Castle I think its called in English, climbing and crawling through soft colored obstacles. The girls had a great time it seemed and I didn't give in to eat french fries along with them and only drank water :) I notice that the only way for me to lose weight (and I lost around 8 kilo's the past month or two) is to just not eat during the day.. I know that its unwise and unhealthy, but the remeron and antihistamines make me ravenous as soon as I start eating something and trigger the digestion perhaps that way? So, if I eat a pear, lets say, at 10 am, I am hungry for the rest of the day. If I eat nothing however, I don't feel hungry. It only starts when I activate the engine perhaps, not sure how it works exactly. But I tend to eat around 6 pm now, usually some organic meat or a lot of vegetables and some gluten free carbs and some fruit. Anyway, they had the french fries and all that comes with it here around 4.30 pm so I was getting hungry, but I am really trying to not eat deep fried food. Last week I came home at 9.30 pm and didn't feel like cooking anymore so biked to the 'Chippy' (French fries shops, you have them everywhere here, its a Dutch guilty pleasure, with lots of mayonnaise, Pulp Fiction style :) they were really good but I was more red the next morning and my flushing threshold had gone up, so I stay clear for now. I did find a really nice, frozen, low calorie, gluten free apple pie in the organic supermarket here so that's a treat now and then. The day before yesterday I spent the day with my friend M., who moved houses and now lives in a pretty great modern house just outside the city. She is 38 weeks pregnant and has a massive belly and baby. Its tough on her and her son is a sweet heart, but has a very strong opinion for a 3 year old and likes to implement it wherever he can. So they have some power struggles now and then. I felt for her; being heavily pregnant, they had a fast fuse house move last month and then doing all other normal stuff and looking after a toddler (is 3 still a toddler even?). Despite him going through a little obnoxious phase apparently, we had a nice afternoon, building Duplo/Lego houses and ships together and later I took him out to play soccer in the street, and within like 20 seconds after hearing the ball bouncing around, two other boys from about his age ran out to join. It was hilarious actually, all three real boys-boys, who wanted to be the best, loudest, toughest and fastest, yet they would cry when they felt the other was better. So we divided the times one of them could kick the ball, and it ended up in a sort of rugby game, but they seemed to like it and were screaming like Indians :)
15th of October 2013
16th of October 2013
Some funny comments on the forum about this video from Birdie: "You say mirvosa, I say mirvaso...... "you say tomata, I say tomato..." Honestly, she has one tiny microscopic capillary? She appears unbothered, disconnected. From her face. She's just been working out or lifting boxes. Should the product have only been targeted to individuals with exertion reactions or " maybe a mild case of rosacea?" We have REDBURNINGFACES here!" Now the president of Galderma has resigned and the first more critical article already surfaced. The journalist has been reading the Rosacea boards, wowwwww. We discussed it here. The news paper article: http://healthcare.dmagazine.com/2013/10/15/francois-fournier-out-as-galderma-u-s-a-president/
17th of October 2013
My hat collection (well a part of it, the ones I have in this house). My most beloved I lost over the years. Its a bit like umbrella's, I used to lose them all the time as well in the past. Favorites lost are a green velvet like hunter's hat and my brown Indiana Jones hat (the one I wear in most of the Australia pictures).
23rd of October 2013
I'm doing a bit better I think skin wise than during the last weeks on the masto meds. My skin seems
Have been eating very healthy but feel I am having bad cravings by now for sweet stuff: chocolate, pancakes with maple syrup, that sort of stuff. I try to eat healthy 6 out of 7 days and make stir fries for instance, adding some olives and feta cheese which makes it all taste really good actually. Just vegetables and some organic chicken or lamb or minced meat, hardly any carbs. Then a little bit of bitter chocolate to still the sweet cravings afterwards. Seems the least of all evil foods, with antioxidants etc. But today I came back from my long walk and had only eaten a banana and a pear that day, so felt ravenous and scoffed down 3 pancakes I made from brown rice flower, milk and eggs, with maple syrup and blueberry jam. So delicious but felt guilty straight after. But then I am in sinning mode so I find it hard to stop, eating chocolate too, arggghh. Back to healthy tomorrow again I guess. Oh and another wonderful thing, my computer (laptop) broke down :(
29th of November 2013
"Just been on your website and noticed you say your face is calm and pale in the mornings. Does this mean your free of ALL burning and swelling in the morning also? Does it then get progressively worse throughout the day? Also do you work in a cold or warm environment? Once more did you really say that your face stayed in a flush state after coming off the contraceptive and use of steroid creams? As in your face exploded into full blown vascular rosacea right there and then and has never been the same since? Or has it got progressively worse over the years? Thanks for your time, appreciate it!"
"Hi, some days I wake up pale (always use a small fan at fair distance for air flow), sometimes I wake up flushed and red. But when I wake up pale, the redness comes in after eating usually (despite having very rosacea friendly diet) or just once I get out and about and blood flow starts. If I wake up pale, I am still more swollen, but my skin can look normal and pale yes. I dont have a lot of permanent redness but a LOT of very recative and weak vessels and very easily turn bright red and burned up. I work in a medium cool environment, not too cold but 16 degrees is perfect for me. I had normal skin until age 19 when I had a very stressful period and stopped the pill indeed and started using corticosteroid cream for a few days. Then all of a sudden the flushing and heat started, full face but back then I would flush for a few hours at night usually and then the skin would go back to normal. Now, 14 years later, it is a lot more redness and flushing, all over my cheeks now instead of the temples and upper cheeks mostly in the beginning and I can flush 24/7 now. It got worse over time thus. Yes, progressive worse, but the IPL treatments I had made it a lot worse and I haven't turned it back completely since. Medication has helped me to get some control back and regulate the flushing and burning and that helps me to stop it in its tracks I feel, so I no longer feel it gets worse with every year. Controlling the flushing equals controlling the progression in my case."
Me: "Hi again :)
12th of December 2013
16th of December 2013
18th of December 2013
22nd of December 2013
30th of December 2013
8th of January 2014
Dear friends, best wishes, We had super fun days with the disabled people. The big African guy was there again as a supervisor and he brought a very nice Moroccan girl as his help He is very relaxed and great with the group. This time there were 15 mentally challenged people we helped with and only two of them were females (Catherin I and II). Our friend X also came over to help and this time the atmos was nothing but great. Friend joked many times that he should join the group when he made silly comments. This group was particularly upbeat and nice, with some great characters. Lionel loved doing nothing more than to talk and announce things through the microphone we installed for the karaoke, all day. From 'Breakfast is starting" to thank yous for the kitchen and so on. He could talk like a market salesman. Some evenings he could charter most of the group to come sit down in the living room (light dimmed) and watch his spectacle: a half baked magician session, where he talked a lot and people waited an hour for every trick to end, usually waiting for a clue that never came. But he was ever so charming. Quite hilarious, he could go on forever but we tended to stop things after 3 hours, when half of the viewers had already dozed off quite literally. At the new years eve party, he asked me to cross dress him and we found an antiques dress from the late 1800's where only he with his tiny frame fitted in (stage name: Lola. Including red nail polish that didn't wash off anymore).
Philip was Jewish and had a principle of eating halal food, and preferably kosher. Because this demanded quite some reorganizing in the kitchen, he was fine with halal, but when we were preparing minced meat that was half/half, he would sneak into the kitchen with us and sign (he doesn't speak, only mimes and signs) that he wanted to snack on some of it. We would remind him that he couldn't eat that, as it was halal nor kosher, and he would point to the sky (well ceiling), put a hand in front of his eyes hahaha. Kind of a part time arm chair Jew, we would joke (as we say in Dutch at least, someone who does something part time when it suits him, usually pointed towards some more fundamental/ideological stuff where you'd expect the opposite). We had also received a box of Ferrero Rocher chocolates from a friend and thought friend X was eating them in secret, when the box got more and more empty, but then we busted Philip one morning behind the bar eating from them (mind you, he is huge) :) Things that stayed the same as before, were how the group would hurry to you in the mornings to ask what was for dessert later that day, or wanting to help preparing the table. That when you give them 17 plates, they always come back with 2 ("too many") after which they end up missing three in the end. There was a very sweet Asian guy named Tan, who was mighty polite and sweet natured. We played a Dutch game called Sjoelen, where you have to slide round wooden dices with force over a meters long wooden board with 4 holes in the end with different points. It takes some slight practice but everybody can play it and the group loved it and became very competitive and fierce, which was a laugh. Tan won most games, as he was very precise. It was hard to figure out for a long time why he was placed in this special needs group, but when we received a post card from him after the holiday ended, we could see in his child like writing and grammar use that there was at least 'something' with him. The group ate like construction workers; everything was scoffed down (with love) within ten minutes usually, and we made many more trips to the supermarket. Friend X enjoys his steady 4 course meals if possible, and he actually had to get to the table and fix his own plate before a course ended, or he would have nothing left to eat. But they told us many times a day how much they enjoyed the food, so that was lovely. Things we made for instance were: pasta Bolognaise, with red sauce (Tan wrote down Pasta Polognaise on the menu board lol), sauerkraut with potatoes, cassoulet, fish, Moroccan style couscous dish, shepherds pie, chicken piri piri, a big roast and many lunches with hot dogs, hamburgers, scrambled, fish sticks eggs etc. The neighbor who is from Swedish/American descent baked us lovely Swedish tea rings and chocolate pies every other day for dessert. The staff was a lot less stern as last time and allowed them double portions and "you stay stop"-amounts of whipped cream.
Highlight was an afternoon of indoor bowling. X loves the movie The Big Lebowski like me, but he had never actually bowled himself. Lots of long-winded back and forth talking, no he didn't need to play bowling himself, he would just watch. When we said the children's railings would be up, so your ball couldn't go out, he changed his mind and luckily so, as he was one of the most fanatical players of the bunch, especially after he started with 2 strikes :) It was nice to see the staff letting themselves go as well and joining X in Johnny Bravo like fitness-champion victory gestures and celebrations. Trying to distract the front runners, and not even with simulated competitiveness. X just missed out on the title but came second (beaming the full drive back home), and just like past years the person who could pinball the ball with enough force from rail to rail, finally hitting the pins from impossible angles, won. Lots of fun. Tan had a very precise throw and would hit the pins in a straight line and became 3rd. Catherin I became 4rd with equally straight balls, that moved super slow but always hit target. Staff ended in the bottom regions as usual, and definitely not by choice :) In the evenings we would have disco's and karaoke nights, with favorites being Boney M (Rasputin) and modern rap songs. On New Years eve we had some friends over and neighbors joining in and baked Dutch treats called oliebollen (sort of doughnuts with raisins, made from flower, yeast, milk and raisins, thrown in frying fat and baked into lovely 'bollen' (balls), dipped in powdered sugar.
We danced the Lambada with the guests and it was fun. There were some little disputes later on, when staff became tired and worn out, but nothing too bad. Philip had apparently made some derogatory remarks (gestures I guess as he never talks) towards the Islamic staff and that didn't go well there and he got a massive correction 'preaching'. We missed what was actually the heart of the problem. But then again, she was a good sport by joining Philip when we played him the Shalom Aleichem song and Hava Nagila, dancing along and being just great fun. At their departure we were sort of relieved to see someone cry again. (Guess we need to measure our belovedness from something). A previous year, one woman had thrown her arms in the air and started crying inconsolably, head turned to the heavens (no exaggeration) when the bus arrived. This time Jan was crying all morning and often on our shoulders, with lots of snot being deposited there (no problem). It was quite sweet. Then there was a late surprise when Philip was already standing in the bus and murmured "thank you' completely out of the blue.* It appeared he was shocked by it himself too, but we couldn't help but feel slightly pranked :) *He only used sign language normally
11th of January 2014
I share some sections of an email I sent to a friend with rosacea, who has a rough time. Not sure if the advice will help anyone, but this is how I try to cope these days. Hey X, I add close ups of the cheeks of 2 friends of mine with rosacea. Everybody is affected differently by this condition but to give you some comparison perhaps. I can look beet red daily, for me the burning is the main issue, no burning is less red. I am so glad you don't have the burning issue. Your struggling might be just as bad as mine but please, I hope you can find some relief in the fact that you don't suffer as bad from the burning. It makes life very daunting I find and hear from those suffering with it. After so many years of this, I no longer care about being red. I don't tell many people in my every day life about my rosacea, apart from my closest friends. So on facebook I tend to put the good skin pictures or I adjust the redness a bit in photoshop (sssshhht, don't tell) :) But on my blog you do see the real life pics, and often when I'm really flushed and bad I dont take pictures at all, as you prolly have as well, I guess?
Its horrible having to sit by and feel as if life passes you by and life as you knew it is gone. Someone emailed me earlier: "Sometimes I feel like I'm on the outside of a snow globe watching everyone else have a normal live inside of it and I can't get in. " I have that too and perhaps in this day and age we have it even harder, with social media like facebook etc, pointing us daily on what others do and what we miss out on. You need to tell yourself every time you think this, that everyone portrays themselves in the most favorable light.... For instance, my sister and a good friend are both on facebook and independently started to me about the other, when they both had babies; one said, wow your sister is doing pretty well right? It seems so easy and enjoyable for her, this first year (while she struggled a lot herself). my sister had a year from hell in fact and started about the same topic a few days later about my friend, saying the same thing :) You are fooled half of the time. I try to remember this when viewing it. But sure, we do miss out on a lot of good things now. I try to still go and travel every now and then when my skin can handle it and I can afford it, but I can't sunbath then and need a fan and a car with airco etc but it feels like making up for all the time spent indoors, suffering :/
But it's hard most of the time. We can't even take a hot bath and snuggle up in warm blankets for some relaxation, or forget about our condition on a holiday or night out for dinner, it just affects everything I feel. I always sleep with a small fan sort of nearby. The worse I am, the closer it has to be but I think overall its best to have it at a fair distance, if you can manage that, so that it doesn't give too much rebound flushing.. I also have the shower issue. I should limit it to a few minutes tops but once I am under its just so nice to be really warm and relaxed for a change (always cold and wrapped up in a fleece blanket normally once the fan is on) that I stay under it way too long and end up beet red (more red than normal). Do you also have that issue? I wonder, if that is from the thermo heating thing and your body temperature rising, or with the central nervous system or I also read somewhere that the hot water on your skin can release some histamine and that in turn makes us flush. I guess a combination, with the body heating up and vessels expanding as culprit number one.. I also have a hard time sleeping properly and often dream about the rosacea on top. The antidepressant makes me dream very vividly. Yeh I wrote that about the 15 minutes and it was my dad who always told me that. He always said that as long as you can enjoy 15 minutes every day of something, it is worth it. He was the only one supporting me when all this shit happened and nobody else seemed to understand or really care too much yet. I burned just as much initially but you didn't see it yet, apart from some mild redness. Later that changed obviously. Very painful period, I am sure you can relate? I was at my wits end and was only flushed, in pain, with cold packs, stressing to the point of trembling, no sleep, no hope, no desire to anything anymore and he always told me that if I had even 15 minutes a day of feeling ok, of seeing something interesting on tele that made me forget about all the troubles or that would catch my interest or give some joy, perhaps music, perhaps a meeting, or reading something, it would make it worthwhile. Him saying that means a lot to me, as he went very deep in my teens, over my parents divorcing. He knows as well what its like to deal with depression. It did help me shift my expectations of life. Being so low and so bad for some time, I now find it a bit easier to deal with bad periods. The medication definitely helps to not sink as deep again (touch on wood), which is the remeron -even though I only use the starting dose- but I know the risk is always there. If the flushing and burning gets as bad as back then again, I fear it will all return to how it was. I have been grinding my teeth a lot for some time now and have a very sore tooth. I always had great teeth and never had caries or fillings in my life, so have no clue if this is carries, a root canal infection or just the pain from putting so much strain on my teeth at night (unwillingly obviously). I'm petrified it needs treatment and that perhaps the dentist needs to fill it with something. What if that something causes me to flush? I had some ear cartilage inflammation for some time and had several biopt taken from it. My dutch doc wanted to fill one of them up with a filling material, gelatin was part of it, and I said I rather didn't as I don't handle gelatin well and was afraid it would somehow stir up the redness and flushing (was already quite bad from the infection). He said this was local, no problem etc. I was on fire to a ridiculous degree for a week and then had to go to my German derm who did the operation all over again to get the filling out and stitch it somehow. Skin normalized again then, but what if the same will happen with whatever they use to fill up problematic teeth? What if i need a root canal treatment, arrgggh. It feels like the choice about IPL treatment or not in my world; if I make the wrong decision here, will it be a path of no return after that with permanent worsening or not? I guess I can always ask them then to pull and extract the teeth entirely, but I dont want that either of course. Been googling like mad what happens with cavities and root canal treatments and what materials are used and which ones are people least allergic to. Will see my dentist somewhere next week, am feeling very stressed out about this. It might just be nerve pain from the teeth grinding and pressing, fingers crossed times 100..I know this rosacea can bring out depression.. Life is short however and I think always that you can be dead for a very long time to go. As long as you can hold on and find some joyful moments, or can help someone else in this life, its worth while. I would have never said something like that in my 20's by the way, I had a bit of the fast life before that and the lifestyle I have now seemed incredibly boring and dull and tedious, but at some point I guess I had little other choice.
Take care
14th of January 2014
Her friend Gilly Adams wrote her obituary and mentioned:
"The formidable reputation that she developed made her much in demand when she subsequently embarked on a freelance arts career. She worked as a consultant, mediator and facilitator, and rescued a number of arts organisations from disaster through her wisdom and hard work. There are many artists, dancers, theatre practitioners, writers and others who owe Fran a huge debt for her generous and unstinting support. Eight years ago, Fran was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and, while she continued to work, her life gradually became unbearable to her, because of the loss of freedom and independence. Fran had an alter ego, the Sophisticated Spinster, who featured in her blog, Victorious Endeavours. The Spinster displayed a keen sense of the absurdity of daily life. She kept her illness at a distance by christening it Cruella and transforming some of Cruella's worst antics into wry and funny blogposts, albeit with a bleak undertone. It was important to Fran for people to understand the crucial distinction she made between suicide and ending her life at a moment and in the manner of her own choosing. She made a 10-minute film, An Explanatory Statement, which was shown at her wake, and also left a final blogpost, under the heading A Sophisticated Sign Off.
In this last blog post, Frances wrote:
"Well dear readers the Spinster has decided to call it a day; Cruella has simply exhausted me emotionally and physically. The prospect of further rapid deterioration was both terrifying and not one I wanted to entertain. The Spinster decided to end her life in a manner and at a time of my choosing; I am very clear that, whilst the law might say otherwise, I AM NOT COMMITTING SUICIDE.
Her blog is very interesting to read, I feel so sorry for her suffering. There is also a thread going on at The Rosacea Forum about a Dutch person names Rositta, who claims to have cured 90% of the rosacea and acne patients who came to her. Most deemed untreatable by theirdermatologists, You can read the thread here. I posted on it and tried to do some research and translated some Dutch reviews on it. The claims seem too outrageously good to be true to me. I guess it shines through in my posts that I am very skeptical, but perhaps I am wrong. Just visited too many practitioners over the past 14 years making these claims and making things worse instead. Her treatment is a secret, of course, and there is a bit of debate on this forum thread whether or not it is credible or not. Have a look I would say. She claims that 2 weeks of ' intense' treatment with a sacret potion/lotion clars people permanently from rosacea, acne or eczema. In some patient statements I read that she opens the skin up somehow, with needles or making (superficial I hope) wounds to ' let the rosacea out', then closing the skin again with a clay like mineral mask for 2 weeks. Sounds very brrrrrrrrr to me.
21st of January 2014
I need them repaired and filled and need to wait another 2 weeks for this as my dentist will be in the USA next week. He sees me the night he returns out of office times, at 20.00, which is nice of him. All alarm bells went off in my head and I told her I am highly allergic to most things and have rosacea and what type of fillings they would use then. She was very nice and I told her I had done some pre reading, in case I did have a cavity, in advance, and that amalgam is a big no no anyway (metals equals flushing for me), but that composite would also be a problem probably, as people can still be allergic to them and that I read that the material that causes least allergic reactions is porcelain. She called the dentist and he seemed to take me very serious, which was nice. He pondered about gold fillings, then asked if I ever wear jewelry (no) and then concluded that zirconium is the best option then, with a porcelain finish. Porcelain alone is only used for crowns they said. My teeth ache now and I need to wait 2 more weeks for him to be able to fix it. My parents will call their own dentist in another part of the country (but still relatively close by as this is such a small country) who are very good and might be able to see me sooner, as I am stressing myself to death here. Been reading and reading and am now mastering all details on dental cement options :( Read more on all this in this blog post about my dental problem currently.
Arrggghhh, I don't think taking all these meds, including antihistamines, is helping, as they dry your mouth and saliva and I also used a natural toothpaste without fluoride for a long time. Now the assistant said I will need one with fluoride again. I hate having to do all this research and worrying over something as wide spread and common as a tooth filling. My best friend replied to my wailing and self pitied email about this: Noooo. this is obviously not the news you were hoping for but I think its hopeful that you have a dentist who's going to use an alternative filling material, I read the links and this is what Id use too. The zirconium sounds excellent. Since getting sick I became allergic to my rather extensive jewellery collection, all which was pure gold and silver, and the theory is that even pure gold contains small amounts of metals and nickel is the likely culprit. It sucks. So I would go with the non-metal zirconium, it sounds quite hopeful even though you are very sensitive and reactive to things. Its going to be an agonizing wait til you know for sure how you tolerate the fillings, its generous and pretty nice though of your dentist to see you after hours when he comes back from America, no dentist here would be so accommodating, Europeans are better people it seems to me. I am a bit hopeful you wont have problems. Is this the first time you've needed any dental work done since having rosacea?
24th of January 2014
I am very curious and a little bit intrigued about this, and answered her:
"This sounds very in depth and super interesting. A nerve block. It sounds like heaven to my ears already. Can I share some of the info in your email on my blog? Nothing personal about it, only the technical part. It might help others in our tucked away corner of the rosacea field. I have to say, X-rays of my face made me flush in the past, but I had 3 individual X-rays of my teeth this week, which covered a big chunk of cheek parts too and face is normal, it had no effect. I am sure your cheek has a massive network of blood vessels by now, and I wonder and ponder a lot about this, and about ways to get rid of all these highways and side ways and alllll these extra blood vessels, making our life hell. Laser is too invasive for our skin and leaves too much damage behind I think, like hit and miss chemo therapy perhaps, that ruins a lot along the way. They can't cut the vessels out somehow? Blocking blood flow to them? Blocking nerves indeed to operate them? Very very very curious how this will progress.."
My friends correspondance with her medical specialists:
"Hi X, Of course Ellison S. has never seen auto-immune issues show up like this on a face! How often does he get all this combined?
• Start with pale Dutch/Celtic skin, totally intolerant of sun, that burns not tans;
• Add a long (10 yr) peri-menopause with extensive hot flashes;
• Add 40 years of sinus infections, only resolved after doing extensive damage;
Then worsen things further with
• Over 100 laser treatments;
• Brimonidine vasoconstrictor eye drops, and
• A connective tissue disease, on top of all that.
How often does that come into his office? The flushing is worse on my face, but it's by no means confined to the face. The flushing is a whole body issue. Walking in temps over 68 makes my feet flush, hot as hell. A warm bath makes my thighs and feet flush -- again, classic erythromelalgia. I think the flushing is worst on my face because I've had about a hundred Intense Pulsed Light treatments from 3 different docs, each of whom swore he could remove the redness and pain. None of them tested me for a connective tissue disease first. I later learned that laser is contra-indicated for folks with connective tissue disease because they're photosensitive, so the laser just makes things worse. All of which is why I think we need to start by treating this as auto-immune. Just my two cents! Cheers,"
-Lunch: bean sprouts, I bake them till they are soft and tasty, organic chicken breast,
-Dinner: vegetables, stir fried: fennel, bean sprouts, carrot, zuchini, some potatoes
I make my own frozen yoghurt with an ice cream machine; organic yoghurt with some cane sugar (very little).
I sometimes eat fish. I can handle organic chicken very well and sometimes organic beef. Salad with olive oil. I also make little pancakes with gluten free flower made of brown rice flour, with some egg yolks (the whites have too much histamine for me) and some almond milk. I put some agave syrup on them usually or some natural fruit jam. That's about it. Oh and some dark chocolate usually at night, only a little bit and the dark version, not milk or white. I still flush parts of the day and I spend a lot of time indoors. We went to the cinema tonight and I was flushed half of the time. Saw a nice movie, Polanski's Venus in Fur. Really liked it. Saw Inside Llewyn Davis earlier this week, some friends didn't like it as much as there wasn't a clear story-line but I loved it, have you seen it yet? I was sitting there in the cinema tonight with only a tank top and jeans, it wasn't even too warm in there, people had sweaters on but I needed as much bare skin as possible to make sure I got rid of some heat through my normal skin instead of only my face... I can manage at the moment, but still have the fan on most of the time. It helps me not to get too flushed though. Hope you are coping!! All my best wishes
18th of March 2014
27th of March 2014
I've been recovering from the dental issues slowly. I think the flushing is down a bit again and the facial redness is getting down again as well. I started taking some plaquenil again, but already feel my eyes getting gritty and burning again, sigh. I would love to keep using it, as dr Chu also works with it for his flushing patients, and it is a good med for controlling inflammation and to suppress the immune system a bit. Have been helping my friend in his new home, but his father was over for some weeks too and I felt it difficult to act constantly positive and nice and warm. I feel I'm getting so trapped in my own world sometimes. For instance, I am so used to having the house cool and lay on the couch in the evenings watching some favorite programs or working on my laptop and when he is there, he is cold in the evenings and likes the heating on. And windows closed. And to watch his own programs. I spent more time in my bedroom therefore when I felt hot, but 2 weeks feel very long then. Now that he is gone, I feel bad about it however. I received some nice emails from some readers of this blog. I'll add some parts of it, as they asked specific questions about my dealing with rosacea
Dear Scarletnat, Having read most if not all your really interesting online blog, “Scarlet Letters, dealing with vascular rosacea and the rest” has kept me engaged every night for the past week. I wanted to thank you so much for allowing others a way into your life and personal journey of living with the condition rosacea. Your blog is fantastic and life needs more people like you to help make the world a better place…
You mentioned in your blog about using over 5 different medications daily for treating your condition are they as follows and do you take any other medications that are not included?
• Beta-blockers Propranolol
• Clonidine
• Remeron (mirtazapine)
• Antihistamines (Xyzal as when needed)
• Antimalarial drugs such as hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil)
Note do you take any of the above as and when needed? You did mention about stopping taking your medication. Do you think you will always be on medication?
"I find medication so far most helpful to constraint the flushing to a decent degree. Am still looking for the perfect anti inflammatory to suppress the redness but things look a lot better now. However, as soon as I stop taking my meds things go downhill fast again, I tried at least 3 times now to stop with them only to see the flushing come back with a vengeance."
How did you find taking Remeron? Does this antidepressant help with taking the edge of the constant anxiety and dread that rosacea brings? How did you find using beta-blockers? Do you take as when needed or all the time? How did you find Clonidine? What about Antihistamines and Antimalarial medication?
Laser treatment
Dr. Crouch (Swindon). How did you find Dr Crouch? Think you mentioned he was very experienced professional expert with IPL laser treatment. Does he use the Lumenis One laser for treating rosacea a triple pass/pulse triple filter & multiple pass technique developed for use with this machine by Dr. Peter Crouch? How did you find IPL in general with Dr Crouch and are you going back for any further IPL treatments? You did mentioned below. Both Dr Chu and my German dermatologist are very weary to say the least about the treatment of reactive vascular rosacea with IPL or laser. I guess I should have listened to them.
Dr Chu in Hammersmith Hospital London. I think he’s the person (dermatologist) with regards to rosacea patient management and ongoing treatment. When are you due to see him next?
Cleanse and Moisturize
What basic cleanser and moisturizer do you use? I try and keep my skin regime as simple as possible and the less you put on your face the less likelihood of skin irritation. One of the biggest skin irritations in cosmetics is fragrance and its hard finding fragrance free products. I am currently cleansing my face with Olay Foaming Face Wash Sensitive and have found this thus so far the best face wash I have used and brought it on Amazon. Moisturizer I am currently trying the CaraVe PM Facial Moisturizing Lotion for night and thinking of getting the CeraVe hydrating lotion as have heard good things about. Again, you have to buy on Amazon and can take a few weeks to arrive after purchase. Finding a good cleanser and moisturizer has been so hard and have given up the amount of times that I have been disappointed with trying different products. Clinique does a redness solutions daily relief cream and which I found pretty good but at £37.00 and a messily 50ml couldn’t justify the hefty cost.
I also never knew how hard it would be trying to find a sunscreen that didn’t irritate my skin that wasn’t a sticky mess all over my face lol. So again after much search I am pleased to say I’ve found one that I am finally happy with!! Ultrasun SPF 30 Super Sensitive Family Formula Once A Day. It really does work and you only need to apply once a day, which is genius really, it’s also free from oils, emulsifiers and perfume reducing the risk of allergy. Its expensive but when you are only apply once a day its actually works out to be pretty reasonable and I buy the 500ml which lasts me all year and you don’t need to carry around with you as once you’ve got it on that’s it and you don’t need to worry about it or replaying… Note Amazon sells the Ultrasun for £24.95 for 150ml that’s way to expensive!!! I brought mine on Escentual and brought the 500ml for £41.65 so for less then double the price from Amazon I was able to get 500ml. Whilst the initial price seems expensive but when you consider it will last the whole year and I wear sun block everyday from winter to summer and find it really helps with the rosacea, sun is a major key factor with this condition. http://www.escentual.com/ultrasun/ultrasun013/ I haven’t as of yet found a physical sunscreen of zinc oxide and titanium dioxide that has really worked even though they are meant to be better for people with rosacea. They do give that distinctive white cast and some have even mentioned irritation. The Ultrasun is a chemical sunscreen with added titanium dioxide so its part physical but doesn’t contain any zinc, which supposedly is meant to be calming on the skin?? What sunscreen do you use?
Other tips
You mentioned about washing your bedding clothing (duvets, bed sheets, pillows) at 60’c to kill bacteria or bed mites? Does this help? You mentioned about using a pillowcase that’s anti dust or Anti Allergy but couldn’t find again in your blog? Can you think of any other relevant info that I haven’t mentioned that is helping you? How do you go about getting an intestine or bowl checkup and what things are with regards to rosacea are you looking for and needing to get checked and looked at? It would be great to hear from you and exchange any helpful info and tips and please keep up with the blog and letting the world know about rosacea. I look forward to hearing from you soon
Kind regards
• Beta-blockers Propranolol; yes, 40 mg a day, sometimes 2 a day or as needed, usually 40 mg a day.
• Clonidine ; yes, 0,075 mcg (half a pill), every 8 hours, so 3 times a day
• Remeron (mirtazapine) ; yes 22,5 pill (1,5 pill that is) at night
• Antihistamines (Xyzal as when needed); yes, Xyzal, 10 mg a day, and sometimes I take inorial and zaditine
• Antimalarial drugs such as hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil); hmm, I can't handle mepacrine and just started taking some plaquenil again, but I am very unsure still if I will use this ling term. I find plaquenil's toxicity levels a bit bothersome, my eyes get painful and dry and burning every time I start with plaquenil, but its supposed to be good for flushing and redness, and an anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressor..
Yeh, unfortunately I do think I will need to be on medication for ever.. I thought ten years down the line that by now there would be acure or I would be clear from rosacea, but alas. Every time I stopped with remeron, things got bad again after a few days, with ongoing flushing and burning. I find remeron very good at cutting down on my flushing and redness, and it also cuts down on my anxiety levels. I find it somewhat helpful as an antidepressant, but I felt a lot less depressed at 30 mg a day, whereas it is a bit less effective then as an anti-flushing aid. SO I take between 15 mg and 25 mg,, usually 22,5 and feel it helps most then for my rosacea. I can be depressed still however on this dose.
I have underlying colitis, a type of bowel lining inflammation. But not everybody with rosacea will have this. If you have zero symptoms related to your bowel, I wouldn't say you need it checked. But if you do have symptoms, it might be handy to know what is going on. It didn't result in my doctors sitting together and thinking out an all round plan however; they still see it as isolated health conditions, unfortunately, as I do feel they are connected. I am working on a blog post about other underlying health issues that might mimic or set off rosacea, and that people might want to look into when they have rosacea symptoms. I haven't had heaps of time to work on it but it will come..
2nd of April 2014
A friend on facebook has initiated a music game which I do enjoy a lot lately. We give each other a country and then both have to find the best song we can find that comes from a native band or singer. I will add a few numbers we found, we aim for pop/indie type of music (although I do love and have a massive collection of classical music I feel like saying). Here are some playlists I made within this 'project':
Best current music
Post rock and atmospheric metal
A bit of everything
11th of April 2014
A friend of mine who has severe facial flushing problems, has a lot of improvement since starting remeron. You can read our communication about it here, below my blogpost about my current medication17th of April 2014
I have had a really good week. Last week, weather wasn't too warm, around 15 degrees and cool at night so I could go out during the day a lot and stay cool with a window open at night. I have been out and about seeing my friends and family, which was a real treat. Yesterday temps were up to 18 degrees again and it was sunny. I went into the city center to enjoy the busy hassle there, literally everyone seemed out there in the sun, on terraces and in the park etc. I was more flushed last night and today it's back to red and flushed. I suspect my pollen allergies kicked in or something; last week the air was colder and quite humid. Ordered an cold air humidifier just yet:Crane Drop Shape Cool Mist Humidifier
Increases air moisture for easier breathing and relieve of cough, cold, and flu symptoms, including nasal congestion, dry cough, sinus irritation, nose bleeds as well as dry skin. Ultrasonic cool mist operation does not require a filter to run (demineralization filter available - model # HS-3161). 1 gallon water tank runs whisper quiet up to 24 hours. To fill, simply remove the drop shape water tank from the unit, unscrew the tank cap, and fill the tank under the water faucet. Puts out up to 2.3 gallons of moisture per day and effectively humidifies rooms up to 250 square feet. Auto shutoff safety sensor and 360 degree output nozzle 360 degree mist nozzle and variable control settings. Auto shutoff safety sensor. So, I hope it will keep the air cool when it humidifies. Since I don't use or tolerate creams or topical moisturizers well, I find it does help to not let the air get too dry. Oh well and drink a lot of water of course. Which is always on my list but honestly, I often feel too lazy to get up and get new water, or just forget it :/
UPDATE: it works great! Ony side note; the room will soon look like Kate Bush just performed Wuthering Heights in it :) Very misty indeed, but it's so soothing for my skin espcially in dry warm/cold periods.
My sister and I took our little piece of mischief, T., to a farm where he could watch goats and sheep, little baby sheep, rabbits, birds, horses and a massive pig (called Eva, 250 kilo's and grunting with content in her shack). It was open for free and runs on volunteers. We had a blast. Its so lovely to see most kids get super excited just at the sight of animals :) He was beaming. We first went into the pen of the goats and they came straight to us and very incredibly docile and nice. Right before we left I noticed that we could buy some food for them in a cup, to sponsor the farm, so we bought 2 and went back into the pen. Haha, big mistake, we were all kicked aside by a wild rush of goats flying to us from all sides :) I had to drop the cup with food and they plunged onto it like hungry hyenas :)
22nd of April 2014
I search, I hunt, I seek, I trace,
Forage the land, that bright lit maze,
With ponderous pace, fixated stare
I unremittingly ask: where?
I stroll through cities, search the land,
Do I approach or did I strand?
Estranged of all, with thoughts unstirred
While far away resounds this word
In thirst and weariness I sink,
With troubled heart I stare and blink,
Then sounds the voice I once forgot
“Thine home is there, where thee ist not
Who rides there so late through the night dark and drear?
The father it is, with his infant so dear;
He holdeth the boy tightly clasp'd in his arm,
He holdeth him safely, he keepeth him warm.
"My son, wherefore seek'st thou thy face thus to hide?"
"Look, father, the Erl-King is close by our side!
Dost see not the Erl-King, with crown and with train?"
"My son, 'tis the mist rising over the plain."
"Oh, come, thou dear infant! oh come thou with me!
For many a game I will play there with thee;
On my strand, lovely flowers their blossoms unfold,
My mother shall grace thee with garments of gold."
"My father, my father, and dost thou not hear
The words that the Erl-King now breathes in mine ear?"
"Be calm, dearest child, 'tis thy fancy deceives;
'Tis the sad wind that sighs through the withering leaves."
"Wilt go, then, dear infant, wilt go with me there?
My daughters shall tend thee with sisterly care;
My daughters by night their glad festival keep,
They'll dance thee, and rock thee, and sing thee to sleep."
"My father, my father, and dost thou not see,
How the Erl-King his daughters has brought here for me?"
"My darling, my darling, I see it aright,
'Tis the aged grey willows deceiving thy sight."
"I love thee, I'm charm'd by thy beauty, dear boy!
And if thou'rt unwilling, then force I'll employ."
"My father, my father, he seizes me fast,
For sorely the Erl-King has hurt me at last."
The father now gallops, with terror half wild,
He grasps in his arms the poor shuddering child;
He reaches his courtyard with toil and with dread, –
The child in his arms finds he motionless, dead
The composer Franz Schubert made music with the poem, at a later date, here is a video's of it:
This one is from Edmund Spenser (1552-1599):
One day I wrote her name upon the strand
But came the waves and washed it away
Again I wrote it with a second hand
But came the tide, and made my pains his prey
Vain man, said she, that doest in vain assay
A mortal thing so to immortalize
For I myself shall like to this decay
And eek my name be wiped out likewise
Not so (quoth I), let baser things devise
To die in dust, but you shall live by fame
My verse your virtues rare shall eternize
And in the heavens write your glorious name
Where whenas Death shall all the world subdue
Our love shall live, and later life renew.
This simple yet romantic poet is from Yeats (1865-1939):
Had I the heaven's embroidered clothes
Enwrought with gold and silver light
The blue and the dim and the dark clothes
Of night and light and the halflight
I would spread the clothes under your feet
But I, being poor, have only my dreams
I have spread my dreams under your feet
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams
This is sonnet is from Shakespeare (1564-1616):
Weary with toil, I haste me to my bed,
The dear repose for limbs with travel tired;
But then begins a journey in my head,
To work my mind, when body's work's expired:
For then my thoughts, from far where I abide,
Intend a zealous pilgrimage to thee,
And keep my drooping eyelids open wide,
Looking on darkness which the blind do see
Save that my soul's imaginary sight
Presents thy shadow to my sightless view,
Which, like a jewel hung in ghastly night,
Makes black night beauteous and her old face new.
Lo! thus, by day my limbs, by night my mind,
For thee and for myself no quiet find.
by: Emily Brontë (1818-1848)
HOPE Was but a timid friend;
She sat without the grated den,
Watching how my fate would tend,
Even as selfish-hearted men.
She was cruel in her fear;
Through the bars one dreary day,
I looked out to see her there,
And she turned her face away!
Like a false guard, false watch keeping,
Still, in strife, she whispered peace;
She would sing while I was weeping;
If I listened, she would cease.
False she was, and unrelenting;
When my last joys strewed the ground,
Even Sorrow saw, repenting,
Those sad relics scattered round;
Hope, whose whisper would have given
Balm to all my frenzied pain,
Stretched her wings, and soared to heaven,
Went, and ne'er returned again!
These are from Thomas A. Spencer (1845-1911):
I ask my heart, "Do I love thee?"
But how can I e'er forget
The feelings of joy and rapture
That thrilled me when first we met?
The memory of each glad meeting
Is treasured within my heart,
Which has well-nigh ceased its beating,
Since, in sorrow, we had to part.
Each night, as I seek my pillow,
I murmur a prayer for thee,
I breathe thy name, as the sunbeams
Flash red on the eastern sea.
Thy spirit is still the beacon
That guides me 'mid care and strife,
And there 'twill remain for ever,
My darling, my love, my life.
As we travel Life's weary journey,
And plod through the gathering years,
With our burdens of care and sorrow,
O'er a pathway bedewed with tears.
If, perchance, for a fleeting moment
Our hearts should with rapture swell,
We have added but one more sorrow,
When we bid the glad time "Farewell".
I have watched the bright dawn awaking,
And noted each changing light,
As the sun, in its morning splendour,
Dispelled the dark gloom of night.
I have welcomed its bright rays stealing
Over hill-top, and wood, and dell;
Yet, my joy was alloyed with sorrow,
As I bade the bright stars "Farewell".I have seen the red sun descending
To its home in the glowing west,
Whilst the tremulous voice of nature
Was solemnly lulled to rest.
I have welcomed the stars, appearing,
And greeted them one by one,
Yet, my greeting was toned with sadness,
As I said "Farewell" to the sun.
When we welcome the summer sunshine,
Farewell to the flowers of Spring.
Adieu to the fruits of Autumn,
When we welcome the frosty king.
Good-bye to the joys of childhood,
When vigorous youth appears;
Then - a season of strife and turmoil,
And - farewell to the vanished years.I am sighing a farewell message,
As I sit in the gathering gloom.
Farewell to all earthly sorrows,
Then - rest, in the silent tomb.
Farewell to the trees, and flowers,
To mountain, and stream, and dell,
Farewell to the glorious sunlight,
To the moon and stars, "Farewell"
That time of year thou mayst in me behold,
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.
In me thou seest the twilight of such day,
As after sunset fadeth in the west,
Which by and by black night doth take away,
Death's second self, that seals up all in rest.
In me thou seest the glowing of such fire,
That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,
As the death-bed whereon it must expire,
Consumed with that which it was nourished by.
This thou perceiv'st, which makes thy love more strong,
To love that well, which thou must leave ere long.
William Turner |
That time of year thou mayst in me behold,
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.
I like in this sentence that Shakespeare doesn't follow the normal ordering of numbers. Normaly there would have been first some, then few, then no leaves on the branches. But Skahespeare mentions some, then non, then few.
In me thou seest the twilight of such day,
As after sunset fadeth in the west,
Which by and by black night doth take away,
Death's second self, that seals up all in rest.
The poet seems to implicate that death is something that takes place in winter. Or in that time of yearin which it's dark, cold and sombre. The time after the yellow leaves have gone, and the birds have stopped singing. Death approaches in the night, or at least in the twilight here. It seems Shakespeare has used these as a metaphore for the last hours of life. And the transmission from light into the dark of night can be seen as a metaphor for the cycle from youth to old age, and then inevitably death.
In me thou seest the glowing of such fire,
That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,
As the death-bed whereon it must expire,
Consumed with that which it was nourished by.
This thou perceiv'st, which makes thy love more strong,
To love that well, which thou must leave ere long.
In this phrase, fire makes sure that youth is irreversibly disappearing. The fire extinguishes, as soon as the wood is burned up. The wood has fed the fire. Just life life expires once youth and its youthful forces are gone, and have fed life and life's energy. What is left are the ashs of that. The slowly extinguishing fire is used as a metaphor for life (and its energy), which slowly expires and goes out with time and the years. First the fire feeds heavily, but then it goes out, just like a human in the course of his life. The ashes of his youth are still visible in the remains of the fire and they still light up. The poet sees it and realized that the thing that gave his youth shine and color, has been eaten away and used as fuel for the fire of life, and now there is little energy remaining to keep the fire going. (Just like most of us thrive in our teens/youth and then rest on the memories of those days, slowly but surely calming and slowing down). The memories of youth lit up one last time here and the poet advices us to love even more forcefully in this phase, because the end is near and we will soon have to leave everything behind. Despite everything being in decay at this moment (the seasons, the cycle of the day, the process of the burning of the fire), his love lits up at this last moment. I really like about this poem how it condenses the concepts of time. First we are told about a year (from spring to winter, approaching winter at this point of time in the poem). Then the time condenses to a day (from morning to night) and then it zooms in to an even shorter time frame, i which the fire flares up and extinguishes within a mere few hours (from tree to tranch, to wood chips to ashes). Shakespeare seems to want to make the reader realize how fast time can go and how fast old age will appear. Time goes faster and faster as you age, we feel while reading this poem. The 3 time cycle that are used here all are essential for life itself. Shakespeare connects them to the personal cycle of each human life, we who are basically just a grain of sand in the big picture. But we all are subjected to these cycles of time, flourishing, decaying and dying. But at the end of the poem there is a contrast: everything decays (from big -seasons- to small -the fire we lit at night). But in this last phase, the love grows and flourishes. Maybe because we see death in the face now. The person he addresses in this poem possibly his lover, also seems to love him more now, or at least he asks him to, warning him that its object of affection will soon be gone. Most mysterious are the last 2 sentences:
This thou perceiv'st, which makes thy love more strong, To love that well, which thou must leave ere long.
Does the poet refer here to life itself, or to that of the reader? It is not inconclusive. Do we love the poet more now that we knows he is dying? Or does he refer to the loss of youth from the reader? Despite some of the metaphors being slightly cliched (comparing old age and death with the passing of seasons and the days has been done before many times), there is a lot of originality in the way Shakespeare did this as well. He starts with winter, which only encompasses one fourth of all the seasons. Then we move to night, which covers half of the day cycle. But in the third part (from tree to trunk to chips to ashes) death starts from the first phase, as soon as the tree is cut and it continues
in all the other 3 stages. So, we descend into hopelessness. The seasons will repeat themselves, the sun will come back to the sky the next day but as soon as the tree is cut and brought to ashes, that tree will never resurrect. Just like us. Or perhaps the poem can be read as a warning from one lover to another, that his death will soon approach and he will no longer be able to be loved by him. Maybe he needs more love now that he is frail and nearing death. But he all the same doesn't seem to dare to ask for this, because he feels weak and insecure perhaps. So indirectly he asks ambiguously for it, and his lover can also interpretate his word as an admonition to enjoy his youth as long as it lasts. Often you only start to appreciate life when it's too late, and death is coming near. Or in our case, once we no longer can enjoy our old lives, pre- rosacea :(
Have had a few busy weeks in terms of work, seeing people and trying to dodge social invitations. One dinner with friends in their late 40's turned out really nice. She is American, from Colorado and he is French. She knows of my rosacea and promised she would cook something appropriate for me. The Colorado friend made delicious Mexican food. What a treat. I had burrito's (as plain as she could find them) with chicken breast, guacamole (I love avocado's but usually am weary of them due to high histamine levels), red and yellow peppers, lettuce, some mild salsa and cheese. I wolfed down 3 of them :) Then she had made carrot cake, so my plan to stick to non gluten (although corn is a pro-inflammatory as well) was out of the window too. It was delicious though. The don't have the heating on when I come, darlings. I brought my cold packs but didn't want to use them. They poured me iced water which was nice. I have this weird things sometimes, that when a flush isn't bad enough, it might actually burn itself out within an hour, or 2 max. That's what happened now as well. I felt the burning subsiding around 10 and when I looked in the mirror at 11 my skin looked fairly pale. Great night. Of course, the next day it was angry :) But I could at least cool and fan it at home and stick to rabbit food for a few days.
30th of April 2014
I have been up and down, my emotions are quite all over the place I
find; feeling ok and calm and accepting for some weeks, meeting friends, finding that time flies, going out for
walks which really do me a world of good (like 10 km every night),
but then another week I'm down in the dumps with life. But glad to do many nice things again. Sparrow-legs from the Rosace Forum is a facebook friend of my for sometime and we tend to bitch a bit about rosacea now and then. She has the same diet issues as me, which is nice to share; we can keep the low carb/sugar, no processed foods etc up for about a week and then get a massive craving day and just eat like pigs, usually on the Saturday :) I binged on chocolate and she had ice cream she said, and too much of it. So, back to healthy food again today. We both feel we are less flushed and a bit less red while we stick to good food, although flares occur anyway sometimes, so that is a bit demotivating. I find that
not all my friends are as understanding of my health issues and I in all
fairness don't expect them to. You know it as well, it takes some
special emphatic people to truly understand and be of some comfort. Most people have enough on their own plate and don't know what rosacea feels like, just what it looks like (and even that not, as we tend to hide our faces when we are looking bad). So I
just look for the good moments in the day, try to keep up with all my friends and to keep going out with them to do fun things, stay close to their lovely kids, and am happy with internet when face is flaring too much :) I try to avoid meeting up with old acquaintances, other than a
circle of close friends and family, and just keep in touch through
bloody facebook/chat/mail etc with the acquaintances. All smiles and laughter on there but we all know
better of course.I share a section from a beautiful post from a rosacea friend, which I found touching:
Hi Nat, I Spent free time last night on your
blog in places I Hadn't read yet. I always
enjoy it as I told You before: your approach
is very honest and "raw." Rosacea Raw...
Perhaps a new title?! Anyway, just some thoughts for you.
With a few Personal notes. First, moodiness or depression.
It's been well documented that this can run in
families. You Mention this so I'm not going
anywhere new with this statement. You mention
your parents and somewhat of the history there.
Most if not all people prone to Depression
have heightened sensitivities.
Whether this Is because they were born with this
or it is the result of Their childhood/environment/
event in their life or all....... In The end you must
ask yourself this key question: " am I going to let
this work for me or against me?"
I know from experience when I choose to let " it" work
For me, I'm content and fulfilled in all areas of my life.
Even with bad memories ( which I now feel blessed
To have) even with skin issues, health issues, husband/
Wife issues..... All of it. Like accepting rosacea, it is
A complete acceptance of the celebration of everything you
Are. So you put all of you -- all of your sensitivity-- call
It perception-- because as you know by now in your life,
Not all people have deep perception ( they are the
Sweeter, " dumbed down" version of humanity). Haha. ----
So, are you going to let your perception work for you? Or
Against you? xxx
"Thank you. That is so nicely put. Yeh I know, I muddle on and try to see the positives. It works for a good period of time and then my mood tends to drop again for short spells; one moment I see how blessed I am in my life and what a great life I have in many ways and I feel upbeat and social and productive in work, And on other days I just bitch and moan about the things I lost, the life I miss, the restrictions and isolation, the rotten medication I don't want to take, it being too sunny or too rainy outside, eating rabbit food etc etc. Thank you for your blog comments, I hope I don't come across too 'raw' and pessimistic? I have been pondering about those words the past days.. I tend to write there when I feel shit, so it might not fully reflect my state of mind and might make me seem too grumpy and down? Please do tell me how it comes across to you."
This is a small section of another email from a rosacea friend:
"Hi, Well, I know all about the ups and downs you are going through. I had a bad week last week. I think i am just at a stage where i have given up hope of any improvement in my skin. It just looks as though the damage from the IPL is here to stay and it is difficult to handle. Every single spot on my face where i had IPL is where my skin is damaged. When i say damaged, I mean it used to be white/pale, but now it is pink and I am as sensitive as ever. I've only been on finacea for 3 weeks so I have to be patient, but I just can't see any miracles occurring. I'm sure you are the same as me in that you keep asking yourself why you got that IPL. I find it even more difficult to handle because I didn't specifically go to my practitioner for IPL and had no intention of getting it until i got coerced into getting it. It haunts me all of the time and as i have said before I feel angry and frustrated that I can't do anything about it. I know that's how you felt too, so I suppose we just have to learn to live with it. [..] I am finding it tough at the moment just living in hope that things might get better. Also, I am starting to miss a lot of things in life. My condition was fine until i had this IPL and now i/we have to live with it. [..]"
I share part of my response, as I guess and think more rosacea patients struggle with these issues and thoughts. This is just the status quo of where I am mentally right now in dealing with this:
"Hi, Yeh I know exactly what you mean, I went through those "what if's" and "Why did I do ..?????" questions for years and years. I can slap myself now, looking back at pics how my skin was prior to that IPL. God, I felt it was awful at the time, but in hindsight it was still a mild to moderate case of rosacea. I didn't use a fan back then, I only got some flushing after meals or when I was in a very hot place. Sounds like utter heaven to me now. And my skin looked so good. I can't believe how I had convinced myself at the time that it was very bad. But I guess its this scale of progressing symptoms, this downwards spiral we were in that made me also think that I was on the road of no return and needed to ACT. By doing IPL. This is so frightening that you think you are in a terrible bad state when you digress a bit.
There is no way to go back in time and there is no point in going over the same questions again and again. By now, I have no ideals about fixing it anymore. It has become all about managing the symptoms and preventing it from progressing too much. It really turned my life upside down but it's been 15 years for me now (and a shorter time for you, so you are still in the process of all this) and I am done with trying all new sorts of things. I have a few good male friends, and only recently I told them about the rosacea and this blog and they come with very well meant advice, want to take me to a doctor in Israel, the best hospital in Germany, another natural specialist, a retreat in the Swiss mountains. Very lovely of them but no, I have literally seen all the natural healers you can think of. The best Chinese doctors in the country, years of acupuncture and herbal therapies, homeopathy, hypnosis, you name it. Nothing worked, or it made it worse. I have spent so many years trying new things and I find it so incredibly energy consuming. I'm glad I am past those times. I stick to the few things that have had a positive effect on me and my rosacea, which are certain medications, no creams on my skin, and perhaps the odd application of jojoba oil. Avoiding the worst triggers. Staying cool, no stress. I think everyone with rosacea has to go through it though; to find out what your specific rosacea case acts like, what it responds to and what helps and what not. But with time I just got to this acceptance stage, and maybe it comes more from exhaustion and lack of any more ideals and real true life changing hopes, but this is what it is now, I won't do laser or IPL again, I can't undo the treatments I had, just warn others of the possible side effects. And eat healthy, live healthy, make the most of things, have nice friendships, read good stuff, go on travels when I can and let go of some hopes I had perhaps.
Aww this has become a very melodramatic post, I'm sorry. I hope you can keep trying new things, see what your skin improves from and what not. And definitely go out and meet people now and then. I invite friend over at my home often, or we go out into town. Even though I might go home again in 4 hours or so when I get too flushed and hot, it still makes me feel so good and 'normal', doing such things. Staying in home and in your comfort zone feels like a safe cocoon at times perhaps, but its a bit suffocating and depressing when you are too long in there. Its just hard to break the habits? Are there places you like to go? There are sites where you can find penpals who don't have health problems, maybe you like to exchange thoughts with someone who you don't know personally and for whom you don't have to leave the house and show your face to be in contact? About red light therapy; I will try it again, I have a hand held device. I felt it made me more flushed back in 2005, but I was flushed 24/7 back then. So now would be a better time to test it again. Will update you on it once I know more. It seems with red light that it works for some and doesn;t for others. Perhaps that has something to do with the sensitivity of your skin, the reactivity of your blood vessels and how photosensitive you are, I don't know.. Yeh I get some emails from rosacea patients now and then but not truck loads or anything, it's always nice to hear from people and its always nice to hear from you, so can always email me ok? Anytime. Ciao amigo"
It's also mothers day today, I sent my mom a jibjab video and this picture:
I also uploaded a lot of small videos from my trips to Australia below the Australia Adventure blog post. You can also see them through this link, on my youtube.
And I also updated the post about Victorian beauties, with a lot more beautiful faces, including these (Gladys Cooper, Maude Fealy, Evelyn Nesbit and then some mostly unknown Victorian beauties):
My own grandmother |
13th of May 2014
I have the consent of my beautiful friend X to share some of her rosacea struggles and horrendous flushing and burning issues here. Including a video of her, scroll down for it please, it's below this text section. She now has v-beam on small parts of her face. She also had some really beautiful things to say about changing appearances for us rosaceans and about women with self worth issues:Friend: "[..] And what's wrong with her that she is so insecure how she looks, [..] What does that say about her self worth? What does that say about how she will let herself be treated. Where are her parents in all this? Why did they forget to teach her that the contents of her brain are more important than her looks? Where is her feminism? Why does she have to look a certain way? Why isn't she good enough the way she is? When I was a little girl, I asked my daddy if I was beautiful. He turned to me and said, "you have all the beauty a woman really needs, and more than that isn't really very interesting." BOOM! He set me off with a good attitude for LIFE! BOOM! At the times that I looked fat or red or bad or scary, I always thought it was a good test. Did somebody just like me for my looks? Fuck them! I couldn't help them! I COULD help what I thought, and how I acted! Your "friend" is too young and too stupid (sorry, true) to see the real problems here. Seems to me you need to find some better friends, honey pie!" No lipstick, that's just me. I never bother with makeup any more, it seems so pointless!! Why more V Beam? Well, I still have this huge, visible vascular lesion and V Beam's the only way to actually make it retreat... Everything else is just a holding pattern. I hadn't had one since last Sept and needed the break but now it's time to resume making some forward progress. This shit is progressive and doc feels that we need to stay on top of it. Photos show it's grown and worsened under the eye from repeated flushing, so sadly we have to beat it back from time to time. I'm going to go in four times a year now instead of six, and only do small areas of Purpuric. No more of these full face purple treatments, I can't stand it. We're going to see if we can make some progress ,or at least keep it from worsening, with these mostly gentle, occasional ones. My face hurts! How are you, how are your spirits, sweet friend?"
I like to share the magnificent victory of the Dutch football (soccer for Americans) team :)
They beat Spain, the European and World champion, with 5-1.
18th of June 2014
"Thanks! I was saying to my boyfriend just now on skype what a kind person you were and how I really identified with your blog and the way that you write - it shows through that you are very creative, whimsical with a romanticist streak, yet logical and hardheaded - something about it really touched me and struck a chord (and as I mentioned before the fact that you are putting all this information out there has undoubtedly helped dozens of people going through the same thing). And I could see that, even though your life has been profoundly affected by this illness (as I have no doubt many people's are by their own private struggles), you are so much more than that, and it doesn't define you even though you may feel like that at times - which made me realize that, even if I feel like this is defining me at the moment, it doesn't have to always be that way and an external observer would see a lot more to me than that. I think the hardest thing about it for me psychologically is the feeling of not being in control - in my life, I've been so used to setting goals and going after them and achieving them with success, and now suddenly here is something which is persistently thwarting my logical attempts to treat it and threatening to derail the whole thing. But not in a spectacular way that anyone would easily comprehend, like say becoming a tetraplegic or getting cancer - in a pernicious, much more subtle and banal way "Oh, so your. face gets a bit red; that must be annoying". I suppose we should be very thankful we don't have something worse. I know what you mean - even if it was lupus, at least then there are very specific medications they prescribe to treat it that should help. It feels like it's a puzzle that someone has the answer too but they are hiding - just come out and give me the answer already, mystery puzzle person! I just read a book called Les Catilinaires by Amelie Nothomb; it's about an old couple who have only ever wanted to live in solitude by themselves. Finally, they move into their dream house in the middle of nowhere, with only one neighbor, and are extremely happy. Suddenly, they start receiving visits from their neighbor Monsieur Bernardin who comes to their house from 4 - 6PM every day and just sits in their living room without saying anything, bringing down the mood, impervious to questions OR attempts to keep him out of the house (he bangs persistently on the door until they let him in). The book is about how the narrator (the old man) slowly starts to mentally unravel faced with this insidious, seemingly trivial yet terrible menace. That's kind of what I fear at the moment - but I can't let this happen! I'll keep you updated. Stay well!
Touched by her nice words and I felt she described very well what skin diseases do to you, mentally. I talked with another friend about abusive ex partners and how she has a very hard time letting go and setting up boundaries, because a little part of her still misses him, and we came to the conclusion that often it is not the person you miss, but the way that person filled up some of the emptiness and loneliness and boredom we might feel now and then, being trapped indoors with red faces. I know for sure that's what kept me hanging on to a long term, destructive relationship. Destructive in both ways, because I caused pain and misery too, by being moody and stubborn and for keeping hopes up where I should have called it quits a long time ago. up even worse off that you already were (abusive partners, threats, mental distress and so on). The start of a new relationship is a good temporary distraction of the drudgery of things; the hormones and feelings of joy that take over than have been delightful for me, but even those feelings won't stay for ever. Maybe good friends can give a sort of similar thrill when it matches well.
19th of June 2014
I notice that when I don't scrub my skin, and just clean it lightly with bottled water and cotton pads, I develop a thick layer of dead skin over the time frame of about 4 weeks. For some time, this actually looks good; it seems to cover and mask some of the redness and makes my skin more protected I guess; less paper thin. But after a certain time, I think the 5 week mark, I notice a lot of p&p's, paps and other rashes appearing. And they come from the bacteria building up under this layer of skin I think. So I have to remove it then, and when I put good force on the cotton pads, I strip the dead skin layer off pretty easily. But my skin is super red and shiny after that for a few days, it almost looks and feels as if I gave it a scrub or even a skin peel. I made some pictures of this. It looks ugly here but now 1,5 weeks later my skin is without any red dots, its even and its smooth.
All art here is from Kees Van Dongen |
I even wonder if Martin added ideas from European philosophers into his books, like Machiavelli. My favorite philosophers to read are the grumpy pessimist; Schopenhauer, Nietzsche. Humankind is bad by nature, that sort of stuff. I feel honestly that we act good partly by social pressure and expectancy but that a kid is not a blank sheet and has selfish and manipulative tendencies by nature. It needs correction and steering to make something decent out of it and just a glance at how kids treat each other at the schoolyard should confirm this idea. I have little connection with pristine idealists, neither under the philosophers.. Some people are downright ignorant, self entitled, vindictive and narcissistic and that's exactly what George Martins world looks like. For sheer joy I sometimes read the comments below episode recaps, and there are always some people who say they no longer can watch GoT as they can't take the dark, evil world view of the author and the slaughtering of their hero's. That its not realistic with real life. I cant believe there are people actually thinking that. Once you know something you can't undo it, once you know what history was like, you can't see only roses and unicorns anymore when you look around you. I'm not trying to sound pathetic here but truthfully.. the things that truly lift my life and mood nowadays are insightful readings, finding good music or art or movies or tv programs, or talking to insightful people with a twisted view on life. So a good interview with Martin gets me on the edge of my seat. I just feel there is a good but also a bad side to many people. Even the Greek philosophers thought about this, most people have both traits and good and bad characteristics and according to some the good prevail, and others think that the bad tends to take over more. To everyday life; see how mothers all compare their kids achievement with one another? And acting out as the perfect mothers, judging others on it? That's innocent right? But it's hardly positive. At work, smug coworkers who work their way up over other people's back if needed. I know, their stimulus might be getting rewarded by it, and sure that's true, but what uncharming motives. Moms pretending to be perfect and bitching and gossiping about each other, what is to be gained there? Feeling better about yourself by looking down on others. Reveling in other people's misery or misfortune, I guess that's the gain. Dunno, its just stuff like that.
So, Schopenhauer. He thought that life comes to us as a presentation, and one of its laws is that everything needs to have a cause. Every 'why' has to be answered with a 'because'. A light bulb can only shine because there is a cause for this, and the same goes for the apple falling to the ground. We can live in the world because of these (scientific) laws. He believed in metaphysics, and called it The Will. It's an internal process and connected with our consciousness of ourselves; we know we exist even though we don't observe ourselves, normally. It drives us and S thought that it's even this Will that makes sure we keep breathing -even though we don't think about it- and that we want to procreate. The world also has a Will -the unconscious Worldly Will- , and at the time S thought this will is the force that moves the planets and that causes chemical processes on a molecular level. The World Will is free according to S (because she is everything and nobody can limit or restraint her), but our internal human will is not free, and is subject to the World Will. It is therefore irrational. Our internal will and world are made up of feelings and beliefs and experiences. And our rational capacities are a tool for this Will. We aren't driven therefore by logic and reason, but much more by desires and feelings (of which the strongest one is the desire to survive and live). This makes Schopenhauer a pessimist. But this desire to exist, that is present in everything around us, is also the source of endless suffering he thought, as everything fights to exist and no desire will be satisfied definitively or for a long time. And all that without any true reason or goal. (except survival of the species I'd say). So, this will is an abstract concept here. But our will is determined by motives. You can't want two opposite thing at the same time. You can doubt, debate, change your mind, ponder, but the eventual Act of Will, shall be a necessary result of this outcome.
There is a way out from this determinism (where everything in the world battles for existence and people are driven by egocentric motives), but it requires a higher ethical viewpoint. This is not a given, it is a higher level of consciousness and it would embody compassion. Thinking and intellectual insights provide this according to Schopenhauer. Art (what else lol) offers temporary salvation. The artist is the genius; he transcends Plato's idea of reality being a mere reflection of a reality on a wall (and coming to us as this reflection of reality, a second hand experience therefore). The artists depicts this reality and brings it into contact with the viewer. But everybody can experience this themselves, for instance by going into nature and by really concentrating on something you see, so that the ego and personality seem to fall away for a moment. We become a (temporary) will-less subject to observation then, and can become one with the object. Music, according to S, speaks straight to the Will and touches the essence of our existence. But as soon as a simple thought about our personal will erupt again (and burst that bubble of mindlessness), we are thrown back to our normal state. The world and reality are not driven by intellect and reason but by instincts and passions etc. Rationality is more of a superficial veneer, which we use to get the illusion that we understand the world and control it. But underneath we are actually at pray and played by all sorts of powers and impulses and longings for satisfaction over which we have little control and not that much influence. I mean, I think you can restraint your impulses with willpower to some point, and have some control over acting on them yes or no, but you can't influence them really and change them; these inner drives and impulses are there to stay. Living = suffering, basically :) This was a rather revolutionary point of view at the time, as philosophers before him had mostly seen the world as a reasonable and rational place, hence why we could understand her. S felt that science merely is focused on the way the world is presented to us, but that her true nature is incomprehensible.
Lol, Schopenhauer wasn't fond of women and felt they were childish and whimsical and shallow :) I think there are some Freudian things going on with Schopenhauer too. Our conscious stands often powerless against subconscious drifts for food, lust, sex and violence (oh and power perhaps too?). If you look at it like this, all our efforts to look civilized and in control of ourselves are just a show. I do believe this to be true partially, even though you and I might think that we are in charge over our lives and behavior, I really doubt we are. We can make simple every day decisions but the big ones are all made for us by these strong inner drives. Hence why people across the world are all busy doing the same things, longing for the same things, treating each either in the same shitty ways often even. It might not be so much the human evils that are triggered by rewards in terms of money and so on, but I'd say its the good deeds we force ourselves to do, or train ourselves to do, or get taught to do, that pay of, so that we continue to do it. Being a good friend can be tiring and rather conflicting with our personal needs at times, but it pays off, because in order to have a safe and a healthy mental existence we need friends and allies. And its mostly in our genetic make up anyway and in our brain structures to experience joy and calm and contentment when we are social, because that has been a prime survival thing in the past, so evolutionary it has become part of our make up, or so I read. When we do good deeds, we build our image and ego and persona. I guess that's a pessimistic way of looking at some of these positives :) But if I don't force myself consciously to be better, more considerate and caring than I might naturally be, none of that stands up against time, so I do it. And lets be honest, we probably paint the nicest image of ourselves. Put the veneer right up, even when talking honest over all sorts of stuff :)
I saw some good programs in the past about snare theories, and scientists explaining them and how the 'reality' is most certainly different from what we can see with and notice with our limited senses. They tried to visualize what these parallel worlds, which these snare theories implied existed, would look like, if we could see them. You saw an average street image with people walking around, and then an overlap of twirling circles and lines and little tornado like pathways between levels of consciousness or energy or whatever they call them. Overlapping levels of unconscious and life I think it was. As far as I know its still a theory, but love that sort of stuff. The same for black matter and imploding stars and so on. They explained how these snare theories might also explain how dark matter is sucked up so quickly and it was all too difficult and too many years ago for me to reproduce now in a consistent matter. But interesting, sure youtube has many docu's on it, might catch up with them myself again soon. At age 8 we all could do our first school presentation on a topic of choice. Most did it about Kittens or Butterflies, I did mine about our solar system. Brilliant. There have been some series on tele that worked with it, I saw some episodes from Fringe with a friend and I felt they might have used that concept for it. So yeh I like to find all sorts of indications that life is not as straight forward as we conceive it to be. And ppl like Schop make it all a bit more interesting to me and when I see all this evil still going on, I am inclined to find out more about the dark thinkers from the past instead of the pragmatic, realistic, optimistic ones. Which doesn't mean I don't think a good part of their thinking is rubbish :) I know that people make the best of their lives, are nice to others generally, try to give it some meaning somehow. And not just from calculative motives. But those men from militant fundamentalist groups, who kill and kidnap (won't call any names here online). How can they be human beings like all of us, with a similar drive and morality as most human beings, yet justify the horrors they commit? They chose to interpret their religious books in one specific radical way, yet, how should I see the good in them? Sure, when they play at home with their kiddies they will have nice traits too, but the world is full of smaller and bigger &*%$ like them unfrt..
Had a discussion with an American friend & I wondered if people like Sadam and Assad are perhaps the lesser evil, and by eliminating Sadam they opened Pandora's box there. I know that he was nasty and tortured and abused power, but when you see what type of subgroups are running amok there now, perhaps it is not wise to judge the situation there with western eyes? I mean, perhaps the only way he could keep a hold on all these Soenites and shi'ites, was to have a hard strict reign? Maybe back then a good majority of the population could live safe and in some sort of normality, whereas now the dictator is gone but almost everybody there lives in hell. Maybe such countries cannot be ruled by our western ways, because there are Medieval like clans still there and the huge discrepancy between the Ayatolla/Sharia people and the more secular ones? Such a pressure cooker, and then the USA and UK think that when they cut the leader out, leave a huge vacuum and train some policemen there, it will all be fine as soon as they leave.
*Plato said that the divine mind (spirit) is fed by knowledge and understanding. *Socrates wrote a Symposium where he describes how men go through phases in life. First, from early youth, one has to focus on physical beauty. At first you fall in love with one body, and then you realize the beauty of one random body is the sister of of that of another body, and soon you will know that it is madness to not consider the beauty of all bodies to be one and the same, which makes you prone to fall in love with every beautiful body you see. Later, he will discover the beauty of the soul and mind as more honorable than the physical, so that he will be content as soon as he finds a decent soul in somebody. And the next step is to discover the beauty in science. By then he sees beauty in all regions of life and shapes and forms, and no longer limited to the superficial body. Well, that still hold some truth today, doesn't it? *Aristotle wrote rules for the Tragedy. It usually consist of these elements, and focuses on both an animalistic (emotional/sensual) level as on reason:
-Hero is taunted by fate
-hero will be punished severely for an unwanted mistake
-the tragedy of life is that one causes evil no matter what, and that one will be punished no matter what.
-the tragic hero is placed high in the hierarchy of society, and contains all human traits. Also a hero will be guided by grief, jealousy, aspiration, pride and fear. He is also irritable like the rest of us and not always as alert. He is the magnification of mankind and therefore everybody can relate and identify with him. Only therefore the goal of Greek Tragedy, Catharsis, can be reached. (Catharsis is a sort of emotional cleanse, triggered by extreme emotions like laughter, grief, sadness. The Greek believed in a connection between a healthy body and mind and catharsis was a way to keep the mind in good shape). Undergoing and releasing such emotions in the theater would help people deal with similar feelings (or situations) In every day life. (Well that still holds up too I think, people love to learn and experience things or digest stuff by watching movies that appeal to us, or stage plays even still, or even music).
28th of June 2014
5th of July 2014
The World Championship (football/soccer) is still in full swing and the Dutch are still in the game!! We are watching it with a sense of nationalism and excitement and pride, but most of all a lot of fun. Read a good article on the train today about soccer, the world cup, I'll write the summary down below. Having a little detox moment from the football. Its silly, but am really loving this tournament and the way it seems to stir everybody up to talk and debate about it. Can't wait for the game tomorrow. This article in the news paper was really good I thought. It was from the journalist David Winner. He basically said that football is replacing religion and politics. In the 1950's movies were still prevalent, and good movies are considered 'a battle field of love, hate, violence, action, death; in one word: emotion'. And that is what football brings today. It is nowadays more popular than the movies are, according to this author. Or literature. Because it arouses entire countries, like now with the World Cup. Beautiful cover stories on football in the newspapers, and when a country plays well, the entire population gets a rush of confidence and a boost. And also projects/emits this to the rest of the world. For instance, the Belgian team, named the Red Devils, are doing very well this tournament and many of their players are African, so the Walonians and the Flemish are on great terms with each other at the moment (as long as the cup lasts) and enjoy their shared Belgian nationality. (Just for now of course). This author then links national football victories (or losses) to historical events, like the Germans winning from the Hungarians in 1954. The Germans had a clumpy team; here is a wonderful Dutch word for you for this, although its actually Yiddish: schlemiel. It means loser, pauper, broddler, it's used a lot in Dutch language. But when that happened very unexpectedly, it gave the Germans a boost and the author states that it even helped and was a key moment in the post war, West German resurrection. The English however are supposed to experience some self doubt and anguish over the ongoing bad performances. He says: "As soon as the English team is kicked out, the whole nation seems to sink deep into a swamp of self hatred". Bit exaggerated perhaps this? And they will combat this with gallows humor and analysis of where it all went wrong exactly. One of such jokes; The English football team visits an orphanage in the Brazilian Favela's "It was heart breaking to see those sad faces without hope", said Jose, 6. Hmmm, I'm sure there are better ones, but this is the stuff the Dutch tend to like (aka, no good sense of humor).
Here however the national atmos skyrockets, people are all excited and more friendly with each other, I was waiting in line to buy a news paper and the old man in front of me had this lively talk with the shopkeeper about the teams at the World cup and soon everyone else waiting in line was chiming in, it was really nice. It's so alive because we are still in the tournament, obviously. But the lost final match in '74, where we played "totaalvoetbal" and should have won, caused a big crush of morale. He wonders why is affects us so strongly and thinks that now that religion and politics are no longer offering the type of platforms for shared experiences and passion as they used to be, football fills in the void. It has semi religious aspects, like the ritually wearing of club colors, weekly gatherings with fellow believers, chanting songs together, and it also has a link with warfare. It appeals to our hunting and gathering instincts. Another reason for its (almost) worldwide success has to do with the typical characteristics of the game. Its rules are easy enough for a kid to understand, yet complicated enough to keep intelligent minds occupied. It has provided a very universal language, especially when watched on the tele by many (true, I watch, others watch, we discuss the same game online, my US friend and UK one send in their opinions at the same time, which makes it all extra great). The game revolves around pure physical exertion, but yet it follows most of the rules of classical storytelling. But, this story makes itself; it happens within a given and set time frame (90 minutes, just like the duration of most movies) and unrolls before our eyes; there is this density of time, place and action. It results in a soap series with endless story lines, heroes, antiheroes, to identify ourselves with. Also, with most other ball sports its easier to score points/goals. With football its the rarest of things, which makes it a valuable good. Fans are constantly hovering between hope and fear, awaiting the next goal. Unique about football is, that you can wonder from minute to minute, what will happen? This unpredictability is very captivating. Power and money are not always guarantees for success; the stronger teams can be beaten by weaker teams. We like to complaint about weak or irregular referees, but this unreliability also adds to the drama of football. We accept the consequences of it often as fate or chance and it makes it all like a Greek tragedy and pretty addictive. The action is unfolding right before our eyes and the outcome will change with every game. Here are some embarrassing penalties :) (gosh not sure I'm the only one, made me tear up when I watched it again, so lame)
6th of July 2014
9th of July 2014
Official royal song: "I'm no protocol fascist. People have to refer to me as Willy. Because with that name I can be at ease. Call me with my own name.
"Dear People. I made this video message to thank you all for the best day of my life. It all started already great, with an elongated volvo to one of the best Chinese restaurants. After some shots there was also some room for silliness, with my mother and my girlfriend. For all the important guests, we hired special Conexxian busses (known as the shittiest and least reliable company int he country, Nat). And when everybody was here we sang the opening tune. Then the time was there: the oath. ("I solemnly promise to be a guilty king". "Uhm, sorry, Minister Kleinsma needs to go to the loo"). Jetta Kleinsma had to go to the loo during the oath. After the oath we had to go on canal boats to see performances.
"This weekend we had a big party, to thank my mum for the good years. The press and NOS (our version of BBC, nat) hired the Ahoy for this, with all sorts of artists and performers for my mom. But the best part was that me and Max had played a trick on my mum. So as a joke we flew in a grindcore band from Canada.
Putin: "Do you want to drink something or what? I've got a bottle of vodka. Brew it myself from sugar cane. Take it! "
Willy: "So. So rascal!"
22nd of June 2014
Interesting blog on depression:
17th of September 2014
20th of September 2014
update on my own little issues; skin was ok'ish today, not too bad and the pain is finally getting a bit down. It was kind of brutal the past days. I took 600 mg ibuprofen (a type with no bright pink coating nor orange zest chemical flavors, just simple white pills) but the pain came through nevertheless and after 2 days my stomach hurt so bad from them that I tapered it off. Couldn't sleep Wednesday night from the pain, but now it's Friday night and I haven't taken the meds all day and it's fairly diminished by now. Am rinsing my mouth very often with sterile salt water to prevent infection, so far as far as I can see with the flashlight it doesn't look infected. But now that the pain is diminishing I can feel that the right side of my chin is still pretty totally numb and the right lower part of my lip too again. When I rub it it starts to tingle really annoyingly and painfully and when I just lightly touch it, it still feels number up, like during the procedure. I can press my nails in the skin very hard and feel as good as nothing..I had the same happening in February with my upper lip btw. The same feeling. Doctors then said it should recover nerve sensory in 6 months. Friend thinks it is because they used again soooo many anesthetic jabs again now.. The upper lip is almost back to normal, but it took indeed 6 months! I bloody well hope this goes away sooner. It is only localized there, so I don't assume the doctor hit that risky nerve after all.. Can't imagine a crucial nerve only limitedly serving the area of right side of the chin and right lower part of the lip. What the bleeb is wrong with me, every time this happens. Rosacea is not too bad, not as good as it was either, but I still have sutures in, plus wound healing, so I guess that will all stir it up right now.21st of September 2014
Eveleen Myers
1856 - 1937
Eveleen Myers, née Tennant, was born in London in 1856, the youngest of three daughters to Charles Tennant, M.P. and Gertrude Barbara Rich Collier. Eveleen Myers married the writer Frederick William Henry Myers (1843 - 1901) in 1880. Contemporary reports suggest that Eveleen Myers took up photography in 1888 with a view to taking portraits of her children. Myers may also have been influenced by her childhood experience of being photographed by Julia Margaret Cameron during a visit to the Isle of Wight.In addition to both formal and informal photographs of her children and topographical photographs of her residence, Leckhampton House, Myers rapidly established a considerable reputation as a portrait photographer. In 1889 she produced a series of portraits of Robert Browning with images of Gladstone, Chamberlain, Balfour and Galton the following year.
Leo became a writer and later took his life; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leo_Myers
Silvia Constance Myers; Frederic William Henry Myers; Harold Hawthorn Myers, mid 1890s |
27th of September 2014
The wisdom tooth removal all in all was bearable and went ok. No infections, but the tricky nerve did get hit and the right lower side of my chin and lip are still numb, with some tingly annoying sensations. Numbness can take 6 months to resolve, lets hope that will happen. I've been meeting some new people on a penpal site and it has been a good laugh for me, writing about history and music and general thoughts on life, but I wanted to keep the happy vibe and not complaint about my health issues. I notice I have a soft spot for geeky personalities with a flair for those topics and a similar sense of humor and a light hearted wit. After some months, it does feel as if you are friends with some of them, although I keep in mind that it could all be a temporary thing; with real life friends you meet in person and there is a natural sense of loyalty and with fictitious people you hope for that, but you never know.
mastocytosis medication
I received the medication, or part of it. I have both the Inorial/bilastine here and the Pantoprazole. The zaditine will arrive on Monday. I already started with the 2 meds I have here now and just added them to the Xyzal. I usually wash the colored coating off medication as I'm afraid the yellow and orange chemical dyes they use for many sets me off (E-numbers etc), but with the Pantoprazole that was impossible, as it is a stomach resistant type of coating (like the NSAID anti inflammatory medication have as well). So in fear of burning my esophagus or something I leave it on. I took it ll before bedtime and now woke up very nauseous. I'm not flushed and my skin is rather cool to the touch but a bit rosy colored nevertheless. I took some pictures last night, when we went to a small band with a group of friends. The natural eye make up gives me no problem when I put it on and take it off the same day. Once I leave it on for days and nights on end, it gives me acne/p&p's. The ones in the last picture of the make up thread subsided within a few days of not wearing the make up anymore, all by itself. I will keep using these new medications and add the Zaditine from Monday onwards and keep you updated on it. Not feeling like eating and more like puking today :)
I have been taking all 3 prescribed medications for the past days and I do wake up pretty pale. I think overall my skin is calmer, but the weather is hot, humid and I help out with a group of mentally handicapped people, as far as I can help. I notice that when I do strenuous stuff, like just yet cleaning for an hour, I turn still mighty flushed and red. Same on Monday when I had to go into town to get the zaditine and I had to walk in a very hot, sunny place for an hour. I notice that I sweat more since using these medications, although that might be a coincidence. It feels more like hot flashes than flushing now, with sweat breaking out everywhere, but a bright burning hot throbbing face on top. Awesome.. The flushes do calm down again once I have the aircon and fan pointed at it and I also made smoothies with ice cream instead of the rosacea friendly rice milk today, so I will stop eating bad foods and give these meds a real proper try. Here are 2 pics on a cool morning (yesterday) and 2 of today, taken just yet after an hour of cleaning (sorryz for the miserable looks). I have to add that yesterday afternoon I did my hair again and painted the hair roots with 3% hydrogen peroxide and baking soda.. I didn't get flushed during nor after but who knows, it might have something to do with the easy flaring today. Not sure how red the pictures turned up, I think I look more red when I look in the mirror but my skin gets swollen so quickly, my eyes and nose too even. In fact, it seems like everything swells up, even lips. Hate it! I have one blood shot eye (my right one) to finish the loveliness of the picture off :(
Update August 8th, 2013
Still taking all meds (needless to say) and skin is more calm than normal. Woke up pale despite it being well over 23 degrees in the bedroom. Been working and cleaning and skin is calm. One eye is blood shot and hurts, a lot of broken blood vessels in it, but unsure if it is related to the new medication (it started 2 days ago though). I notice very dry eyes, but that's not a real surprise given that I take now what, like 3 different antihistamines? They are drying. I have eye gel to keep them lubricated. Happy with a calmer skin. My symptoms are usually redness, flushing and swelling, I rarely get p&p's (except like with the make up or other triggers). I also have been using the eye make up I bought and am using it now on some days, and make sure I get the whole shebang off again at night. No more outbreaks. I guess the make up by itself is well tolerated by my body, but it starts irritating my skin/system (?) after a few days of use without removing it at night. I still use it only when I go somewhere worth putting it all up and not all day all week.Update August 9th, 2013
Buggers, looks like I have conjunctivitis on the right eye.. Its been red now for 5 days and feels very gritty, painful, burning and irritated. The redness is not going down either and I wake up with some crusting of the eye lids (sorry for gory details). It´s Friday so I guess I better sit at the doctor´s for 2 hours (walk in consultations in the afternoon), before the weekend. I looked it up, it looks like conjunctivitis and it can -I think at least- perhaps come from the new medication (dry eyes) or the make up that I left on my eyes for way too long last week. Always something, sigh. Just seen my doctor (GP), its indeed conjunctivitis and he saw it starting in the left eye as well. Received a prescription for an eye wash and for antibiotic drops called Rifamycine (for 8 days). I asked if he thought it likely that either the new medication (showed it to him) or the mascara/eye liner could have caused this and he said about the antihistamines that they are very widely used and prescribed and well tolerated and that he didn´t suspect them, but either the make up (bacterial or allergic reaction), or just a coincidence and it happening all by itself. Glad I got some drops now and hope its back in check soon. Here someone wrote that eye make up can actually cause conjunctivitis and that its better to get rid of these two items I have now as they might be contaminated with the bacteria :/ Too bad but we´ll see. And I think I will have to keep some of these drops and store them for my Halloween birthday (this is no photoshop lol). Zombie or alcoholic with liver cirrhosis, I'm still torn between these two. The dye in the drops dissolve in about half an hour but they need to be reapplied 3 times a day. I'm also flushed and burning again now, my system doesn't like antibiotics :( These eye drops give the most disgusting taste in your mouth. Tried chocolate mouse, yogurt and fruits to get rid of it, but nope, it keeps coming back. Like you have a lot of rusting metal at the back of your tongue. very nasty. It seems that happens often with eye drop use.Update August 10th, 2013
The eye redness is already decreasing but it still burns. Unfortunately the antibiotics drop make me flushed a lot. After a night sleep my skin was reasonably calm again today but as soon as I use the eye drops redness and burning comes back in full force. Argggh, hate antibiotics in that respect, still 7 days of use to go :( Just when my skin was so calm.Update August 12th, 2013
Btw, I watched a good movie last night, Syostre (Sisters, 2001). A Russian movie about the new Russian Mafia and two sisters having to hide. Pretty good and loved the music in it. Lots of songs from Viktor Tsoi, a cult figure who died in a car accident and from a good group called Agata Kristi. I don't speak Russian but it always sounds quite cool and dark and grim to me, poetic in some way and the music in the film was great. Very 80's and Tsoi sounds almost like a Russian version of Joy Division in some songs. Gotto love that. Helping friend Jojo, game playing including old Dutch 'cake biting', where cake is put on a string and someone is blindfolded, spun around for some time and with the hands on the back they have to find and eat the cake, depending on directions from the group, and egg (or in our case potato) walking.
Update August 13th, 2013
I took a picture this morning, when my skin was pale, and will compare it to one taken about 6 months ago. Then I had a flare, admittingly, and despite the new medication I can still flare and get very red, but I like how the base redness seems to be cut back a bit due to all those antihistamines and mast cell stabilizers.Update August 20, 2013
After 8 days of oral antibiotics, my skin wasn´t too bad. I still think I was less flushed and red than normal, but still very capable of flushing and burning. Tonight (already 5 days after discontinuing the antibiotics) I am old fashioned flushed again; red, burning and back on the cold packs. Was ok´ish today though and I laughed very loudly during dinner from watching a series of clips about Jason Leech from The Apprentice UK (not good for flushing, it triggered it pretty badly for me, plus the heat here and eating crap food today). Feels horrid to be back to the full face burning but lets hope it stays limited to tonight. I received a very nice post (see below) from someone suggesting me to take the pantoprazole in the mornings, as it will work better when food is added. Let´s hope this flushing has got nothing to do with this change of schedule. For some Jason tv (he is the biggest gentleman in the show, very polite, doesn´t like to lie in business, good sense of humor, Jason for president!) see:
Have been flushing all night and woke up today flushed. Grrrr. I am not sure why the very calm skin changed. Am still on the mastocytosis medication, but can think of other little changes of habit, in temperatures and humidity outside and so on that could in theory be behind it. Will keep using it and hope the flares calm down again. Having a whole day of traveling ahead of me, buggers..
Update August 24, 2013
I was a lot paler the first weeks on the masto meds but then last week I got very red, lots of paps en red inflamed patches and flushing. The problem is that I wasn't sure if this resulted from the medication or from something else. I started using a hair mousse last week, to firm your hair as I wanted curls and it has perfume and chemicals in it. It never touched my face, but back in the days I managed to break out in bad acne from nail polish, so I am weary now. So I traveled this week and was a tomatoe last Thursday and I since stopped the meds. I wasn't just red but had these big inflamed bumps under the skin, people actually looked at my face with a worried look, something I usually don't have unless I'm very red indeed. My usual procedure is to stop anything that I recently started with in such a situation, let the skin calm down and then try the medication again. I always do that double test just to eliminate other potential triggers. NO MORE HAIR PRODUCTS lol and no make up either apart from my charcoal black lines. I think it might have been the smoothies I had daily last weeks (I tend to react to too much vitamin C) and the hair product, but I am having such a busy schedule this week socially that I start the meds again next Thursday. One week on just my old meds therefore (clonidine, propranolol, mirtazapine and xyzal). The skin is significantly calmer now but like I said, I also stopped using the hair product and the eye make up and the smoothies. We will take my dada on a week long holiday next Thursday. Flushed tonight, not sure how red it looks in the pictures but it was more red when I looked in the mirror. These type of flushes/redness shades make my face feel really hot and throbbing and give a lot of burning and heat sensations. I cooled it down with a fan and cold packs, wrapped up in a cloth and it subsided again in an hour or 2. The next morning I slept off the extra redness again.
Mastocytosis can be very severe and is kind of rare, as far as I read. But not everyone suffering from it gets the analphalytic shock from eating a peanut.. Some people have just the red hands, face and flushing and tiredness, but most do have skin rashes on top so I am very hesistant about that diagnosis for myself, as I don't have other than facial skin rashes and neither other than facial skin flushes. I actually think I could have something less bad as mastocytosis and just a sensitivity for histmamine or blood vessels and a nervous system that is too reactive for it. I haven't taken the blood test either yet but will next week. I'll add some skin pictures, please don't take offense of my ugly Kermit bath robe :) :) I didn't take pictures of the bad skin unfortunately.. Here it calmed down again. I will in the future keep the camera at hand when flaring badly.
Update August 26, 2013
I started taking the mastocytosis medication again last night, when my skin was not good (red, flushed, burning) and had a great cool night and woke up pretty pale today. Back on track with the trial!
Update August 27, 2013
Update August 31, 2013
Still less red and flushed than normal. I think the new medication is helping to get a big chunk of the edges off the rosacea. I can now eat probiotic yogurt every day without much problems. Eating frozen yogurt too :) I still flush from obvious triggers, like yesterday being at the shore and in the late afternoon sun. But it calms down pretty quickly again as well
Update September 3, 2013
Update September 3rd, 2013
Update September 6, 2013
I emailed my dermatologist a medication update: "Dear Dr. T., I have used the 3 medications that you prescribed me (Inorial, Zaditine and pantoprazole) for about 5 weeks now and things are going pretty good. I still flush but not as much and my skin looks less red as well. When I get in the sun or in a hot room or eat certain foods or get upset, I can still burn and get red, but I think it has improved about 30%. My skin looks less red and angry. I add some pictures, first 2 are taken 2 days ago when skin was calm, 3rd one when I was in a hot car that same day (my skin burned but doesn't look as red as normal and it calmed down again quickly) and the last ones are what my skin looked like in the past when it went bad. I hope I can continue to take these 3. I still have to do the blood test... will do that soon and discontinue the medication first for some days. I have almost no side effects, like you predicted, apart from dry eyes. But I have ocular rosacea, so my eyes were already dry and burning. In the winter my rosacea is usually a lot worse so lets hope that this year will be a bit better in winter :) Thanks and I will make another appointment after the 3 month trial period. best wishes"I added some close ups of the pictures I already added up here, and while looking for past pictures I found some more that weren't posted yet, I think. I can still flush and still do so daily but for shorter periods of time, maybe I have a few hours per day now that I feel red and hot compared to half of the day in the past. I still use a very small fan on low and at a decent distance when I work or sleep by the way.
Now vs 2011
Update September 8, 2013
I might have pushed my luck a bit the last 2 days. Ate a full bag of cashew nuts last night and woke up reddish, then didn't pay too much attention to food either today and had a long walk and was in a warm kitchen, and feeling pretty hot in the face and flushed again :( Was red and burning in the morning, then things calmed down again in the afternoon (outer 2 pics are cut up, cheeks looked more red than is visible, but pics were taken in cool light which seems to dim the color a lot, then red tonight, although again it looks a lot worse in the mirror than on the pc screen). Will go back to strict order and discipline again tomorrow, lets hope it calms down again, soon.
Update September 11, 2013
Skin has not been good the past two days. I blame it on making long walks in relatively warm and humid weather, eating too much yoghurt ice cream (but defending that by only eating that for the past days and comparing it with a liquids only kind of detox tour) and yesterday evening I noticed the yellow build up of dead skin, like pictures in the seb derm post. So I gently removed it with cotton pads and bottled water, but the lose flakes act like a scrub nevertheless, making he underlying skin very red and burning and tight feeling. I hate how my cheeks swell up from the flushing, they literally seem filled with air in these pictures. Flushing less and being more pale seems to really deflate and flatten them.. One good friend now calls me his dear chipmunk :'( (although he picked that name from me mentioning it first, but nevertheless. Gosh we loved watching the Chipmunks as kids and with 3 sisters always battled who could 'be' who in the series, everyone wanting to be the cool red one, but my middle sister always ending up being the blue one with the glasses haha). Flushed most of the night and woke up red, but after cooling with a cold pack and a fan, it calmed down by noon and skin looks kind of pale again at the moment (fingers crossed). But despite mastocytosis meds (and still not knowing if I even have mastocytosis... still need to get it tested) I can defo still get very flushed and sore. It made me so crabby and miserable the past days, but in a way it might be good to be reminded of this underlying rosacea beast, as its probably here to stay. And I had also gotten slightly used to the flush less awakenings each morning. See the difference in cheek puffiness between these pics! Only one a half week in between..
I stopped taking the 3 mastocytosis medications last week for 4 days, but found that the flushing and redness only became worse. Started all 3 again (on top of my regular medication) and my skin was pretty calm since. Until yesterday. Have been feeling flu like for the past week, with a sore throat and nausea, but it just lingered on a bit and didn't impact my flushing. Then the past 2 days its been pretty bad, with bad stomach pains and bad nausea and not being able to keep any food in. Face is pretty red and flushed on the right cheek all day today. Here are some pics of before that flu flare.
Update October 7, 2013
My skin is a nightmare at the moment. I am starting to suspect the mastocytosis medication are the culprit. Its very weird, I feel more flushed and my skin feels more burning and tight, but it looks not too red like 70% of the time. The other 30% I'm really flushed, mainly in mornings and evenings. I think the stuff might make my skin too dry perhaps, hence the tight burning feeling.. I don't know. Stopped taking it a few days and skin was bad, started taking it again and skin was good for 2 days and then back to very bad again. All I know is that before I started taking this stuff, I think I felt less hot and flushed and tight in my face. I had many days where I felt flushed and hot and looked in the mirror and looked only slight pink or even palish. Very werid indeed. Because of that, I have kept using the masto meds, because looking not too red is good, right? But it starts to feel very odd. My skin is not predictable like it used to be. I now flush at other times than before, I am even getting ear flushings the past week and its terrible, although not as bad as full face flushing, but when my ears starts glowing I know its only a matter of time before the rest starts burning too. I skin feels worse than it looks and sometimes looks worse than during a normal flush, I think.. Not sure. I should have made one picture every day for the past 3 months, one in the morning at a fixed time and one in the early evening. That seems the only way to sort of objectively evaluate the effects of it. I'll stop the inorial, pantoprazole and zaditine for a week or two now, and see how that goes. I'm afraid that all those antihistamines might dry my already dry skin out even more. Or that it creates more histamine receptors somehow in my body/skin and makes me more prone to flushing when stopping the meds even?
Had a busy week with social things to do and it has been tough. I'm stressed out about all sorts of work I'm running behind with, got wrapped up in some forum about a tv program called The Mole and spent too much time debating a mole suspect (yeah, for real...) and analyzing shows. Was with friends all day today and flushed all day. The good part of it all, is that they say I look so much less red and swollen now than say 8 years ago. But I feel like I am very badly flushed and I didn't have that before taking this stuff, only when really flushed. Trying to ignore it and bringing my cold packs with me to my sisters place and my friends places. Managed to have a good time with them anyway and with their nice kids, who really don't give a rats about the color of your face seemingly. I also ate very healthy the past months, and especially the past week. Had a massive bout of flu the week before and didn't eat much at all then, and the past week only vegetables and some organic meat and fruits in the evening. And guess what, I think my skin looks worse. Bought some fries and Bounty icec ream tonight, heck I was red already and I feel unflushed and more pale now, 2 hours after. This makes no sense.. Will go back to the old meds; clonidine (0,75 3 times a day), propranolol (40 mg a day), Xyzal (10 mg a day and Mirtazapine; I am feeling so good on 30 mg, upbeat, cheerful, but I am more red and flushed for sure. Tried it several times and always have the same effect. At 15 mg my skin is best but that dose does absolutely nothing for my mood. At 22,5 I feel pretty ok, nothing too great but decent, but seemingly more red than at 15 mg. Gosh we can't win, can we?
(Rant over :) )
I stopped the mastocytosis medication around 6 days ago and my skin seems to get a bit more calm I think.. Less tightness and burning sensations, although the past week was a bad one, skin wise, nevertheless. Pictures are from the past week (3x, red, hot), and this morning (the light picture, calmed down+ obviously not (never) wearing make up and with natural light). As most people with rosacea might know, the way it feels and looks in real life (hence, very red and burned up) isn´t always reflected entirely in the pictures, but I was on fire here. Had to travel a lot in public transport the past weeks as I lost my drivers license and the indoor heat made my rosacea so much worse :( Spent a lot of time behind a fan with cold packs. Today skin is calmer; the last pic was early morning and by now the pinkness/redness has been crawling back up, but its not as red as the past week, thank god. I think the masto meds might have worked well and then made things a bit worse, to be honest. I blame that on the dryness they caused (don't forget, I already took a double dose of Xyzal antihistamine and then these 3 on top, ánd the remeron has anti histamine effects as well). Have been using jojoba oil, diluted with water, on my face, with exception of the inner cheeks (too sensitive for anything, I spare them). I think it has helped a bit as well. My skin looks and feels less painfully dry at least since stopping the masto meds. Am a bit disappointed however, that the high expectations and good initial results didn´t seem to continue. It´s so difficult to be certain the worsening was from those medication,as it went well in the beginning and because there are soooo many variables and so many potential triggers that could have caused this, instead of those medication. But I stopped and restarted now a couple of times and I keep having the nagging intuition feeling that I am doing worse the past months when I take the meds... So will stay away from them for a few more weeks and then re evaluate.
I have been off the mastocytosis medicaton for the past weeks and my skin is a lot more calm now than the last week or two on the meds. Very little flushing and I can make long walks in the evenings again without flaring too much, so I think the mastomeds experiment failed for me personally. I do think they can help other rosacea patients in theory. The antihistamine Xyzal helps me a lot and I have been taking it for the past 7 years, but I suspects that adding too many different antihistamines on top of each other and to the mix, might affect our skin in a negative way, making it more dry and therefore prone to flushing. So I stick to my current meds:
*clonidine: 0,075 mg (75 mcg), taken 3 times a day, every 8 hours
*propranolol 40 mg, once a day
*Xyzal, 10 mg once a day
*mirtazapine, 22,5 mg once a day (at night)
I wished I could up the mirtazapine to 30 or even upwards, as I have been feeling low and struggled with some depression again lately and it takes so much energy to keep going and stay positive and active some times, but as soon as I up the mirtazapine to 30 I get worse flushing again. So I stick to 22,5 mg and try to exercise myself to happiness :)
December 25, 2013
I finally got tested for Tryptase and was very low, well within the normal range. My levels were 1,8 μg/l, while the normal range goes up to 11,4 μg/l and mastocytosis patients tend to have 67 μg/l according to PubMed. I also started using zaditen and inorial (1 instead of 2 pills this time per day) again the past week and feel it helps me to stay more pale. I think the pantoprazole made my rosacea worse, not these 2 meds I continued using again. I was asked: `Have you ever had testing for allergy, mastocytosis, histamine intolerance, and mast cell activation syndrome?` Apart from being tested (negative) on tryptase, I have been tested on IgG and IgE allergy levels in a blood test, also negative. Based on that there so far seems no need for extra testing but I do have elevated ANA levels (not related to allergy or histamine though). See derm in 2 weeks so will ask how its possible to have a negative tryptase test result but still see improvement in flushing redness and rosacea on these antihistamines. The rosacea is still there by the way, just looking a lot less bad and I don't have the constant flushing issue now.